Red Pesto Ravioli Recipe

For the sun-dried tomato lovers out there. Goat-cheese raviolis tossed in a sun-dried tomato red pesto sauce, served over baby spinach.

Red Pesto Ravioli

This one is for Wayne who has a real soft-spot for sun-dried tomatoes. He says to me - they are to tomatoes what espresso is to coffee. No doubt, there are many things to like about sun-dried tomatoes. I too appreciate their intensity of flavor. And I love their pretty-ugliness - all those blackened wrinkles and that rusted-red patina. Every time I cook with these little tongues of flavor I scold myself for not using them more often - this time in particular. I made a walnut-studded red pesto sauce by casting sun-dried tomatoes in the role basil typically plays. I tossed the pesto with goat cheese raviolis and and served them on a bed of baby spinach. I happened to have some left-over oven-roasted tomatoes on hand, and grabbed for those as well. Their sweetness played off the goat cheese, spinach, and pesto so nicely, but you can certainly leave that component out if you're trying to pull things together quickly, and don't want to bother heating the oven.

Red Pesto Ravioli Recipe

The key to a recipe like this is sourcing good tomatoes. Not all sun-dried tomatoes are created equally. I regularly come across bags full of dried tomatoes that are more like crisps than anything else. No good - pass on those. Look for slightly plump, pliable, chewy, sun-dried tomatoes. They are far easier to work with and taste better.

Red Pesto Ravioli Recipe

You can serve this warm or at room temperature. The spinach ends up wilting a bit under the hot raviolis - just what you want.

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Red Pesto Ravioli Recipe

Sometimes sun-dried tomatoes have hard parts near stem - trim those. I used goat cheese raviolis here - goat cheese and sun-dried tomatoes are a classic pairing, but I imaging you could substitute any number of other stuffed or un-stuffed pasta. Vegans, try this with penne, and skip the cheese - the pesto will get caught in the middle of all the tubes and be delicious. Lastly, fresh raviolis seem to be sold by the pound or in 12-ounce containers - because you are saucing 'to taste' either will work.

1 pound fresh cheese raviolis
12 plump, chewy sun-dried tomatoes (about 2 ounces)
2 medium cloves garlic
a couple big pinches of red pepper flakes
1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon fresh thyme
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup walnuts or pine nuts, lightly toasted

3 handfuls of baby spinach tossed with a glug of olive oil and a big pinch of salt.
2/3 cup oven-roasted cherry tomatoes (optional)*
a bit of crumbled goat cheese

Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Salt generously and cook the raviolis per package instructions. Drain, but reserve about one cup of the hot pasta water (important!).

In the meantime, make the sun-dried tomato pesto by pulsing the sun-dried tomatoes, garlic, pepper flakes, olive oil, thyme, and salt in a food processor until it comes together into a textured crumble. Add the walnuts, and pulse a few more times - see photo. Set aside.

Combine 1/2 cup of the reserved pasta water in a large mixing bowl along with two-thirds of the sun-dried tomato pesto. Add the cooked raviolis and gently toss. Add more of the hot pasta water if needed to thin the pesto out - it should make a nice chunky sauce. Taste and add more of the pesto if you like - it's really a matter of personal preference at this point.

Arrange the baby spinach on a large platter and top with everything from the ravioli mixing bowl. Top with the cherry tomatoes and a bit of crumbled goat cheese.

Serves 2 - 4.

*To oven-roast cherry tomatoes: Heat oven to 350F degrees. Cut each tomato in half and arrange in a large oven-proof baking dish. Mix together a big splash of olive oil, a spoonful of brown sugar, and a few pinches of salt. Pour this over the tomatoes. Gently toss them a bit, making sure they all get coated. Arrange tomatoes cut-side up. Place in the oven and bake for 45 mintutes or so, until the tomatoes are shrunken and sweet.

Prep time: 5 minutes - Cook time: 15 minutes

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i just made this for dinner. SO DELICIOUS! Really simple and full of flavor. Thanks!


i am not one to “post comments” on any website, but i have made many of your recipes and this one is another keeper. thank you so much for making healthy food inventive and interesting!!
HS: Thanks for taking the time to comment Melissa – glad you liked the recipe.


This was absolutely delicious! I made it with penne and used the pine nuts instead of walnuts. It was so simple to make, but the presentation made it appear like I slaved away all day. My BF said it was the best meal he’s ever had. Thanks!


