Seeded Popovers

Popovers are the most delightful thing my oven produces - sky-high and billowy. Here's my go-to recipe, a few tips, and the overall technique I use.

Seeded Popovers

The most delightful thing my oven produces is the popover. Gougères are a close second, but a seeded popover, like this one, wins for sheer drama. They're golden-crusted bready crescendos made from the simplest ingredients. A crunchy exterior belies a billowy eggy interior that absolutely begs for a slather of compound butter or honey. Popovers are worth learning to make well. This task, I'll be honest, takes a bit of practice. I've chipped away at my recipe and approach over the years and thought I'd post it here today to encourage you to give them a go. So fun, so good, and endlessly adaptable.
freshly baked seeded popovers cooling on a countertop

Popovers: Before You Start

I'm going to talk about technique down below, but before you dive down the rabbit hole related to the endless number of popover techniques out there, you really want to make sure your oven is on point. Make sure you have even constant heat and good control over temperature. A blast of heat in the beginning gets that upward push going, then a more gentle heat cooks the popovers through while allowing a beautiful crust to develop. Just know, while a bad run of popovers might not be pretty, they'll likely be tasty regardless.
dry ingredients for making seeded popovers in a mixing bowl


Before we get to the recipe, I'll mention that just about every variable related to making popovers is up for discussion. This is whether you’re talking about the recipe or the technique. There is debate on what type of flour to use, baking powder vs. no baking powder, batter resting time, oven temperature, food processor vs. blender vs. mixer, preheating the baking tins or not, etc.
popover batter being mixed by an electric mixer
People are passionate, they’re emphatic. Some famous popover recipes use a much higher ratio of flour than I do here, I just never had any success with that. I've written a few tips into this recipe, deriving from things I've learned the hard way - for example, it is absolutely worth dirtying a pitcher and using it to quickly fill your pans. So, the recipe below includes everything that has worked for me over the years, the keys to delivering reliable popover beauties. Have fun!
popover baking pans arranged on a countertop

The Fill Line

One last detail to be mindful of. How full should you fill popover pans? I fill my tins a hint over 1/2 full with batter, and get great pop. I've gone higher, but sometimes get spillover, particularly with an eggier batter. Good luck friends - let me know how it goes!
freshly baked seeded popovers just out of the oven on a counter

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Seeded Popovers

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I use individual timbales here, but you can use a special popover pan or muffin tin. Deep and narrow tins get great results, but muffin tins deliver the delight as well. And If you opt out of the seeds, you're back to my basic popover recipe. Feel free to swap in chopped dried or fresh herbs, grated cheese, spices, zests, etc.

  • 2 cups / 475 ml whole milk
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 2 cups / 9 ounces / 255 g unbleached all-purpose flour
  • 1 1/4 teaspoons fine grain sea salt
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 cup / 1.5 oz / 45 g raw, uncooked millet seeds
  • 2 tablespoons / .5 oz / 15 g toasted sesame seeds
  • 2 tablespoons / .5 oz / 15 g toasted sunflower seeds
  • 5 large eggs, room temperature(!)
  1. Start by preheating your oven to 425°F / 220°C, with a rack in the low-center. If you're using popover or muffin pans, grease them, I like to use clarified butter. If you're using individual timbales (like I did), do the same. Place the tins on a baking sheet, preferably rimmed.
  2. Place the milk and butter in a medium saucepan and gently heat until it is warm to the touch, not more than 115°F/45°C - you don't want to scramble the eggs down the line. Remove from heat.
  3. Sift the flour, salt, and baking powder into a large bowl. Stir in the millet, sesame seeds, and sunflower seeds. Set aside.
  4. Now you're going to whisk the eggs. It's important to start with room-temperature eggs here, using an electric mixer with the whisk attachment at medium-high speed. It'll take a couple of minutes, but you want the eggs to get nice and voluminous, light, and take on the color of yellow taffy (see photo up above). Dial back the mixer speed, and add the milk in a slow, steady stream. Gradually add the flour mixture a bit at a time, and whisk for another 60 seconds. Transfer to a pitcher.
  5. Preheat the empty popover pans in the oven for five minutes. Quickly, but carefully, remove them (you don't want to let all the heat from the oven), and fill each tin 1/2 full with batter, maybe a touch more. If you're using muffin pans, fill every other hole, to give room for the popover. Transfer to the hot oven carefully (but quickly!), and dial back the heat to 400°F. Bake for 30-45 minutes. I hate to give exact times here, I really go by sight. Without opening the oven look for deep golden coloring on all sides, and lots of airy lift.
  6. Bake as long as you can without letting the tops get too dark, if you let them bake on the long side, you'll end up with more structure, which helps keep your popovers puffed when they come out of the oven. When golden, remove, turn out onto a cooling rack, and enjoy as soon as possible.

