Toasted Four Grain Cereal Recipe

A hot, filling, wintertime DIY four-grain breakfast cereal that you can trick out with all sorts of different toppings.

Toasted Four Grain Cereal

Somehow, I've managed to pass the weekday breakfast baton. Wayne has always been the house barista, keeping me (and any visiting friends) adequately caffeinated. At some point, a couple years back, he started adding a toasty overnight oatmeal to his morning repertoire. Actually, he usually does a blend of oats and other rolled grains, but if you like oatmeal, you'll like this. Lynn, from Satsuma Press, stayed with us recently, was asking about the recipe. This is for her and any of you who are looking for a hot, filling, wintertime breakfast cereal that you can trick out with all sorts of different toppings.

Four Grain Cereal

There are a number of four or five-grain breakfast cereal blends you can buy ready-mixed. That said, it is incredibly easy to make your own blend, and keep it on-hand in a jar. We've been using a blend of rolled oats, rolled rye, rolled barley, and rolled spelt. But don't sweat it if you can't find those exact grains. Browse the bin section of your grocery or natural foods store, see what they have, and go from there. The only rolled grain I haven't loved as a part of our mix was Kamut.

Four Grain Cereal

One of the things I love most about this ritual is the one thing that might put some of you off. The "day-ahead" factor. The night before Wayne makes his cereal, he toasts the grains in a bit of butter. You have to plan ahead a bit, but the trade-off is a house that smells like a batch of oatmeal cookies is baking. Here, the scent drifts from the kitchen at the back of the house, up the hallway, and into each room along the way. It's one of the last things he does at the end of the day, and it let's you know breakfast is going to be good.

I kept track of some of the toppings I've used over the past couple off weeks and listed them below. Allow me to highlight the buttermilk maple butter, which I make for waffles, but use it here as well. Creamy, sweet, with a bit of tang - a generous drizzle is all you need.

A couple other links: I had some fun with the Remodelista ladies, for their new Style Counsel feature. Aaaand my run at the Piglet over at Food52 ended abruptly with a Momofuku Milk Bar face-off. :/ Looking forward to watching the next few rounds from the sidelines though.

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Toasted Four Grain Cereal

The key here is flexibility - don't worry if you can't find these exact grains. The technique will work with rolled oats, store-bought five-grain cereals, or experiment with other rolled grains you come across in the bin section of your store or local natural foods shop. This recipe instructs you to soak the cereal overnight, but you can certainly do everything the morning of, the grains will just take a bit longer to cook. A

Four grain cereal blend:
1 cup / 3.5 oz / 100g rolled oats
1 cup / 3.5 oz / 100g rolled rye
1 cup / 3.5 oz / 100g rolled barley
1 cup / 3.5 oz / 100g rolled spelt

Make a jar of four grain cereal blend, to keep on hand, by combining the rolled oats, rye, barley, and spelt. Store in an airtight container. You now have enough to make four batches.

1 tablespoon butter
1/4 teaspoon fine grain sea salt
2 2/3 cup / 560 ml water, plus more to your preference

Optional toppings:
- bourbon blueberries*
- buttermilk maple butter**
- lots of toasted nuts & seeds
- tiny drizzle of half & half or cream
- chopped apples sauteed in a bit of butter and cinnamon
- in summer, brown sugar-mashed berries

The night before you want to enjoy your cereal, melt the butter over medium-high heat in a saucepan. Add 1 cup / 3.5 oz / 100 g of the four grain cereal mixture, and stir well to coat. Add the salt and continue to cook, stirring often, until the grains have really toasted and are quite fragrant - roughly 5-7 minutes. Remove from heat, add the water, and leave overnight.

The next morning, heat the cereal over medium-high until it comes to a simmer. Leave it for about 10 minutes, or until the cereal is cooked through. Here's the thing - the cereal will thicken more the longer it simmers, so timing is truly a judgement call here. If you prefer a thinner cereal, feel free to adjust with more water. When the consistency seems right, taste, and add more salt if needed. Also, at this point, the cereal is unsweetened, and it's really up to you to doll it up to your liking. Many days, I keep it simple and add a small drizzle of maple syrup, a tiny splash of cream, and whatever toasted nuts are nearby, but I kept track of some favorite recent toppings up above, and noted them in the ingredient list - bourbon blueberries for the weekend, buttermilk maple butter mid-week :)...Enjoy.

