Honey-toasted Fruit Muesli Recipe
Michele Cranston's Honey-toasted Fruit Muesli Recipe. Made from lots of oats, sunflower seeds, almonds, coconut, honey, dried fruit and seeds.

I've been wanting to dive into new muesli recipes recently. We've had an endless supply of homemade yogurt here at home ever since I bought Wayne a yogurt maker for his birthday a few months back. Some guys want watches or BBQ accessories for their birthdays, Wayne wanted a yogurt maker. I waited until the last minute to track one down, and knew I was in trouble when the clerk in one kitchen appliance department looked at me and said they hadn't carried yogurt makers in over ten years. Of course they haven't.
So, like I said - I've had my eyes peeled for an inspiring recipe that would pair well with the daily influx of new yogurt in our refrigerator. The day before I left for Mexico, my friend Sophie at Whitecap Books sent me a big, beautiful, hefty copy of the Michele Cranston's Kitchen book that is being re-released this September. You've all seen her books before - they are in that clean, modern Marie Claire Australia/ Donna Hay style - a format apparently belonging to Marie Claire where Michele is/was food editor.
I have Michele's food + drink book. It has a lot of fantastic recipes in it alongside all sorts of tips and creative ideas for entertaining and the like. This book, Kitchen, is about 2-inches thick and incorporates a jaw-dropping 400 recipes (each beautifully photographed) from her past three books, including food + drink. This new volume would make a great wedding present - the recipes are very straight forward and approachable even for beginner cooks. If you don't happen to like it - it could also give your phonebook a run for its money as an effective doorstop or booster-seat. It weighs FIVE pounds.
Her Honey-toasted Muesli caught my attention right off the bat. It makes a monster batch, which means I have enough for breakfast for the next few days. I also have enough so I can set aside a couple jars to keep my friends happy.
The dried fruit punctuates the seed and oat mixture and gives this muesli bursts of flavor and a beautiful appearance. The oats absorb just the right amount of natural sweetness from the honey. Another bonus, it is painfully easy to make. Toss your oats, nuts, seeds with honey and a splash of oil. Spread it out on a pan and toast in the oven for a half an hour or so. Stir in the dried fruit.
If you really like this recipe, I recommend mixing it up the next time around with different dried fruits, maybe a pinch of a couple of your favorite spices.
Honey-toasted Fruit Muesli Recipe
HS notes: Michele's recipe calls for triticale. If you have a hard time finding it, just substitute another cup of rolled outs, I am able to get rolled triticale at my local natural foods store in the bin section.
Preheat the oven to 300F degrees.
Put 5 cups rolled oats into a large bowl. Add 1 cup unsalted sunflower seeds, 1 cup slivered almonds, 1 cup triticale (see above note), 1 cup shredded coconut and 2 tablespoons sesame seeds. Stir to combine.
Heat 3/4 cup honey and 4 tablespoons vegetable oil in a saucepan over low heat. Pour the warm honey mixture over the dry ingredients and stir until they are well coated.
Spread the mixture on across two (rimmed) baking sheets and bake for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from the oven and allow to cool.
Add 1/4 cup finely sliced dried apricots, 1/4 cup finely sliced dried apples and 1/4 cup finely sliced dried peaches (heidi note: I used dried papaya). Toss to combine. Store the muesli in an airtight container.
Makes 12 servings.
Kitchen: The Essential Guide to the Kitchen by Michele Cranston (Whitecap, September, 2005) - reprinted with permission
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I finally found raw sunflower seeds in a health food store (but why is it the everyone who works in a health food store always seems to be in a bad mood?) The muesli was delicious-I ate much of it right off the baking sheet. Thanks for the great recipe Heidi… DL
I’m normally just a lurker, but since my husband and I have just recently gotten into making both muesli & yogurt at home, I just had to post a comment! We got the same yogurt maker for our wedding about a year ago, and make a batch about 1x/week. A tip to make the temperature monitoring a little less time consuming – use a digital thermometer with an alarm. That way, you can do other things while waiting it to heat up/cool down to the proper temperature.
Thanks for the yummy recipe for muesli! Looking forward to your post on yogurt!
Made this muesli yesterday and had it for breakfast this morning with yogurt. Delish! I am one who can’t seem to leave a recipe alone so added dried cranberries, apricots and ginger. It was beautiful with that splash of cranberry color and the ginger added a surprising “zing”. They say we eat with our eyes. Did end up leaving it in for a few more minutes for that golden honey color. Another great recipe Heidi. Thanks.
I am an avid yogurt maker. With my own herd of dairy goats, there is an unlimited supply of fresh milk…plenty for home and lots to share. I use glass quart canning jars and a styrofoam cooler chest to culture the yogurt. Pasteurize the milk; add 1/3 c. of dry milk powder and 2 Tbsp of “mother” (culture) for each quart when the milk is about 110*F. Hold in hot water bath for about 8-10 hours to culture. That’s it. Now I’m eager to try the muesli recipe to mix with it.
