Favorites List (Fall 2010) Recipe
A fall favorites list made up of a few things that have caught my attention or inspired me lately. It's a mish-mash of links, products, places, media and what-not that hopefully might inspire you as well.

I would like to share a new recipe with you right now, in fact I have one all ready to go. But I fear many of you have shifted into Thanksgiving mode. Meaning, if what I have to share isn't fit for the Thanksgiving table, you probably don't want to hear about it. And it's not. So I won't. Instead, I decided to write up a new favorites list - something I love doing. And for the handful of of you hitting this page today, still on the search for Thanksgiving inspiration, I'll kick off the list with a few personal favorites on that front:
- Here's an updated list of favorite vegetarian Thanksgiving recipes: Golden-Crusted Brussels Sprouts, Roasted Delicata Squash Salad, Vanilla Mashed Sweet Potatoes, Hazelnut & Chard Ravioli Salad, etc.
- Thinking I need to do more things like this in 2011.
- A perfect shade of blue.
- Podcast pick: The Monocle Weekly. What other podcasts should I be listening to? I like newsy/current event ones.
- Soup season is really on here. We had fog, rain, thunder and lightning last week. The soup in the photo up above became a favorite this year. This one. I've cooked it at least ten times. If you have Moro East, give it a go.
- Daydream real estate listing number 1, and number 2. I stumbled on that second one the other day and it's all about the location and setting - it's surrounded by the magical Grace Marchant Gardens, just below Coit Tower.
- Favorite stocking stuffer: June Taylor's Candied Citrus Peels
- Saw this movie in Rome. And this and this since I've been home.
- Would love to stay here someday.
- I like to add a pinch of this to my eggs, and also to the occasional vinaigrette for some extra herby-green dimension. Oh! And I just noticed the Herriott Grace rolling pins at Terrain, part of their Holiday Heirloom Collection.
- To my family, I would love a subscription to this and/or this.
- Gabi's lovely food site - I've shortlisted this sweet tahini dressing.
- Think of the fun to be had around this.
- Tempted by this fancy pants water filter.
- My walls are mostly white, but I love seeing fun/funky wallpapers.
- Vintage cookie cutters on Etsy. Or Cameras.
- As as we head into the holidays, I keep reminding myself of this inspiring concept/challenge.
And last of all, here's a short update about our Kiva / 101 Cookbooks lending team. We've somehow managed to make $111,000 in micro loans together. Nearly 4000 loans since we set things up in September 2008. Amazing. For those of you participating, have a peek at your balance, you may have funds sitting there that could be re-allocated. -h
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It’s perfect that people can take the credit loans and that opens up completely new opportunities.
thanks for sharing so much of your passion for cooking through your recipes — and now your new book. we live in BOLIVIA, and it’s awesome to get inspiration from san francisco and environs (my former stomping ground).
too funny! my mom has so many of those vintage cookie cutters… i’ll have to tell her about this… thanks for the link! and the list!
A dangerous list to read on an empty stomach.
Also, congrats on you work with KIVA! It’s a really amazing organization.
Great list, Heidi! I can’t wait for your new book. The preview is excellent.
Nice, very nice! …am salivating already!
You could always get a Berkey water filter, not as cool looking, but convenient and with a decent price. We LOVE ours. Soup never tasted so good with chemical/flouride free water.
Hi, We did the sweet mashed potatoe recipe. I did not strain the spices from the oil after the 24hrs like you suggested and boy did I regret it! It turned out awful… like a thick paste of overly spiced infused grease! Next time I will just use gravy.
I am very tired of turkey. This is a nice treat. I know that I will be enjoying some of these recipes when the weather turns colder.
I want to cast another vote for the soup recipe from Moro East – I’ve got to see that. I read your notes on the library page, and I’ve got the book on my christmas wishlist, but I’ve been told people are sick of buying me cookbooks and can’t I ask for something more interesting 🙁
Thanksgiving or not……You always inspire us with your delicious unusual and healthy recipes!
Happy holidays!!!
It’s raining and cold this morning. This is soup weather and the bowl of soup photographed above looks good. What recipe is the soup?
HS: It is from Moro East. The next time I make it, I’ll write up my version/tweaks. Actually, I have an idea for a holiday version of it I want to try.
Made the sweet tahini dressing. Divine!