Serves 2-3.

*Bourbon Blueberries: Place dried blueberries in a jar and cover with bourbon. Refrigerate until ready to use. These are super-boozy. I typically drain, then season them with brown sugar before using. Or serve in a puddle of the bourbon that has been blended with maple syrup.

**Buttermilk Maple Butter: In a saucepan, over gentle heat, combine equal parts maple syrup, buttermilk, and unsalted butter. Heat just until butter is melted stirring regularly. I typically do 1/2 cup / 120 ml of each. Serve warm.

Prep time: 10 minutes - Cook time: 10 minutes

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P.S. I wish you would send me all your leftovers.


I am wondering if you have any ideas for baked granola. I would like a recipe with alternatives to oats in it for more protein and less gluten. Today, I tried a mixture of oats, quinoa, and short grain brown rice with banana, almonds, etc. (I boiled the quinoa and rice first, of course). Somehow, it didn’t quite do the trick for me–the texture was off. I would love to see your take on a creative, mixed grain granola.


I have been trying so many healthy breakfast recipes for my daughters but the didn’t like any of them, hopefully this one that’s look really good will be a success ,thanks for sharing


I came across this about 2 weeks ago and have made it nearly every morning since. LOVE. I toss in frozen wild blueberries when the grains are almost done and top with toasted pepitas and brown sugar. I am completely addicted!


Is anybody strong in radio here? We need a colleague who would tell us briefly about the transistor T2. I hope there are radio amateurs here. If it`s not on the subject at all, then I`m sorry. I have to write because I have no choice. PS: if the spelling is not right then also I’m sorry, I’m just 13 years old!…

basketball betting

I just tried the buttermilk maple butter over my leftover warm quinoa – I was dubious at first (the quinoa was pretty grassy tasting against the buttermilk) but once I mashed in a banana, topped with walnuts and sprinkled cinnamon I was completely sold!


Heidi, I tried this recipe (with coconut oil instead of butter though) and it’s delicious! I shared it with my Dad but unfortunately he couldn’t find any grains except for oats where he lives. Any recommendations for websites where you can purchase them online? Thanks!


This looks amazing! What a great way to add much needed flavor to oatmeal. I cant wait to try it! Thanks Heidi!


Love this, made a savoury version of this, with a bit more salt and some olive oil on top, super-tasty. Also took a detour and just made it up in the morning, roasting and then cooking it like regular porridge with some roasted cashews and walnuts. Thanks for that one!!


Love the recipe! Want to laugh? So I’m a big oatmeal fan. So my morning breakfast consists of oatmeal9of course),blueberries (anti oxidants)and a quarter cup of espresso and half cup Almond milk in. Yeah I know…I’m strange. But I love it! Love the site! Keep up the good work.


We do a similar thing, but we skip the toasting in butter…..we a live culture yogurt and golden raisins to the soaking water. We often throw in whole barley, teff and quinua too!!
We eat it 2-3 times a week and the we LOVE it with cinnamon, nutmeg and sunflower seed butter!!!


You inspired me to look for alternatives to Rolled Oats. I’m used to lots of options from Germany. Sadly, after checking the grocery store AND Whole Foods, I can’t find anything other than Rolled Oats or Rolled Quinoa here in the Philadelphia area. Any tips on where else to look for them?


These look so good. I’m definitely going to try and make these for the office

Plumbers Houston

I am trying to incorporate more grains into my diet and this looks like a very nutritious and healthy start to my day. I like the fact that you start it the night before. Thanks again Heidi

Denny Abler

I have been meaning to make ‘getting up to eat breakfast before I leave for work’ a New Year’s Resolution for two years running now. This reminds me of when I was a kid and I ate breakfast where you should—at home! I think you have inspired me to finally do it! And it might be interesting to try the bourbon blueberries before I hit the office, heh heh!

Buford's Floozy Sauce

Very good. I added wheat berries to the oats mixture, and this resulted in a nice nutty flavor and a bit of a chewy texture. I liked this as I found the the overnight soak of the oats left them mushy.