I so love the combination of sundried tomatoes and goat cheese, that is better than PB&J!!
Double YUM!!!


This recipe sounds delicious. There are actually several vegan “goat cheese” options. You can make your own from a great recipe recently featured in the April 09 Vegetarian Times, or just buy Sheese brand. There are also pre-made soycheese based raviolis by SoyBoy for the lazy like me haha. I bet the Rosa red ones would be good in this.


Yum! That was delicious. Thanks for the tomato inspirations.


Being hopeless in the kitchen, i chanced this plus your carrot cake recipe, thinking i would bail-out last minute and just get something from the nearby retaurant.
Honestly, it was a labourious production for me for last Sunday’s pot luck but it was a hit with my family — appreciative beams from mum at that.. Now they think i’m can cook!
Thank you Heidi!

huda salleh

I love pasta dishes. This one looks so delicious I will have to try it. I love to cook and I am always looking for exciting recipes like this one! Now I know what I can do with some of the tomatoes growing in my garden.


As usual, I used Heidi’s recipe for a spring board and adjusted it to my family’s tastes. Couldn’t get goat cheese raviolis, so I used ricotta/spinach tortellini. Didn’t have fresh spinach, but I cooked up some frozen, and lined our plates. I’m not much for walnuts, and I always use almonds in my pesto, so I grabbed those. I adore basil, so I added a few handfuls. I could only get oil-packed SDT, so I reduced the olive oil to 1/4 C. And I added my usual 1/4 block Parmesan.
This pesto is amazing!! I’m quite thrilled to find a recipe based on something other than basil. I don’t grow it (I know, I should, but it’s too late in the year now!) And it’s too expensive to buy enough basil (no local fresh market here) for a whole batch. For this recipe, I can keep a jar of SDT in the cupboard, and just buy a .99 package of fresh basil to add. The flavor is still quite intense.
My hubby enjoyed the leftover pasta for lunch today, and I spread leftover pesto on toasted ciabatta!!!


Hi Heidi – Do you have a favorite source for fresh goat cheese ravioli.


here’s another ‘tomato in any form’ lover….’tomato’ gets so concentrated when sun dried …so this pesto i am going to try…..loved it with baby spinach n raviol


WOW. This is delicious. I made this without the cherry tomatoes or extra goat cheese and I didn’t have any thyme so I skipped that too, but it was still awesome. Definitely a keeper for sure!


Another winner…!
I roasted our first cherry tomatoes from the garden.
And for someone who asked – I don’t have a food processor either, and I used the blender. It was fine.
What a marvelous combination of flavors. Life is good!


Made this for supper yesterday. Big hit with the family.
Dried the cherry tomatoes in the morning. (I’d dried cherry tomatoes before, but never with brown sugar — my mother noticed the sweetness right away.)
Used drained, oil-packed sun-dried tomatoes in the sauce. Saved the tomato-flavored oil from the jar and used that in the pesto, too.
I wish I’d had goat cheese ravioli, but whole-wheat four-cheese ravioli worked fine, with goat cheese sprinkled on top.
Thanks, Heidi!


This is a delicious dish! Thank you for posting it!


WOW…..that looks amazing! being a big sun-dried tomatoes lover…….cant wait to try it!
had one question though……which is better…..dry sundried tomatoes or preserved-in-oil ones?


I just made this for dinner and it was delicious! My whole family loved it, even though when I told them what I was making they were a little sceptical. But it was great!


This IS fantastic – I made it for dinner this evening. I skipped the extra goat cheese as a garnish but otherwise prepared it as described. The tomato pesto would be amazing as a sandwich spread or pizza topping too! I love this dish!


This looks fabulous!! I love the combination of sun dried tomatoes and oven roasted tomatoes.
I can’t wait to make this for family and friends! Love your blog.


Great flavor combination’s…looks soooo yummy!!!

Nutmeg Nanny

MMmm…I love any kind of tomatoes and that looks fantastic.


we are big sun-dried tomato fanatics over here and put them on….well, everything. looking forward to giving this one a try. thank you!

{kiss my spatula}

Brilliant! I’m trying to stay away from my stove top these days, but you’ve certainly given me plenty of ammunition for the next cool snap!