LOVE the vegetarian thanksgiving recipes list! I did regular mashed sweet potatoes this thanksgiving, but I really like the idea of adding vanilla and orange zest to it! We also did a veggie-cornbread stuffing but I’d like to try your yeast raised cornbread also. And on a side note – thanks for sharing the link to dinner beneath the golden gate bridge! I definitely want to do more of that next year too 🙂
Oooo eeee oooo eeee! I love your blog, and this post was so much fun. Thank you for sharing these treats. I hug you from afar (Tucson)–unless you aren’t a hug person. Then a pretty little flower and heart felt thank you for all of the inspiration you add to my life.
Podcasts? Science Friday on Talk of the Nation from NPR. Ira Flatow makes science topics of all sorts almost as tempting as chocolate…
I was placed in charge of cakes/sweets for this year’s Thanksgiving gathering. I made your sparkling cranberries (adding orange peel) and an eggless version of your black sticky gingerbread along with a couple of my personal recipes and they were all a huge hit. Thanks for sharing your lovely recipes.
I am so happy that you mentioned podcasts!
I just recently got into them.I have 3 favorite ones.
My first two are repeats. This American Life and The Moth.
But, the third is WTF with Marc Maron. Give it a try!!
p.s. Your site is on My favorite’s list!! Thanks!
The Story Hotel looks amazing! I would love to spend a night (or two) there!
I love Thanksgiving but there is only so much turkey I can take. I have to make changes in my recipe book every year because I can not make turkey every year. I love that you are sharing all of these fun new recipies with us. I love making them and sharing them with my family. I hope you have a great holiday season and I look forward to visiting your page often.
I love those cookie cutters! Awesome.
I second the podcast mention of This American Life. Love it. I drive back and forth between Montreal and Boston almost weekly and often have rideshare people with me, and it’s always a huge hit having that podcast play. Gives foreigners travelling around the US and Canada a really great view into Americans that you don’t get elsewhere much. Makes strangers more relaxed with me and each other in my car.
Also the Moth podcast. Can be hit or miss but the hits are huge.
What a list you got there! I like the cookie cuter as well! The world is watching you all the time.. way to go Heidi… keep up the good work! 😀
I can recommend podcasts from the Huffines Institute for Sports Medicine and Human Performance at Texas A&M University. I am not a scientist or doctor, but have found these podcast interviews of researchers interesting – I find it motivating to know why exercise and nutrition is important based on the physiology of the body and to hear it from people are doing cutting edge research and aren’t trying to sell something.
Those Etsy cookie cutters rock! I just posted
a recipe on my fave honey-lavender cookies and I wish I had those instead of basic rounds.
Heidi, I have to say that my absolute favorite special occasion veggie/vegan dish from your site is the Truffled Chanterelle, Celery Root and Potato Gratin recipe from way back in 2005, which I noticed was missing from your list. I make it almost every year for either Thanksgiving or New Years and it has never failed me. I add sweet potatoes and use portobellos instead of the pricey chanterelles – delicious.
I also recently made the Ottolenghi red rice and quinoa salad recipe but added in cubes of roasted butternut squash and subbed in dried cranberries for the apricots. Perfect for fall! Thanks for all the delicious recipes you create and share.
HS: Thanks for the reminder Elanor – it has been quite a while since I cooked that gratin!
Better than Oprah, Heidi: food-ish related and no tears.
You know what would be kick-as*? If the links opened in a new window so I could have a gazillion windows with all this pretty stuff out at once in addition to 101. I keep loosing 101…and that makes me tear-up, Oprah style.
HS: This made me laugh. Here’s a tip Linsey – you can click on links and have them open in tabs. Command / click on the mac. I’m sure there’s something comparable on the PC too. It’s great because you never lose the main site you were browsing/reading.
Love your list! Justin and Amy
HS: Happy Thanksgiving you two!
Would you please ask Sam & Sam if you can post the souprrecipe? I would love to try it, but can’t buy a book right now!
Wow, I thought SF was supposed to be so expensive, but an equivalent house in a prime location here would be around $1,295,000 as well.
I love that you included two real estate listings – I do the same thing!
P.S. I’m about the make your sweet potato falafal for lunch. 🙂
Although Kiva is a wonderful organization, I would like to remind all of us that we have a huge problem with hunger here at home. Food banks across the country are in dire need of donations.