Makes 6-8 large popovers.

Prep Time
20 mins
Cook Time
50 mins
Total Time
1 hr 10 mins
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Heidi…I DID IT! Very first attempt at making popovers & your recipe was a dream. I didn’t know what to expect when I opened that oven door and WOW ~ they were beautiful! Substituted fresh herbs for the seeds and served with a lobster bisque last night for dinner {you can see how they turned out on my website “”}…Many thanks for another wonderful recipe!


Hi! I make gluten free popovers (from a blend of rice flours and starches, which are very light), I do add baking powder and room temp eggs. I use a blender, which I like because I can pour from. I heat my pop over pan with dabs of butter in each ‘tin’. I have never had trouble with them, but I used to in my ‘glutened’ past. I’ve used herbs and cheese, I never thought to make them seeded though! Thank you for a wonderful blog!


Hi Heidi…You inspire each day to be a more thoughtful chef.
Can you please tell where to find the popover tins that you used for this recipe…:) Heidi Rae

Heidi Rae

    Hi Heidi – Keep an eye out at second-hand/antique stores, flea markets and yard sales.

    Heidi Swanson

The popovers are mouth watering and I actually can’t have my eyes off the image. I don’t cook usually but I am surely gonna try these. They look amazingly delicious.

David Bloom

It’s funny. I just started making popovers one day (Joy of Cooking) and never thought that they were hard. I don’t do anything special and I generally only make about 6. They’ve always turned out well. I like to put some cheese in mine.
On the other hand, I make a lot of stuff that just rises due to egg action (such as torten), so maybe they are easy compared to most of that.


oh they look so yummy – never tried them before but maybe this weekend 🙂


my family loves these, we call them yorksire puddings! I add fresh chopped rosemary and serve them with roast beef and gravy! yummy. I love your cups, and might even try to find some, usually I cook them in a large cup muffin tin. I love your photography as well.


Hi, Heidi,
I’ve never made popovers but my British husband makes yorkshire puddings, which are essentially the same thing. I don’t know the recipe, but I know he uses spelt flour, so if you’re looking for a whole grain option that’s something to try. He mixes his batter in the blender and then lets it rest before baking. It’s very thin, like crepe batter, and I’m always amazed at how much it puffs up. Also, he uses a very shallow pan that looks almost like the kind sold for making whoopie pies. I was skeptical at first but they consistently turn out great.


These popovers looks mouthwatering! I haven’t heard about them. I’m going to try them! Great photos!
Zoe xxx

Zoe Alexander

I used to make popovers for my kids when they were young. Haven’t made them in years, but you’ve inspired me!
wonder how my elevation (6500 feet) will affect them???

Rocky Mountain Woman

I’ve never heard about popovers. You’ll never stop learning! I’ll try in the week end for sure, many many thanx, so much inspiration from you.
ciao! barbara, italy


ooooh, i think i’m going to replace my saturday morning pancakes with these beauties!

dervla @ the curator

It surely is a science. What a beautiful experiment, at that. I shall try them, thank you! Cannot wait for that golden crust and butter…
Heidi xo

Heidi - Apples Under My Bed

How I wish I can find those timbales out here. Any pointers to a specific store out in Bay area? I have no idea about the flea markets!
My previous attempts at popovers haven’t been good but these timbales might just coax me into it. I love how you use the seeds……


    Hi DK: Try Cookin’ on Divisadero in SF, or the Alameda Flea market – first Sunday of each month!

    Heidi Swanson

They remind me about the swabian dish called “pfitzauf” – always scary to watch the oven if they will do it


This recipe looks great. I’m from London and whilst I have tried popovers before in the State’s – and loved them! – I have never seen them in England. We do however have something very similar called Yorkshire puddings – we serve them with our Sunday roast dinner and if you like popovers you will love them. They use the same rich eggy batter and methods and recipes for making them are just as highly debated. British chef Delia Smith has a great recipe 🙂 There is also a great British dish that incorporates them- Toad in The hole. The original recipe calls for sausages but is easily veggified with delicious results!