So, I made this recipe last night! Amazing!!!!! It is definitely the best recipe I’ve ever made personally and actually tasted much better than most things we eat out. The only thing that I did differently was use whole wheat tortellini instead of ravioli (I love that al dente texture and my raviolis are always falling apart). Thanks for sharing this recipe. 🙂


I love this! I love roasted cherry tomatoes… this looks amazing! 🙂


Heidi– I made this tonight and it was absolutely delicious! I used penne and crumbled goat cheese…The flavor combination was beyond scrumptious: the sweet, smoky, slightly spicy flavor of the sun dried tomato pesto with the sweet juicy roasted cherry tomatoes just pair SO well with the tanginess of the goat cheese. I could eat this every day and be a very happy person. Thanks for the awesome site and recipe!


Not the most constructive comment ever, but I just wanted to say how that looks absolutely awesome.

Daniela Restrepo

I made this last night for dinner and had some leftover for lunch today…delicious. I chose poorly on the ravioli (365 four cheese)but the sauce rocked. thanks for the recipe! I’m definitely making it again.


I cant believe I am saying this, but I cant wait for the next cool rainy day! I I love to turn the oven on and cook a pasta dish when we cant enjoy the BBQ. Roasted tomatoe’s and goat cheese ravioli’s will be my next rainy day surprise.
Thank you for this scumptious looking recipe.


Second comment: It would be interesting to try this sauce like a mole sauce (think Oaxaca Mexico) – maybe even with 1/2 sun dried tomatoes and 1/2 dried chiles. HMMmmmm.


Love your site. Enough adolation – onto the comment. It’s a new technique to me and I love it so I thought I would share. When cooking ravoli (frozen or fresh), I cook them like Chinese pan-fried dumplings. I lay them in a non-stick skillet (one layer but fairly close together); drizzle with oil/olive oil; just barely cover them with water (you can add salt here if you want); cover the pan with a lid that does not have a super tight seal and turn on the heat. Most of the water is absorbed by the pasta and some escapes. About the time the last of the water is starting to sizzle, I either turn off the heat or leave it on for a bit more so the bottoms are crunchy. This way I don’t get anymore busted raviolis.
Ok, a little more adolation. I really love your site.


Oh my god.
This looks so amazing. I want to eat this on a hot weekend evening on the porch, with a glass or red wine.


I love sun-dried tomatoes and don’t have a lot of recipes for using them. Thanks for sharing this one. – Riley

Riley Adams

Had a friend over for dinner and served this last night; we all loved it! I used fresh ricotta-filled raviolis, and regular spinach since it was on hand. The flavors were fantastic! Thanks!


Yummm.. I love sun-dried tomatoes. Am making this over the weekend for sure!
On another note. I recently made your firecracker corn bread recipe. With a twist – added oregano and some chopped sun-dried tomatoes to the batter. It was super super delicious…
thanks for these recipes!!:)


I love your site. I have been a vegetarian my whole life…except for some rebellious years in college :), and yet you have introduced me to so many new ingredients and foods. I can’t wait to try this recipe – pasta is my favorite…ravioli, then lasagna…btw, I love your thousand layer recipe.
Glug?? didn’t know that was a measurement…lol


Just made this tonight. Absolutely amazing. Especially with fresh cheese ravioli from Market Hall!


This loosk so great! When do we get the recipe for the ravioli themselves!

Meghan (Making Love In The Kitchen

Mmmm…I’m with Wayne – sundried tomatoes are the caviar of the veggie world! I can’t wait to make this.
Heidi, how’s your best of San Fran list coming? I’ll be down in just under two weeks and I’d love to hear your picks for food, sights, shops, etc. No pressure – even your top three vegetarian or vegetarian-friendly restaurants would make me very happy!


This looks so delicious that I have to try this! I love sundried tomatoes combined with goat’s cheese and spinach.
At work we recently ordered ciabatta sandwiches filled with red pesto, sundried tomatoes, lettuce and parma ham, topped with roasted pine nuts form a local deli. Amazing food and needless to say, they will have our business for a while!


Not a big pasta person, but the sauce sounds fabulous. I will use it to smooter a bunch of spinach

Sprouted Kitchen

This reminds me…I haven’t made raviolis in waaay too long. Using a hand-crank pasta machine like my great grandma had makes me feel connected to my roots! Thank you for the inspiration.