The Redwood Food bank in Sonoma County is providing food for 80,000 families this year, triple what it was three years ago. Every dollar we donate goes directly to buying food and is distributed. A $100 donation will allow them to buy $400 dollars worth of food.
Great list! Given your interest in news, might I add a recommendation for a documentary I saw last Sunday;
Inside Job
This movie connects all the dots and creates a clear picture of how the economy imploded.
By the same man that did An Inconvenient Truth.
Hi- do you have the recipe to the soup from Moro anywhere on your site?
HS: Hi Vanessa – no, not yet. I should write it up with a few of my tweaks at some point. I make it with giant Corona beans, and make other adjustments when tomatoes aren’t in season.
I was lucky enough to stay at the Story Hotel on a work trip to Stockholm and it is as lovely as it looks. I had just a small single room but the design was so great, the bathroom made me swoon, and the restaurant downstairs is a great place with wonderful food. Hope you get to go soon!
Hi Heidi – I love your work. If you like Frankie’s “Spaces”, you may also like this blog: http://thedesignfiles.net/ Enjoy!
Vanilla mashed sweet potatoes just may have to go on my Thanksgiving menu. They sound delicious!
Hey Heidi,
Great list & great post, as always!
I have just bought a rolling pin from Herriot Grace!
Some of my favorite podcasts: The Vinyl Cafe, As It Happens, Quirks & Quarks. All from the CBC.
Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Funny, my office is on Sansome at the base of the Filbert Stairs. A sign advertising the sale of the house–and an open house–was on the sidewalk when I arrived at work this morning. I meant to look for it online….and here it is, on your site! Beautiful house and location–and a yard…nice.
My favorite podcasts:
Being by Krista Tippett
Spilled Milk with Molly Wizenberg and Mattew Amster Burgo
This American Life with Ira Glass
The Sporkful
WNYC Radio Lab (this is very, very good)
The Moth (also fantastic)
Edible Radio
Wire Tap from CBC with Jonathan Goldstein (he produces for This American Life as well)
TED talks
(sorry for the very long list, I hope you find one you like).
Your favorites post is wonderful. Thank you.
Great post, Heidi. Last Saturday afternoon in the exhibition space of Bon Marche in Paris, they were playing clips from the Sophia Coppola movie – the exhibition was a series of photographs taken during the making of the film – of Coppola, the film-making team and the actors. Great photos and it looks like an excellent movie – though it’s not out here till January I think. Have you tried ‘From our own correspondent’ podcast? It’s a weekly from the BBC featuring journalists posting from around the world. It’s always hugely varied and excellent.
Heidi, thanks for your great favorites list. Podcasts I listen to: National Graphic has a short podcast daily that I find interesting. Napa Valley Wine is a great weekly podcast. I listen to Dave Ramsey’s daily 30 minute podcast to keep me financially responsible! My chiropractor recommends the Kangen Water Ionizer that I think is worth researching. FYI, I have many of those “vintage cookie cutters”. I inherited them but still makes me feel old! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Podcasts: my standby for my long runs of an hour or more is always Real Time with Bill Maher. Always entertaining, often informative. I find myself laughing out loud like a crazy person on the treadmill or on long, meandering running routes. Check them out!
Wasn’t that thunder and lightning wild? It certainly is the season for soup. This looks fabulous.
Oh those golden crusted brussel sprout…made them with a gruyere/white cheddar and they were a hit. So delicious, even brussel sprout sceptics enjoyed them…thanks for this one!
The pix. of your dinner by the Bridge is so dreamy. I want to see the films you mention. The Wallpapers are so wonderful. I never tire of the ones I’ve chosen…after great struggles in choosing, I love them every time I look. Thanks so much for sharing all and everything. One of the pleasures of life: your site.
Great Post. You are one cool lady. Keep em coming!
Wonderful post, Heidi! I can’t wait to break out my vintage cookie cutters, as well! It’s that time of the year for these fun lists and your list is fabulous. Happy Thanksgiving!
Hey guess what… I made your brussel sprouts last year and had such a big thumbs up from everyone I am making them again this year! Thanks for that one. I love This American Life (as I am sure most people do) and have been looking for more podcasts myself- thanks for the suggestions everyone!
Great post! I love vintage cookie cutters too. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Heidi ~
I am thankful for a vegetarian web site. You have such good recipes, thanks for sharing them.