I have a yoghurtmake, and have not pulled it out of the box. I’m looking forwards to Wayne’s post on yoghurt to kick start me!
I frequently make my own granola. I usually don’t mix the dried fruit into the larger batch. I’ll choose something when I make my individual bowl- figs, dried cherries or seasonal fresh fruit. That way, I get more variety.
Been contemplating the purchase of a yogurt maker but am fearful of the process, so, Please, please, please give us yogurt making info. 🙂
Bring on the yogurt!
Hey everyone – I will write a post for the blog about yogurt. Homemade and fresh yogurt tastes significantly better than any store bought that I have tried. If you like yogurt and cooking with yogurt, making your own is recommended.
A few replies – Yogurt is more cost effect than buying it in the store, especially if you compare with organic brands. But it does take time to make (monitoring the milk as it gets hot and cools), which might make it not “cost effective.” I will discuss this in the post.
Re: The Greek friend’s yogurt. This is one method of making yogurt. How a yogurt tastes is based on what kind of milk you use (% of fat, organic or not, cow, goat, etc), what cultures you use, the temp at which you are keeping the milk hot/warm and of course how many hours you ferment your milk mixture. An electric yogurt maker is a very simple plastic heating device that keeps the mixture at a constant temperature for as long as it is plugged in.
I’ll be sticking to typical yogurt maker with cow’s milk, as I’m still a novice and assume most readers are.
Yes! I’ve been wanting a yogurt maker for a while now. Is it more cost effective than buying it at the store? Is it difficult? Where do you get the cultures?
It sounds like technically the terms can be used interchangeably – toasted or raw. But also note that the guy credited with creating it was a raw food advocate.
Here are two definitions:
Definition: [MYOOS-lee] Developed as a health food by Swiss nutritionist Dr. Bircher-Benner near the end of the 19th century, muesli has since become a popular breakfast cereal. The German word muesli means “mixture,” and this one can include raw or toasted cereals (oats, wheat, millet, barley, etc.), dried fruits (such as raisins, apricots and apples), nuts, bran, wheat germ, sugar and dried-milk solids. It is usually eaten with milk, yogurt or fruit juice. There are a number of commercial variations available in most supermarkets, usually labeled granola. From The New Food Lover’s Companion , Second Edition, by Sharon Tyler Herbst.
From Larousse Gastronomique
Muesli (Granola):
A Swiss dish, originally consisting of apples, oats, milk, and often nuts. Dr Bircher-Benner, who advocated the use of raw food, invented muesli. When the Bircher-Benner clinic was founded in Zurich in 1897, the fruit diet, as it was originally known, was served frequently and became popular long before it was described in detail in a little book, Fruit Dishes and Raw Vegetables published in 1924……it goes on from there.
Your muesli looks fantastic- but I’m in agreeance with Lulu; I’m a big muesli eater, and I think one of the defining characteristics of muesli is that it’s raw. Semantics aside, I’d like to add that you can purchase a yogurt maker from Williams Sonoma for around $30 through the website or catalog (I work there part-time!)
And one more note- I’d love the spinach enchilada recipe as well! I’ve made a lot of recipes you’ve posted lately, and they’ve all been just fabulous! I love your site Heidi!
Please, please, please have him do a guest spot on yogurt. It would make my yogurt-maker-ownin’ roommate of mine so terribly happy.
Hi Heidi: This is the first recipe from a blog that I’m truly going to make. (Now if I can only figure out how to say ‘triticale’ in French)….David
I would also love to hear about making yogurt. I’ve just started making my own at home, and I would love some input.
Yes, yogurt guest blogging sounds like a fun idea!
I am very curious about this yogurt machine. I’ve never made it myself, but used to watch my Greek friend make it in a big steel vat filed with warm milk, a 1/4 cup of starter (yogurt) and a warm wet towel draped over. She’d let this sit out all night, and voila! In the morning a creamy and sour yogurt. I imagine a yogurt machine gives more control and inspires more variety?
Yes, let’s hear all about the yogurt!
I was under the impression that sweetening and toasting muesli turned it into granola.
I would absolutely love a how-to on the yogurt making. I have been eyeing a couple of machines but got momentarily distracted by buying Fage yogurt in large quantities. I need some inspiration!
I’m a big fan of muesli, Heidi. This looks great. And I’d love to see a guest post about the ins-and-outs of yogurt making, which I’ve been wanting to try myself.
I, too, would like to learn more about making yogurt. I’ve been thinking lately about getting a yogurt maker because I have a renewed enthusiasm for lassi (and Indian yogurt drink.)
Don’t you go through an AWFUL lot of milk making yogurt every day?
Funny. My husband was suddenly interested in getting a yogurt maker recently – out of the clear blue sky – must be some male yogurt energy. I would love to hear about making yogurt at home, different cultures, etc. from Wayne.
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