Fridge Crawl #01 – What’s in my Refrigerator Right Now Recipe

A video snapshot of what is in my refrigerator right now.

Fridge Crawl #01 – What’s in my Refrigerator Right Now

Hi everyone! So, you know that photo series that I do on Instagram? The one where every month or so, I take a snapshot of the inside of my refrigerator? Today I thought it might be fun to try a video version of it. With the photos it's kind of cool because you can really see how the contents and ingredients evolve and change depending on the season. I'm hoping this will translate to video as well. In case there are questions related to the specifics - products, recipes, etc., I'm including links here. Also(!) If you shoot something similar (photo or video) tag it #fridgecrawl - It would be fun to highlight other refrigerators from around the world in the future :)! -h


Monogram Counter-Depth French-Door Refrigerator (link) #notsponsored

There have been a good number of questions about our refrigerator. In short, we've had it for months now (after the old refrigerator broke). And I really love the counter-depth and French doors. Ingredients tend to stay right up front, because you don't have a lot of depth for things to get shoved to the back of the refrigerator.


Homemade Green Powder //
Pickled Turmeric Eggs // Recipe
Wildflower Bee Pollen //
Five Minute Tomato Sauce // Recipe //
Matcha // (Link)
Amla & Fenugreek Chutney // Flower To Fruit (Oakland, CA)
Macrobiotic Rice Blend
Sacha Inchi nuts // (Link)
Cave-aged Chandoka // (Link)
Eggs (Link)

Figs in something boozy + flower extract
Coconut Milk
Prash // (Link)
Vitamin C Honey
Job's Tears
Creme Fraiche // (Link)
Miso // (Link)
Plain Greek Yogurt // (Link)
Coconut Cream & Mango Cream(!) // (Link)
Coconut & Avocados & Hemp Hearts
Chyawanprash // (Link)
Homemade Savory Power Powder
Big bag of Flax
Sheep's Milk Yogurt // (Link)


Camu Camu Powder // (Link)
Coconut Water // (Link)
Wingspan Rose // (Link)
Vida Juice Jun Tonic // (Link)
Almonds Soaking // Recipe //
Baby kale & wasabi arugula & micro greens
Leeks & lots of brussels sprouts


MUSIC // Erykah by Otis McDonald //

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What are the stunning food storage jars you have?


    Hi Dave – there are a good number of Weck jars back there. And then I re-use a lot of jars from different products I buy.

    Heidi Swanson

Hi Heidi! I’m loving these videos. Would you mind sharing a little about your production process?


That is a ridiculously tidy fridge!! I love it 🙂 I’m inspired.


So lovely Heidi! Do you find there is a difference between the Prash and Chyawanprash? I currently have the Chyawanprash but have been wanting to try Sun Potion’s Prash as well. xoxo

HS: Hi Ariela – they are quite different in taste – both delicious. I think the first might be fermented (?), not 100% sure, and it seems to be a traditional formula. Sun potion also has other SP staples in the ingredient list.


your fridge looks so tidy!


Hi Heidi, I’m a long time reader of yours, this is my first time commenting though. I really enjoy the videos you’ve been doing. I would love to know what goes into your savory power powder.


Would you be willing to share the recipe for your homemade green powder? Thanks!


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