Diana Bonyhadi

Oh my gosh! YUMMO! Im going to try and make this tomorrow morning 🙂


This was fantastic! I could bathe in the buttermilk syrup. As always, it’s a hit. (even with my two toddlers)
Thank you!


Anything we could use instead of butter? my sweetie is vegan


thanks for the recipes i ejoyed the information very much.

mark king

I could not wait to make your breakfast recipe… Had oatmeal on hand, shopped for the rest and all I could find was rolled barley… so, I made it with: rolled oats, rolled barley, rolled quinoa, some farro and spelt. After the grains were toasted in heavenly butter and salt, the water was added and brought to a boil, gave it a stir, turned off the heat, and put the lid on. This morning everything was cooked and ready to enjoy and savor … (needed a bit more salt). Found yogurt and apple cider in the fridge plus blueberries and almonds. Thank you dear Heidi for the yummy and nutritious breakfast… will have it often!!

May Bingham

I can’t wait to give this a try, four grain is new to me. This is very exciting 🙂

Sydney Jones

This recipe looks wonderful. I will have to try this out!


This was looking and smelling so great with the thick cut organic oats and coconut oil, but when I added the soy milk to soak overnight I noticed black specks floating to the surface. It wasn’t the pan coating and even under magnification we couldn’t identify it, so, especially considering the oats came from a bulk bin, I tossed it all and am trying again with a different bag of oats. Bug poop for breakfast? No thanks!


Looks so delicious. I love oatmeal for breakfast, thanks for sharing. I’ll try this recipe.

Spend Well Daily

Great lookin breakfast! Oatmeal in the morning has become a ritual for me and to get more variety, I really should start adding barley/spelt/flax. Nice recipe, girl!

Julia {The Roasted Root}

What an excellent way to start the day!!! It would be great with Bulgarian yogurt and 100% maple syrup as a dessert too :),

Miriam@Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters

This is a warming and unusual way to make breakfast cereal. A great change of pace, using some less widely-used grains. Am going to try it, blended and smooth, with some fruit, for my picky toddler!


I can’t wait to try this! I eat oatmeal pretty much everyday, so I am always looking for new ways to mix it up. Heidi, your baked oatmeal recipe from your cookbook changed my life!

Holly (The Apiarist)

This looks like a nice change from my standard oatmeal. I love toasted coconut on the top–or a spoonful of peanut butter.


I eat a ton of oatmeal and this is a great reminder to add some other grains…And I have never tried spelt

Stan Starsky

Just curious, what are you going to do with the Buddah’s hand you have in the background?


Wow, what a simple, healthy, and delicious breakfast idea!

Tasha @Tashasdish

Yum! I am completely into savory toppings, current favorite is pistachios, a good EVOO drizzle, sprinkle of fat salt and or grated parm/romano. To this will often add on of the following:chopped up hard boiled egg, or some small greens (wilted in) or blueberries, YES.


a healthy delicious breakfast. Love the addition of rolled spelt

Roxana GreenGirl { A little bit of everything}

I find soaking the oats the night before also makes it creamier the next day. I do this when making waffles with oats too. I wonder if this would work for other rolled grains,


I’ve become a fan of soaking/parcooking my oats the night before. Tried this little trick with just oatmeal and I am totally sold. Toasty, buttery deliciousness that makes weekday breakfast a luxury.


I think I will love the smell of oatmeal and butter wafting in the air the first thing in the morning.


The cereal looks great but what I really took from this post is the bourbon blueberries! Wow genius.


You had me at “bourbon blueberries”. Wow. I have been eating oatmeal for breakfast every morning this winter, loving how it fills me up and fuels me through the day without weighing me down. But I think it’s time to expand my grains– this looks delicious, and the toppings you mention are out. of. this. world.
(Love the Buddha’s Hand in the picture too!)

The Cozy Herbivore

I love combining my own rolled grains for cereal. I usually do it off the cuff as I’m making it in the morning, though, pouring a bit of this and a bit of that into the pan. Never thought of toasting it. Will have to try that.
I do love Kamut in mine, though, and rolled wheat, too.
My all-time favorite topping is coconut milk, which along with a bit of cold chunky applesauce on the hot cereal is an absolute dream of deliciousness.