Michelle @ Find Your Balance

Yum! Heidi, thank you for keeping my family fed throughout the year. Seriously, I make your recipes all the time. I just made Heather’s Quinoa last night and even my two-year-old who usually hates all things leafy (but otherwise is a pretty good eater) gobbled the kale up (!!) I made the Almond Soba Noodles a few nights ago and added a bunch of sauteed shitake mushrooms to the dish and finished it off with a few handfuls of chopped scallions – again, the two-year-old loved it (even with the spicy curry paste!). Thank you!

Mary M.

MMMM…. I wish you would post these a little later in the day. Now I am going to be stuck here or hours waiting for a chance to try this. Sounds Yummy.


thank you!
this is going on our family’s menu very very soon!


I worry abt the acidity of too much tomatoes in the pesto … any ideas ?? I simply love ravioli and the dish looks really good …


Heidi, that really looks fabulous. Will certainly try cooking it. Sun dried tomatoes are hard to get in Delhi. How can we make it ourselves?


This has been my recent favourite pasta dish but I will be trying this red pesto ravioli when I am back from vacation. Thanks for posting and what lovely pictures!!


Delicious. I will definitely make this again for friends. Really fast recipe with great complex flavor.


This is such a great recipe. I tried it tonight with a spinach/ricotta filled ravioli. I LOVE the sauce. It reminded me a little bit of a pizza recipe I had at a little “hole in the wall” restaurant on the California coast. Delicious!!!!


Thanks for sharing! Great variation on pesto and perfect with goat cheese ravioli. Can’t wait to try.


Oh lordy, this looks divinde! I’ve bookmarked this recipe and can’t wait to try it!


ooooh yum! i love pesto AND i love sun-dried tomatoes. i feel like i have to be in a particular food mood to have these guys, but they are sooo good.


Yum, this looks amazing. I absolutely love tomatoes and goat cheese…I will have to try this recipe!


You either love them or you hate them I find. I am still.. on the fence and looking for great recipes to try.


this looks AMAZING! will definately be trying this! thanks!


Sun-dried tomatoes are like chocolate, once I eat one…I can’t stop!
Where do you find/ buy your sun-dried tomatoes?

Agathe Thommeray

Love this.
We love sundried tomato pesto spread on sandwiches, but I’ll bet it’s equally good on ravioli. In fact, this has me craving pasta bigtime.
I’m going to second the ravioli question. What type of cheese?


Looks amazing. I would have never thought to make a pesto with sun dried tomato, but this sounds absolutely delicious!

Michelle {Brown Eyed Baker}

Delicious! I’m excited to try this — always love new pestos. Where did you find goat cheese ravioli?


thank you for recipe like use sun-tomato


I have a growing inability to deal with tomatoes as I get older; fresh is the only exception. Most cooked tomato sauces come back on me in the middle of the night (ugh!), even if I eat them early in the day. Perhaps since tomato sauces get concentrated by the cooking, maybe it makes the acid content higher than fresh (don’t know, but I do know fresh is not a problem for me, so I’m looking for a reason).
I wonder if sun-dried might be different though! I’ve just never tried them (much to my own surprise to say that)! Since your recipe doesn’t have tomato sauce, this just might work.
You say cheese ravioli, but what kind of cheese are they?


Looks delicious, Heidi. As usual, I love your site – thanks for sharing your recipes and thoughts on food, cooking, and cookbooks.
This recipe reminds me of a recipe for Trapense Pesto in the most recent issue of Cook’s Illustrated. It’s a pesto using cherry tomatoes, basil, parmesan, olive oil and toasted almonds. My husband can’t stop making it. We’ll have to give your sun-dried tomato – walnut one a try as well. Long live the red pestos!


You had me at “red pesto”….

Enjeong Noh

I think I love U From head to toe !!!! This is one of my favorite all time meals!!! :Delicious:)
“Red Ravioli Pesto Recipe”
YUm-O !!!
Thank U for sharing such wonderful Recipe:)
Wonderful Recipes Have Great Days~~


You had me at “red pesto”….

Enjeong Noh

Such a unique twist on pesto, love the idea and can’t wait to try it!

niki at spilled ingredients

I can’t wait to try this! What timing! My homegrown organic tomatoes are in the Excalibur Dehydrator as I write. This will be my first ‘red pesto’. Thank you for all your inspiration……


This looks healthy and delicious…perfect for a summer meal!