Hi Heidi
I am going to add this to my long list of your recipes that I plan to try. I am really just taking this opportunity to say that I have been cooking from your blog for months and haven’t thanked you yet. I got Super Natural Every Day last month and have already cooked many delicious things from it. I love how you think and write about food, love the photos, and love how it seems like the ideas and flavours from your recipes seem to trickle into the rest of my cooking as well. I am a huge fan.

Sarah L

    Thanks Sarah!

    Heidi Swanson

I love to bring out the popovers, but after trying them on my own, I have found that King Arthur sells a popover mix that is no-fail, and SO delicious. !!!

Jayne Rogers

These look incredible. I have always been so nervous to try making popovers but this recipe makes it seem so easy! Thanks for sharing!
xx Kait

Kait @ ChickadeeSays

Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous. Popovers scare me a bit, but maybe this beautiful recipe will give me a little bit of courage 🙂


Oh. How. Cute.
I haven’t made popovers in years! I’m going to have to try these, thank you!

A Bit of Brooklyn

I love popovers and haven’t made them in a few years. What a delightful little twist poppy seeds would be!


Heidi, These are absolutely stunning!


Wow I am embarrassed to say but I never have heard of a popover. Not sure we have them here in Australia. I think I would love to give them a go though. They look delicious.


Oh my goodness, these popovers look just AMAZING! I have always envied people who make popovers, maybe now I will finally attempt them! Thank you 🙂

Angela @ the fairy bread chronicles

We love popovers, and make them fairly regularly on Sunday. I never thought of putting seeds into them, though. What a great idea! Poppy seed popovers… YUM.

Marion in Savannah

Heidi, where did you get the gorgeous timbales?


    A second hand store! Keep your eyes peeled out there – flea markets, antique stores, yard sales, etc.

    Heidi Swanson

I’ve never even had popovers let alone make them (intimidating! they’re like bread souffle, and I just can’t handle it), but boy these are just darling. And, I bet, pretty delicious.

Meister, The Nervous Cook

Oh my goodness, these popovers look just AMAZING! I have always envied people who make popovers, maybe now I will finally attempt them! Thank you 🙂

Angela @ the fairy bread chronicles

I tried a million recipes that ended in failure. Then I went to a class on High altitude baking by Susan Purdy. I purchased her book called “Pie in the Sky” . Problem solved. Her recipe for Popovers has the ingredient amounts depending on your altitude. ALTITUDE! Who knew??? Your popovers are over the top lovely.

Janet Barton

These sound fantastic. I’ve long wanted to try making popovers and am thrilled to have this as a guide. In addition to some much needed cake, I think I’m officially making popovers my weekend project!


Thanks, as always, for the lovely post, Heidi. I’ve been making popovers for decades, mostly from BH&G like frawg. Critical parts seem to be room temperature eggs and hot, preheated pan. Have never used soda or powder. I find best release with well oiled, non-stick metal pans, even muffin tins. My custard cup ones always seem to stick. Lisa, yes, use your regular setting, not the convection. If you can heat from just the bottom, do so. Going to go get my seeds together!

Suz in Santa Cruz

Thanks, Heidi. I’ve tried popovers several times, but never had good luck with them. I have a convection oven, which I figured was ruining them. Should I turn off convection and heat oven from the bottom or top or both? I have options. Thank you and readers for any help you can give.

Lisa W.

    Try from the bottom, and then late in the game (if you have the control) kick in the top for color and to finish.

    Heidi Swanson

Your recipe and technique are a long way above my favorite recipe. I will have to give this a try sometime, minus the seeds, however as we have a sesame allergy in a friend we bake for a lot, so no seeds here.
My favorite recipe is the one in the Better Homes & Gardens Cookbook – the old version. I adore popovers and have made many successful batches using simple muffin tins and with a lot of delicious ingredients including cheddar & bacon; or pizza toppings. I will have to try your recipe too – someday when the kitchen is calmer than it is here now days.