I just came across your blog. Your photography is beautiful!
I need to get out of my quinoa and oats rut and add some more grains to the mix!

The Mrs @ Success Along the Weigh

Now I just want boozy blueberries. Is that so wrong?


Your recipes are always a real pleasure to try out – I love getting the emails! Keep it up!

Janette Kidd

Excellent idea!! It sounds delicious and doable for just about anyone. I may have a little project tonight…

Jenna Stratman

Forgot to mention: You were totally robbed in the piglet.


I’m afraid I’d eat the cereal at night once I smelled the toasting oats. Seriously, this sounds delish. I’ll have to make it for Jack and Josh because we are all oats lovers.


Addendum: forgot to mention in my earlier note that one still cooks the oats, as you would any other oatmeal, though the souring process shrinks the cook time measurably. A bit less daring than plain fermented oats, and warm!


Happy I popped by before bed. The grains are now soaking (and it does smell like cookies in the house). Thanks for sharing.


I love making my own grain mixes. I’ve never thought of making my own cereal mix, Its a great idea! I usually do rice mixes and flour mixes. Thanks for the great idea!

Rob @

Thanks for sharing! Room temp or in the fridge overnight?

Brenda Chesler

I love hot cereals, and I am intrigued by this recipe. And I love the cheery yellow of the inside of that bowl–I take all the cheer I can get in the mornings! Thanks, Heidi!


Classic recipe. I use a similar one almost every day — its my comfort breakfast — healthy and delicious. Dried dates also taste fantastic with this. Its not too heavy in the winter 🙂


Heidi, you will note that a number of us Piglet readers disagreed with that last round decision. I am hoping that Merrill and Amanda are keeping in the traditional Wildcard round when they bring back the books that they feel were taken out too early. Fingers crossed. Thanks for this breakfast suggestion. It looks lovely (and may I just say how elated I am at the idea of bourbon-soaked blueberries).

HS: The Piglet! You really never know how it is going to play out. And I love following it every year – whether I’m in it, or not 😉 It’s a tough field this year!


I think the interesting yellow thingy in the corner is a Buddha’s hand fruit…aka fingered citron like Jessica@Hungrygems pointed out. Neat fruit..Google it!


Heidi, I have made at least one quarter of the things you post, and not one of them has been just all right… they have all been truly memorable and enjoyed immensely by me, my boyfriend and others who come over. Also, all the things you post go well together, which I really appreciate when I’m trying to plan a party or a dinner. And they’re all beautiful, visually and texture-wise.
Have you considered using your brilliance to do beer and wine pairings with your recipes? I know you’ve posted some drink recipes, but I would love to hear what kind of wines you have paired with these dishes. I think your knack would be great here.
Thank you so so much – your website is a weekly visit when I’m planning my grocery list. You have my vegetarian diet so much more exciting and turned others onto vegetarian dishes, and I like that you recommend substitutes for ingredients we might not have around. I don’t know you but you have drastically improved my life, and I mean that! Cheers to you!!

HS: Thanks for your vote of confidence and nice words Kelly!


I like to put a large teaspoon of blackstrap molasses on my bowl of hot cereal: its a very strong, old-fashioned flavor and supplies SO many valuable nutrients, such as Iron. Regular molasses is also good, but isn’t as nutrient-dense. Real New York State Maple Syrup from my hometown is always a winner in my book too 🙂

HS: That sounds perfect Mary.


I just found your blog, and I could not be more happy. Such yummy food.

Necole Kell

This is perfect timing! I need a morning oatmeal makeover big time! The day ahead factor doesn’t scare me. Thanks!!


I love it. Especially the flexibility part. I’m looking forward to giving this a try. thanks!


Look out! Something is trying to attack your precious toasted four grain cereal! Oh, whew…it’s just your friendly neighborhood fingered citron. Carry on with the deliciousness…

Jessica @ Hungrygems

I’m so on board with this multi-grain breakfast! I’ve been trying out new whole grains lately, and this looks like a fun alternative to my new love, steel cut oats.