I want this NOW!!!!


I hate to ask this, but do you think that this could be made in a blender? I am such an amateur I don’t own a food processor.


Appetizing, compliments

Liz Collet

@Atori – kale? chard?
Heidi — so jealous of your SF climate which means not only your access to more local fresh veggies in season but also the ability to turn on your oven in July! 😉 Loved your use of the oven roasted tiny tomatoes in the Heather’s Quinoa recipe, so I’m sure they’ll be fab in this as well.
And for others questioning the use of the sun dried tomatoes packed in oil — why not? You’re adding oil to a pesto anyway. Maybe not the ideal type of sun dried tomato but it’s all I have and it’s what I’ll use when I make this.


Saw sundried tomatoes and the word pesto and knew this would be a keeper.

The Duo Dishes

This looks fabulous and I cannot wait to try it! Thanks so much!


Hey Heidi,
So I just moved out to the Bay area from Boston, and I’ve been reading your awesome blog for a while now so I’m pretty psyched!
What are some good stores to grab all these amazing ingredients? Fresh pasta, herbs, ethnic ingredients, and that sorta stuff?
Thanks so much! Cheers 🙂


What a beautiful color! What a lovely touch to oven-roast the cherry tomatoes.

Cookin' Canuck

This sounds incredible! Especially when combined with the goat cheese. I second Becks’ request – anyone know of a good gluten-free ravioli? Also, to Atori, my substitution idea would be some kale. Or, maybe arugula? That might even be better – the bitterness of the arugula might play with the sweetness of the tomatoes quite well. Hmm. Yum – now I want to make this!


I love it!!


I just happened to check email after a meeting and look what I have sitting in my inbox – another fabulous recipe! I wish I can get out of here right now and make it. Perhaps when I get back from Portland next week. I’m sure this will be a total delight for the tastebuds. Thanks for once again putting out an awesome recipe!


I love sun-dried tomatoes, but the oven-roasted tomatoes sounds very interesting.


I have to admit, I’ll take my tomatoes fresh off the vine any day. Since that’s not an option for more than half the year though, I’m going to try to sun-dry my own this year, since we have a bumper crop right now of the small drying ones. I’m collecting recipes for later in the year, when it’s time to use up my preserved stuff — dried tomatoes, pestoed basil in ice cube trays. So thanks for the addition to the collection.

Becky and the Beanstock

I love different riffs on pesto. This looks fantastic.


what’s your verdict on the olive oil packed sun-dried tomatoes?


Oh, this looks delicious! I would eat this over a variety of veggies. Including but not limited to roasted asparagus or broccoli (bite size) tossed with some olive oil and a twist of lemon.


Oh my goodness! My mouth hangs open as I read this! I’ve been drying my own garden tomatoes lately, and can’t wait to use them in this gorgeous dish!


This looks amazing. I love this combination of ingredients, and I have a packet of sundried tomatoes at home that I have been waiting to use.


It’s funny you should post this. I have been experiementing with pestos too in an effort to use up a bumper crop of herbs in my garden. I just posted a recipe for mint pesto. This looks delicious! I will definitely have to give this a try! Any excuse to use sun-dried tomatoes is a good one.

Cooking Bride

Oh, this looks INCREDIBLE!!! And easy, to boot! Thanks again, Heidi!

Kimberly @ Poor Girl Eats Well

Love your site – just discovered it and can’t wait to try the sun-dried tomatoes and ravioli.


I love love love sun-dried tomato pesto. Down here most places make it with chipotle peppers in it too. Give it a try… I think you’ll love it based on how often you use chipotle in your food! 🙂


I feel soo hungry now. I want to head over to the store and buy my groceries all over again this week so that I can enjoy something like this. I guess I have to save it for next week. Very inspiring.


i’m so in love with your blog. I’ve shared it with many friends and find your photos as much art as your delicious meals. This one looks particularly amazing.


This looks wonderful. We have a bag of sundried tomatoes we brought back from Italy and we need to use them up because we are moving in a month. Will make this soon!


I love sun dried tomatoes, and wishing my family would as much as me. I think this recipe is a good way to try to change their minds! Thanks, as ever, a winner!

Trish in MO

Oh my, this looks so fantastic. Can’t wait to try it. Thanks!