I make popovers all the time. There was a decade or so of rage, when I could not figure out if the popovers would pop (I made my share of hockey pucks) or if they would stick to the buttered muffin tins (which they did about 50% of the time no matter which method I followed). I did have success using other people’s cast-iron popover pans, but never had one of my own.
Then I discovered the joys of silicon muffin pans. I now preheat the oven to 400 or 425, put batter (*without* baking powder, which I think spoils the taste and texture) into cold silicon muffin pans placed on a baking sheet, and the results have been consistently spectacular. They pop up splendidly and they release perfectly from the silicon. I like my grandmother’s recipe, slightly modified from Fannie Farmer: 1 cup flour sifted with 1 tsp salt; 2 eggs, 1 1/4 cup of milk, 1 T melted butter. Combine the dry ingredients in one bowl, the eggs, butter and milk in another. Add the dry to the wet, gradually beating or whisking. Small lumps are fine, don’t worry, but let batter sit for at least 30 minutes before pouring into the muffin pans. I bake at 425 for 10 minutes then turn down to 400 for another 30 minutes.


These look so fun! I happen to have a beautiful popover pan scored for a couple of bucks from a thrift shop. Maybe I’ll have to actually try it out! Thanks for the recipe.


Yes, in the UK these (without the added seeds) are known as yorkshire puddings. Most of the recipes there use a 12-hole bun tin in which you divide the the fat (normally for 12 puddings you would use 1 oz butter, dripping or lard! – in your case it would be oil) and heat it in the tins in a fairly hot oven (200C/400F) until very hot, then pour in the batter on top. I’ve only made a couple of times but turned out fine.


Do you mean regular millet used as a grain? Or is millet seed something different from what I’m used to? If millet works would quinoa work as well?
Also, do I have to use white flour or will whole wheat be too heavy for this?
Thanks, looking forward to trying different variations.


    Hi Sari – I do mean millet as a grain. Uncooked. Quinoa behaves differently – it’s not a straight swap.

    Heidi Swanson

I’ve never made popovers before, but I’ve been working on cracking finicky recipes lately (just pulled a great ciabatta out of the oven!), so maybe I’ll give these a try after I master crumpets and croissants. 😀


Gorgeous, Heidi! I have been meaning to make popovers for far too long; your clear instruction, paired with these stunning photographs, may be just the prompting I need to finally get in the kitchen and give them a go.


So seedy! But in a good way of course 😉

Brandon @ Kitchen Konfidence

What would you think of substituting poppy and/or flax seeds for one or two of the other seeds? I don’t have millet in the house but I have poppy, flax, sunflower, and sesame. And, I must make these popovers


    Hi Blair – yes! give it a try although the flax might be a nice sprinkle for the crust instead if in the batter?

    Heidi Swanson

These are so cute. I love all the seeds…and containers. Very nice.


Those pictures are spectacular! Love the idea of millet and seeds – they look absolutely scrumptious. I have yet to try popovers, though I’ve made your gougère recipe countless times, and I never realized how similar the two base batters are. Can’t wait to try this recipe out. A friend gave me some smoked damson plum jam from Blue Chair that, I think, would be a happy pairing with these beauties. Oh, and I’ve been living off of the broccoli gribiche from SNE – yum! Thank you for the endless inspiration, Heidi. 🙂


    Thanks Alanna! Love hearing you like the gribiche That is a favorite of mine for sure. xo

    Heidi Swanson

Love the look of these, especially in those sweet little tins!

Lottie :: Oyster & Pearl

Love the look of these, especially in those sweet little tins!

Lottie :: Oyster & Pearl

These are stunning! I would love to try this recipe. It must be hard not to peer through the oven door and watch them grow. I love how humble you are about your technique. Wonderful!


I love making popovers, and these look amazing! The flecks from the seeds are absolutely gorgeous.

Little Kitchie

Heidi, I love popovers, and the seeds just make this recipe more alluring. When I read your posts, I see a kindred spirit, in that you are quite the scientist, attending to every detail, experimenting for that splendid outcome.
I just bought an addition to my own kitchen. It’s a green-embroidered sign that says: Kitchens are made to bring families together. There is nothing like the welcoming smell of breads wafting through the house.


I have several dozen popover recipes in my collection but there is one that I continue going to which I found on Leite’s Culinaria. It is from Shirley Corriher’s book BaseWise and is called Shirley’s mile-high popovers. It is not hard to make but does take time. First it has no butter, soda or baking powder. The recipe calls for 2 whole eggs, 3 egg whites, whole milk, heavy cream, flour & salt. I heat the milk, whisk it in the flour and let it sit for 1 hour. The explanation for this is that it hydrates the flour. I wonder if this technique would work with the heavier whole wheat flour. I follow the recipe exactly including having a cheap Mexican tile in the oven. My popover pan is a rack of six wells and large to start with. These beauties become huge and gorgeous. Tastes amazing.


The popovers look delicious.