Cookie and Kate

Heidi, this sounds so good. I’ve been making 10 Grain Cereal and also 8 Grain Cereal from Bob’s Red Mill. Really love it. I tried finding flaked barley and spelt this past weekend without any luck. I have to try a few of the other stores in a 10 mile radius otherwise I will have to buy them online. I live in the middle of nowhere.
Also, I am trying to make things a bit gluten-free for my son (allergist said to try and get him to eat more gluten-free items and completely dairy-free) so I need whole grains that have no gluten. Any suggestions?

HS: Hi RisaG – Quinoa is pretty great. Can he do eggs? My nephew loves the little quinoa patties I make for him.


In addition I also toast flax seeds, pepitas, sunflower seeds, sliced almonds, walnuts, pecans into the mix for more of a granola type oatmeal. Thanks for the idea of the other grains!


I am trying to eat gluten free, can you do this with just the oatmeal?

Jayne Klein

I have been a reader of your journal for a long time but have never posted before. I would like to tell you how much I enjoy your column and photographs and love the enticing glimpses you give us of your old home. I live in an old house not far from Victoria, Vancouver Island and now that we have a direct flight to San Francisco I am very tempted to experience all the wonderful eating and cooking cultural experiences available there. We grow or locally source lots of our food and I am the proud Mum of Melanie who has co-ordinated the Feast of Fields on Vancouver Island for several years. I am prompted to write and tell you how delicious your lemon chutney recipe has turned out using the first good crop from my Meyer lemon tree. We are not necessarily vegetarian eaters but I find it challenging to make vegetables interesting…your column allows no excuses. Hope some day to meet you in person.

HS: Thanks for the nice note Susan 🙂 Glad you are enjoying the chutney.

Susan B

What a great recipe. I make overnight oats often, but I have not made cooked oats in a while. I am definitely going to try this recipe.

Maria @ Sinfully Nutritious

Cholesterol is a new problem at our house. Can you toast the grains without butter?

HS: Sure – you could do olive oil, or a good sunflower oil.

valerie s.

There is nothing better than the smell of breakfast and the anticipation it brings, so to smell it the night before? Utterly decadent. I love that the grains are toasted in butter – this must be incredibly delicious.


I’m an oatmeal fanatic and always looking for interesting ways to change it up! Thanks for the recipe!!


Very nice. Can Heidi or anyone else tell me what vegetable or fruit was on the table in the third photo. It looks like a whole bunch of parsnips just a very deep yellow or light orange color.

HS: Hi Janet – That’s a Buddha’s hand. It smells incredible.

Janet Paula

Thank you for this great post. I am always on the look out for healthy recipes for my family. I am going to make some up and take it with us on vacation/camping.

Geraldine Saucier

This looks great- I’m absolutely going to start expanding my typical oatmeal routine. I love it with stewed prunes! (Sounds like an old-person dish, but simmer some prunes with water, lemon zest, maple syrup and cinnamon and you’ll be converted too)


Fantastic recipe. I’m making it tonight.
Question: Do you leave the toasted grains at room temp. overnight, or do you refrigerate them? Thanks!

HS: Hi Steve, Wayne leaves the pot on the countertop.


Yeah, I don’t agree with the tournament of cookbooks decision. I cook from both of your cookbooks and your website at least 3-4 nights per week. If I made one thing from Momofuku, I’d be at the gym the rest of the week. Life is better with you 🙂


I can’t wait to try this recipe. I eat a lot of oatmeal and steel oats. For sweetening, I cook the oats with 1 chopped up medjool date. When I do this I don’t need any extra sweetener. I also top with it off with a Tbsp. of flax seed oil for an extra nutritional boost and an extra nutty flavor.


In my opinion, you were robbed in the Piglet Tournament……I love that you provide recipes and thinking that elevate and celebrate food that can be eaten everyday…..I’m just saying…..


This looks like a great muesli recipe. What do you think? instead of soaking it in water overnight soak it in yogurt and then just eat it cold?


That was a rough go in the Piglet. I’m not sure what I’d do, as all I want for Groundhog’s day, Valentine’s Day, President’s Day, etc., is one copy of each book. One for every day and one for special fat girl occasions.
It’s probably better to be the everyday girl though, I’d say.