This looks absolutely amazing! I have been looking for interesting recipes to use up a jar of sun dried tomatoes that have been sitting dejectedly in my pantry! Can’t wait to try it!

Calantha Elsby

Sun-dried tomatoes are a favorite of mine! One of those things that I see on the menu and instantly gravitate towards. This looks incredible.

ashley (sweet & natural)

Sun-dried tomatoes are a favorite of mine! One of those things that I see on the menu and instantly gravitate towards. This looks incredible.

ashley (sweet & natural)

PS. I also should’ve said that it was VERY easy, which is a huge plus in my book!


I love sun dried tomatoes also, but unfortuntely my husband doesn’t, so I don’t get to eat them nearly enough! Once each year I buy a huge box of really great organic Roma tomatoes at the farmers’ market and make overnight “sun” dried tomatoes in the oven. If they are still a bit wet and chewy I store them in the freezer all winter, but if they are nice and dry they keep will in the pantry.

Michele Morris

Thanks, Heidi — I tried this recipe and it was amazing!! Loved it. Perfect for summer.


you have officially outdone yourself. i might have just drooled on my keyboard – this looks FANTASTIC!!!!

Holly (The Healthy Everythingtarian)

This looks so yummy!!!


Wow, this is making me all nostalgic. When I was 12, I had a restaurant experience that turned my lightbulb on and it was because of a very similar ravioli at Seattle’s Bizzaro Ristorante. Up until that point my dining experience had been downright pedestrian, consisting of sub-par marinara and garbage alfredo sauce. It was on this first visit that I experienced the power of a sundried tomato and fell in love with the glorious pinenut. It was also the first time I ever thanked a chef in person.
Thanks Heidi. I’ll be making this as soon as possible.


What is it with men and their sundried tomatoes? My husband insists we keep some on hand, and frequently reserves his best compliments for dishes that contain them. Every time I think of them I now recall that episode Friends when Monica declares them utterly déclassé -but I won’t give them up either.
On the menu soon, I’m sure.


This might be one of my favorite recipes ever!


Heidi, I love it!
It looks so hearty, filling and……
absolutely delish.
Ok, ‘delish’ is not actually a word
but you get what I’m saying.
Great job.

Reginald from Ceramic Canvas

I make something very similar to this occasionally (same thing, minus the nuts) and I use it as a spread for bread and crackers. However, I always soak the sun-dried tomatoes first in hot water and then add some of the soaking water when blending. I find it’s easier to process that way and it comes out smoother.


yum. sun dried tomatoes are so very good. last summer i finally was able to dry my own without them going moldy. i will give the a try after some tomatoes are dried…they are still so new this season, high in the mountains that they don’t last too long on the counter:)


is it necessary to rehydrate the tomatoes? or is it ok to work with them ‘dry’?

Jen (Modern Beet)

I love the idea of doing the sun-dried and oven-roasted tomatoes. It’s a tomato duet! Any suggestions on a good vegan ravioli?

Vegan Deluxe

We are HUGE fans of sun-dried tomatoes here, so this recipe sounds perfect.


These flavor combinations are classic. The world would be a better place if everyone ate roasted tomatoes every once in a while!
Each summer I roast ovenfuls of tomatoes (tossed with fresh herbs, red wine, garlic, and olive oil) and then freeze them in quart jars. They are jars full of red gold.
I also make a pesto torte—it has alternating layers of basil pesto, roasted tomato pesto, and ricotta and cream cheese. Ooh-la-la!

Mama JJ

Oh, this looks wonderful! Just one question; what would be a good replacement for the spinach? My dad and I are both deathly allergic to spinach…


This looks great- I might try it for a picnic in a few weeks’ time. I’m like Wayne- LOVE sundried tomatoes.


here’s another ‘tomato in any form’ lover….’tomato’ gets so concentrated when sun dried …so this pesto i am going to try…..loved it with baby spinach n ravioli..

sangeeta khanna

My GOODNESS that looks delicious! Oh, I think I need to figure out how to make gluten free ravioli now (or maybe I’ll just enjoy this on some rice spaghetti). I made your tortilla soup recipe with the dried tomatoes and it was amazing, so I have high hopes for this 🙂


Aww yeah, summertime means all sorts of tomato creations. any suggestions on good fresh ravioli?

Organic Goodness

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