Lail | With A Spin

Oh my days, these look incredible! Looks like I already have plans for what to bake at the weekend then…
Lucy xo

Lucy Wilkinson

I love your images and recipes. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

Jennifer Thomson

Oh, delicious! I can’t wait to try these. My mom used to make them, but somehow, I never have. I wonder if it is possible to make them with Whole Wheat Pastry flour? I will have to try that…
HS: Hi Rosalie – Let me know if you give it a try!

Rosalie (The Joyful Pantry)

Wonderful pics! Popovers look so cute and delicious!


Your popovers look amazing! These are something I truly miss since having to go gluten free … I’ve attempted GF versions, but none can compare to those using regular all purpose flour. But I can just dreamily imagine how delicious these are through your gorgeous photos!

Georgina | Gorging George

Oh yum yum and yum! The photos turned out absolutely beautifully. LOVE the look of popovers, they are truly a work of art IMHO in the baking world. Inspiration!!!


Wow, these look soooo good! I love this idea because it’s a little different than most baked goods you can make for some guests for a low-key day.
I wish I had one now for breakfast 🙂

Lauren | Sweet Splendor

Oh my goodness, Heidi…these are GORGEOUS! Somehow, popovers are one of the very first things I learned to bake on my own & this year I’ve started passing that early-learned skill onto my four year old niece. These seeded ones will be our next delicious adventure for sure — thank you!

spoon&sailor letterpress

These popovers look so delightful. I have never tried my hands at them more so because of the fear of failure. Looking at yours motivated me to try them soon!


Thank you for the tips here H — particularly the notes with respect to the heavier flours. What are some of your favorite things to slather on top of these goodies?

Noelle @ greenlemonade

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. These are the pimpest little things I’ve ever seen. I mean seed! Get it? (sorry)

Bev @ Bev Cooks

I am so into seeds right now… it is like you read my mind with these popovers! They are so gorgeous and dramatic. I can’t wait to try. Thank you!


Love the way your popovers pop over so nicely! Something about them that just gets the appetite going.

leaf (the indolent cook)

I love the crunch of millet in baked goods, ever since I made your millet muffins with honey + lemon! Thanks for another great use for millet 🙂


My daughters love gluten-free popovers (we just sub in a gf flour blend)… I never thought of adding anything to them (although I have seen cheese versions). Knowing my kids I think they would prefer chocolate chips! (But I would like the seed version.)

Dawn @cuter than gluten

I’ve made popovers once before but have A LOT to learn! these look incredible!

Simply Life

Never baked a popover in my life. I do like a good challenge though.
Will I be up to the task? I guess I’ll need to give it a go in order to establish this


These look gorgeous. I have to make these. I just bought all the seeds. 🙂


Caz – they’re yorkshire puddings!!!
These do look scrummy. They’re also good with a spoon of wholegrain mustard in the mix. Yum!!


I love your photographs! these popovers look delicious!

Jenny @ BAKE

Beautiful popovers! I use my grandmother’s recipe which she brought from Massachusetts in the early 1900s. They pop everytime and I’ve never heated the milk. To anyone having trouble with them sticking, I grease the muffin pan with real butter everytime and after baking, I use hot water to clean the pan, never dishsoap. This preserves the seasoning one also gives to cast iron frying pans. I’m going to fix mine with the seeds sometimes; they look scrumptious!


I love how you seriously get a huge POP with your popovers. Those babies are poppin’ right out! And I love the little tins you made them in. I have always contemplated investing in a popover pan but they’re so clunky and take up so much room! Something like this, just to stack in the cupboard is just so much smarter!
Where did you get the timbales as you call them?

Averie @ Averie Cooks

Beautiful popovers, Heidi.
I am surprised at all the hullabaloo over popovers! I don’t remember having any trouble making these even as a novice cook. They went out of favor with me because a) they were an accompaniment to roast beef … and we stopped eating beef, and b) they were just a white flour concoction with no real redeeming qualities.
So it’s been a couple of decades since I’ve made these, but with the addition of the seeds, I’m game to have a go at it again! Thank you.

Primordial Soup

I recently tried popovers for the first time, with great success. My kids fell in LOVE with them!!! The next time I made them, they were a flop, literally. No popping at all, I ended up with small dense pucks. I did everything exactly the same, except I used a different oven as my old one was replaced. Thanks for this recipe and all of the tips, I’m going to give them a try this weekend.


These look incredible!Oh my day look like I already have plans for what to bake at the weekend then


thanks for sharing; I love your images and recipes.