Your site, photos and books make me smile and smile, thank you!
We pour boiling water on our cereal grains, then put them in a widemouthed thermos overnight… ta da instant hot breakfast.


Heidi, the Momofuku Milk Bar cookbook is incredible, but to be perfectly honest, it’s not anywhere near as useful as yours. I’ve cooked 10-12 of the recipes in your cookbook so far, and all of them have been absolutely splendid. You win my vote, anyway.


If you use the steel cut oats it’s even better. They have so much more texture than the rolled oats and are nutty. Delicious! I make up a large batch and heat up a little each day.


i love you!


This is a wonderful way to incorporate slow-cooking grains into a warm, ready breakfast.
I’ve been using a similar day-ahead technique for months that you might really enjoy. Instead of toasting the grains, I put them in a jar with a scoop of plain yogurt and warm water, and shake. The grains break down and release their enzymes overnight, resulting in a slightly soured, rich porridge in the am.
I usually start with a full jar on Sunday and use about half each morning, refilling the jar with more oats and warm water as the week progresses. By Friday or Saturday (or, in the summer, Wednesday), the oats are delightfully fermented, and I can toss what’s left into an easy yeast bread (your recipe from 2011 is perfect for this) for a cheater’s sourdough. These oats are delicious, versatile and healthful — and fermented, like the kombucha of breakfast treats.
My thanks for continuing this inspiring, invigorating recipe collage. We housemates in Oakland send our collective cheers your way.

HS: Oakland representing with an awesome idea! Thank you.


You can toast the grains without any butter or oil at all. Use a heavy pan and stir to prevent burning. Stop when the grains are a medium brown and fragrant.


This looks yummy. I love hot cereal! I’ve been mixing farro, bulgur and whatever random little bits of grains I have left in the pantry.


I want a live-in barista

HS: You can borrow him. 🙂


No more boxed cereals after this! I might try using brown puffed rice here.


I love the idea of toasting the oats in the butter first- sounds delicious as does the buttermilk maple butter. Thanks for the breakfast inspiration.


I’m a little bit in love with the bourbon blueberry idea. Seems to me it would make bourbon weekday appropriate!


I usually just grab some rolled oats for breakfast, but I think it would be great to spice things up with other grains! Thanks for sharing!

janet @ the taste space

I have been making and eating these types of cereals for years and when I am lazy I go buy muesli which sometimes toasted and sometimes not. The variations you can make are many and beat most boxed cereals hands down.

Laura @ SweetSavoryPlanet

Hi H! I’m sipping on a mug of hot coffee and thinking about how delicious a hot bowl of cereal would be too :>) I’ve been a huge fan of hot quinoa cereals lately, and I’m happy to have an expanded roster of grains to be inspired by in the mornings. Thank you! Noelle

Noelle @ GreenLemonade

Hi Heidi! This looks like a nutritious and welcoming breakfast. I would love a cup of joe paired with this.
I wanted to tell you that I made your sprouted garbanzo burgers this past weekend and absolutely loved them! They are now my favorite go-to lunch. My husband even raved about them and he is a meat and potatoes guy. We actually whipped up this tzatziki greek yogurt sauce to go with them and it was the perfect compliment. Great recipe!!!

jackie @ marin mama cooks

Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, and I’m always trying different combinations of grains and toppings for muesli or oatmeal. I’m interested to try toasting the grains in butter the night before.

la domestique

This sounds a delicious way to start the day, love the combination of grains


I love oatmeal for breakfast. I’ll have to try this! Also, what is that yellow thing on your counter in the third picture?? Is that a vegetable?


Heidi you were robbed of your piglet! This recipe looks like another great one – I almost always have your cold overnight muesli from SNED but have been thinking about branching out to other grains. Will have to see if spelt/barley flakes soften up the way the oats do when soaked in yoghurt & water overnight. Living in Ireland, can’t get fresh berries at the moment, but am saved by frozen berries which are lovely heated and added to top off the cold muesli.
Also, not related to breakfast, but I made your Miso-Curry Squash recipe the other day and have converted two more friends to the Heidi way…


This sounds great! And just for the record, you were totally robbed with the Momofuku thing! Perhaps professional chefs like the complexity of the Momofuku dishes, but as a home cook, I think your book outshines the other by a mile.


