Favorites List (03.17.15)
A look at my book in the Ten Speed fall 2015 catalog & a new favorites list.

The Fall 2015 Ten Speed Press catalog did the dive through my mail slot the other day, and it looks incredible. I feel so fortunate to be in such good company. This is the point for me in the book process where things start to get very real. Behind the scenes, we're still putting some of the final touches on pages, tweaking little details here and there, but the catalog announces what is not far over the horizon. I took a few snapshots of the Near & Far catalog pages so you can see how things are shaping up (I'll thread them in below), I'm also chipping away at a post related to the cookbook proposal process that I'll try to publish soon. In the meantime, here are a few favorites - I've been sitting on some of the links here for a while, apologies, and enjoy! -h
Criterion top ten lists: Jane Campion, Lena Dunham, Andrew Weil, Rodarte
- To Visit: Oaxaca
- Watching: Ida
- Listening to: Bob Dylan's Theme Time Radio (for ex: weather, drinking, flowers, moon)
- To restore: Louis Kahn's Clever House
Photo spread: Near & Far: Recipes Inspired by Home and Travel
- Joan Didion documentary
- Watching: Broad City & The Honorable Woman
- To drink: Coconut Citrus Sunshine Smoothie
- To eat: Vegetarian Pho
- Looking forward to this.
- Palm necklaces & petite knives
- If you see everything all at once, it's too much and you don't see anything
- A First Look (congrats Tara!)
- Basquiat notebooks
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Congrats on your new book. Looking forward to see if you’re succeeding with the things from the list. Keep up!
Dear Heidi,
May I make a suggestion?
For years I have been using your website for inspiration. I love your unique and almost all inclusive way of incorporating ingredients/ condiments and now implements ( quito!) from around the world.
I know you are just finishing up on the latest cookbook . However, I would like to ask and or plant a seed re a cookbook geared toward children? My daughter has helped me become healthier since the day I found I was pregnant ( and discover what a not so healthy eater I am. ) I cook very simply for her and very healthy. After four 1/2 years of being a short order chef, and not being able to eat many “adult recipes” of yours with her because the wonderful condiments ( harissa, red pepper flakes, kalamata olives, even dijon mustard and black pepper ) are too strong her her tiny developing palette. Often times – these ingredients literally make the dish so special and without them the dish is not even a former less tasty version of itself. I can imagine the sweet images that would compliment such a tome and it might prove a new and different challenge for you to incorporate herbs and spices that even the wee ones could enjoy and expand their little worlds. I know the children’s cookbook market is full of other books on eating ” healthy” but believe me shaved carrot sticks and salmon covered with cheddar cheese are an abomination! Children deserve so much more than this. With the interest in alternative grains and eliminating dairy for kids the field actually seems ready for someone to plant some new ideas our there.
I would be grateful for your consideration.
p.s. Daughter and I love the quinoa patties from super natural everyday.
I absolutely love Bob Dylan’s Theme Time Radio! Thanks for providing this gem!
there are some gorgeous things in the links i’ve explored already. i’m looking forward to navigating the rest of them. also looking forward to the launch of your new book – some of our favourite recipes are from the two i currently have x
I somehow managed to lose track of your blog for awhile, but cook out of Super Natural Every Day religiously. Just made my way back, saw that you have a new cookbook and pre-ordered right away. I trust your recommendations and advice completely!
Thank you for reminding me to take time and allow myself to be creative. As a small business owner, I get carried away with all the things I have to do and have been failing on really spending time finding the things that I value. Please know that I, like so many others, are encouraged by your words, photographs, and recipes. Blessings, Elizabeth
Can’t wait for your new book – your taste is impeccable!
And thank you so much for introducing me to the Theme Time Radio Hour with Bob Dylan!
I’m an ENORMOUS Dylan fan and had never heard of it!
My middle son, another enormous fan, and I are having so much fun listening.
Heidi, I can hardly wait to get my hands on your new book- it looks beautiful! I had a great laugh over the Food 52 post… Oddly enough, I had just sat down to check your site after finishing a bowl of that very soup- one of my all-time favourites. Thanks for putting so much love and care into what you do.
I am so excited for your book! I have a spot ready on my bookshelf for it, right next to your other books.
I am also super excited for that Joan Didion doc!
Theme Time Radio is fantastic! thanks, it helped me thru 2 days of baking 🙂
I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of Near and Far. It looks so wonderful. Congratulations!
I’ve been a fan of yours for a long time, Heidi. My copy of Super Natural Everyday is tattered and well-loved. Flipping through that Ten Speed catalog was such a thrill. Good company indeed!
Looking forward to the fall. : )
Congratulations on the new book Heidi. Cant wait for it to come around. The heart is palpitating and my taste buds are in a frenzy. Bring us Oaxaca!
I am really looking forward to purchasing your new cookbook. It looks absolutely beautiful! On a side note, is it possible to sign up for the Ten Speed Press catalog? I went to their website but did not find a place to register. I would love to receive their catalog in the mail, it looks great. If you can point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it. Thank you! 🙂
Ida is a fantastic movie–very powerful and stark. If you like(d) it, I highly recommend Leviathan, which is an amazingly bleak (hardly the most enticing description, I’m sure), but heartbreakingly beautiful portrait of modern Russia.
I have been to Oaxaca, and I can confirm that it is a foodie’s paradise … check it out this year folks!
YAYYYYY!!!! Heidi, I’m so excited for your new book! It’s going to be your best work yet!!! Thanks for all your inspiration. I will be publishing my cookbook later this year!
Thanks for the link to Theme Time Radio. I have been trying to access this for a long time, without success.
Looking forward to your new book! And thanks for this list – love the Vegetarian Pho!
Love this favorites list, especially the Joan Didion documentary – which I am waiting with baited breath to see. Congrats on the book, Heidi. As always, can’t wait to see what you come up with next.
Great list, Heidi. So thrilled about the Didion doc!
So excited for your cookbook – photo spread looks fantastic!
always a pleasure, this favorites list !
i don’t know if you have seen but ‘goodbye to all that’ is about to be a movie !! http://deadline.com/2015/03/didion-good-bye-to-all-that-feature-1201392313/
It was fun investigating your links =) Although I think my favorite was the recipe for Coconut Citrus Sunshine Smoothie. That takes me right on vacation without the cost. And I know this is terrible, but my husband hates coconut (so many men if not all men hate coconut, I’ve done polls on this!) Anyhow, I’ll actually get to sip my smoothie without him stealing it on me!
Can’t wait for your new book!!!
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