I absolutely LOVE popovers and am so excited to try your recipe because of the addition of the different types of seeds. YUM!

Christina @ The Beautiful Balance

lovely post, as usual. I make a version of these with matzo meal for Passover, depending only on the beaten eggs for the rise, as leavening is prohibited during the Passover holiday.


What would you think of substituting poppy and/or flax seeds for one or two of the other seeds? I don’t have millet in the house but I have poppy, flax, sunflower, and sesame. And, I must make these popovers


My go to recipe came from my mom….the secret is to accurately measure the flour, so I sift directly into a flat top metal measuring cup.
Ratio is 1 cup flour to 1 cup milk, 3 eggs, 1/3 cup melted butter or oil and a dash of salt. Into a hot oven 450 for 15 mins then the oven gets turned down to 400 to finish off a half hour more. Turn off at 45 mins, prick the sides with a skewer to dry out the inside a bit then shut the oven door for 5 mins with the heat off. Perfect every time. Room temp eggs and milk is the way we do it and in a blender but have done with mixer also, usually resting while the oven heats up. I use popover pan and oil the pan.


Soooooooooo pretty! I love them already!


Oh my goodness, these popovers look just AMAZING! I have always envied people who make popovers, maybe now I will finally attempt them! Thank you 🙂

Angela @ the fairy bread chronicles

Growing up in a Jewish household there was never a shortage of popovers at family dinners but I have never seen a popover that is so beautiful to look at! The addition of seeds gets rids of the visual monotony that most popovers are known for and makes them much more appealing. I think how the food looks plays such a big role in if you are inclined to eat it at all! I also love the timbales. Very much your style!

Allie @ The Nutritional Epiphany

I have never heard of popovers before – we just don’t have them in Ireland. But you spoke the magic words – gougeres. And they are the most fabulous recipe I’ve made from your blog, Heidi! Are these similar in texture, or closer to a muffin/cake? I love the millet in your supernatural millet muffins, so another use for that ingredient is promising – would these freeze???
Thanks – this is a steep learning curve for the non-American baker!


These popovers look so impressive and I love how you include seeds and millet too. Popovers aren’t something we have in the UK so it’s all new to me. As a gluten free person it might be a bit of a challenge but I can apreciate how lovely they look. 🙂


I have been making popovers for years, always served with Honey-butter. My first recipe mixed everything in the blender. It was a grand success, but I must have gotten careless because the next time they failed to pop up, and every time I tried thereafter until I finally learned to beat them gently. I mix them by hand now, and my popovers pop! My only complaint is often they stick in my non-stick popover pans even with generous greasing, or PAM spray. That is so frustrating. I sometimes use Pyrex custard cups, that (because of their shape) release the popovers easier, but the popovers come out smaller and rounder. And the custard cups don’t sit easily on the oven rack. I didin’t think I could use a baking sheet to hold them, because I thought the heat had to flow up between them. Now I will try a tray. If it works for me, we’ll have them more often. In this cold weather I need to bake to heat the kitchen.


How fun do these look all lined up in a row? It seems as though everyone has been baking lately! I’m seeing all the blogs go through a bread recipe, but this one is by far the most professional looking! I’m going to have to make these for my next fancy dinner, but practice before so I don’t pop too much over. 🙂

Diane @ Vintage Zest

This is so, so helpful! I’ve never made popovers before for the same reason I’ve never made a souffle – I’m intimidated by the “finicky-ness” of the recipe. Thanks for breaking it down in a way that makes it easy to understand! I’m looking forward to attempting this soon 🙂

Anjali @ The Picky Eater

Oh my goodness, these popovers look just AMAZING! I have always envied people who make popovers, maybe now I will finally attempt them! Thank you 🙂

Angela @ the fairy bread chronicles

Caz, it is funny you say that. My mom makes these, but calls the Yorkshire Puddings and she got the recipe from my father’s British family. I thought they were ‘quintessentially UK’!


Lovely! My favorite way to cook these is using small terra cotta pots! Friends always love the look–me too. This is not an original idea, but I thought I’d pass it along!


Where do you get those timbales? I’m beyond frustrated with the non-stick popover pans that are only as good as the coating lasts. Restaurant supply or???
Looking forward to exploring your recipe. I’ve made them successfully using a simpler approach of just throwing together the ingredients quickly at any old temperature, but the results are not 100% consistent. But yes, always tasty.


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