Enjoy your holiday.
not sure why someone would pay $900 plus $150 in shipping for a used beer table when new ones will cost you around 100 to 150 Euros on Amazon … but I like the idea of having one.
HS: Hi Andrej, can you post a link? I’ve actually found them hard to come by, new or used. And I particularly like the patina on the one at Terrain. But it would be cool to be able to point people to other options and price points. Thanks in advance, -h
I so love the idea of the vintage cookie cutters!
What a nice post. Thank you. I’ve been so busy writting cookbooks lately that my house has completely gotten out of hand. I read the zen habit to cut down to 100 things and I think that’s just the thing for me and each member of my family to do while we’re trying to get our house back together. Happy Thanksgiving! Miriam
I made your 5 minute tomato sauce recipe last night and it is going on my fall favorites list: quick, so sophisticated and tasty, bright tasting, and beautiful. Here’s to a few necessary quick eats during the next crazy weeks!
can you actually subscribe to either of those magazines..? those may be tough gift requests for your family to fill.
Love, love, love these lists! They are always inspiring.
Thanks so much for the great veggie recipe list! Planning dinner is on my to-do list today and I think a couple of these will be making the menu!
Your favorites list rocks! Truly in love with those adorable cookie cutters and herbs de provence- wow!
I cannot recommend On the Media’s podcast highly enough. One hour of solid NPR reporting on media topics – a friend suggested it’s like The Daily Show, except somewhat less irreverent. One of the best things on radio today – or on podcast, for that matter!
I’ll be making your cornmeal crunch recipe for my contribution to the family Thanksgiving feast
I loved this post. It was nice to see other interests of yours outside of the food realm.
oh thanks fo the referral to honet fare, what a beautiful site!
Heidi, I agree with others: can’t go wrong with NPR. Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me! (the news show quiz) is hilarious, too bad it is only once a week. 🙂
When I visited SF a few years ago, we walked up to Coit Tower via the Greenwich Steps and then back down the Filbert Steps – those gardens blew me away, they were so lush and beautiful – what a gorgeous thing to have in the middle of a modern city……
With regard to the rest of your list, I too, LOVE that chair, would like to see those films and wish on a regular basis that we had Anthropologie stores here in Australia…….!
We need more of your favourites. So much inspiration!
That dinner party under the Golden Gate bridge looks magical!
Your daydream real estate listing number 2 is my ideal home (well, plus one extra bedroom)! Only, the price is not so ideal, and so the day-dreaming continues..
Clean lines, spacious, minimalist in furniture terms but maximising on natural materials and light. – all my feelings on interior decoration in one place. I will be saving this page for when we go house-hunting 🙂
Fantastic post. Thanks a lot for sharing, and happy Thanksgiving
Thanks for sharing this list! and have a happy thanksgiving 🙂
The New Yorker has some good podcasts; I like the Political Scene for current events chat.
I like when you post something so random like this! It’s kind of fun. Good thing that books aren’t included in the 100 things list.
Love this list! I’d seen some of those cookie cutters on Etsy…too awesome.
Dinner on a beach with the evening and the golden gate bridge setting the ambiance. Lovely.
I just painted my bedroom that shade of blue! Ha — love it too. 🙂
As one of those (non Americans) not being in a Thanksgiving mode, I am anxious to hear about your new recipe. But I must admit that your Thanksgiving menu sounds very appetizing.
I’ve been wanting those cookies cutter for ever!
i’m a podcast fiend. here are my faves in the newsy/current event catagory: freakanomics radio; planet money; on the media; real time with bill maher; slate political gabfest; fresh air…. no suprizes there, i guess, but am always searching for new ones that can live up to the NPR/PRI gold standards… i’ll be curious to see what folks post.
Oh thank goodness you posted what the soup in the photo is. When I came to this page and saw the picture my first thought was literally how cruel it would be if you didn’t tell us what that delicious looking soup is. Now I just need the book.
I adore wallpapers too but always find a reason to keep my walls bare. I guess I’m scared I would get tired of them quickly.
Umm, LOVE the Berin chair. Just gorgeous. And I had no idea June Taylor made stuff other than those incredible preserves! What a gorgeous array of possible holiday gifts she’s got on that website. Thanks for all the great links, Heidi!
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