This sounds delicious! I’ve had a commercially produced organic grain blend that was similar to this mix, but I bet it would have tasted 100x better prepared with this method.
I usually just make steel cut oats in the slow cooker when I want overnight grains – just stick it all in there at bedtime, and it’s ready with just a stir in the morning!

Grace @ What Grace Cooked

This sounds simple and good. Love the ‘morning sunshine’ bowl!


Look at all those grains! I’d like to jump in them like a kid jumping into one of those big bins with all the balls in it. …ya know? Yes? No?

Bev Weidner

I love the toasted flavor but was surprised when i toasted cereal like this for my little boy, he hated it! I guess it’s a grownup taste 🙂

Michelle @ Find Your Balance

I’m just about to have my morning oats and am loving this as a new variety to add!

Simply Life

mmm… anything with buttermilk maple butter has to be good! 🙂

Tabitha (From Single to Married)

Waking up to oatmeal cookie smells – not a bad idea! Hearty and healthy breakfast!

Belinda @zomppa

This could be a very good alternative to my regular oatmeal with apples and cinnamon.
Just have to find a way to ease up on the butter!

Mike @TheIronYou

I love your twist on the traditional oatmeal breakfast. When I have to work really early, it’s my go to for a quick breakfast… with brown sugar and soy milk of course 🙂
Will have to try the boozy blueberries and the buttermilk maple butter. Sounds more like an indulgent weekend treat.


Heidi, the world needs to know what that multi-headed banana is! Please enlighten the masses.
(Great idea to toast the oats before soaking.)


This sounds like a great mix of grains to have on hand. I always feel so much better when I start the day off the right way.


What a wonderful recipe. I absolutely love cereal for breakfast, but am always slightly apprehensive as to what goes into the shop bought variety. This looks utterly perfect. And healthy.

Skye (Skye Loves...)

Thank you so much, Heidi.
I found your blog only recently, but it addresses my attempted change of eatinghabits so well, with the bright, comforting photographs and mouth-watering ideas.
I’m about to start an exam period and kept seeking healthy, filling breakfast ideas other than industrial sugar-y cereals. This sound wonderful, and I plan to try it next week, then come back and report. hope it will be as good with some fresh fruit other tha berries, that are hardly available in my country.
Thank you for sharing these wonderful ideas with us.


This looks so great. I love oatmeal for breakfast, but I’ve never thought of toasting the grains before. When you say to turn off the heat and add the water, do you leave it on the stove top over night or set it in the fridge?


I am wondering what that yellow octopus like flower is in the window picture.
I Love the butter toasting aroma of any cereal, can have it as it is tossed with some chopped fruits, chocolate curls and some cream or greek yogurt.
Lovely pictures.

sangeeta khanna

It’s nice to know exactly what’s in the cereal you’re eating. I love making my own and adding all sorts of toppings from nuts to fruit. I look forward with experimenting more with varied grains.

Anna @ the shady pine

I recently bought buckwheat groats from whole foods (because i like buckwheat flour) and I made it as I’d make anyother whole grain. Anyway, I found the flavor apalling. Would toasting it like this perhaps create a better flavor?


Ah, the magic of breakfast. Favorite meal of the day! Could I request a recipe for buttermilk maple butter, or do you buy it?

HS: Hi Kilby: I tacked it on at the end of the recipe along w/ the bourbon blueberries. Enjoy!


The cereal looks hearty and comforting and the buttermilk maple butter sounds fab.
Lovin’ that yellow veggie in the background, Buddha’s hand I’m guessing. Nice!

Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga

I’ve never seen spelt, rye or barley flakes either! Sounds so interesting! Do you leave the pot of toasted cereal with water at room temperature overnight or refrigerate it? Loved your interview at Remodelista, btw.

HS: Thanks Charlotte 🙂 – Re: the cereal -he leaves it on the counter.

charlotte au chocolat

one of my favorite cookies ever (and there have been many) is a Nancy Silverton riff on Nutter Butters, from her early dessert cookbook. She begins by toasting oats in a melted butter, alongside a vanilla bean, and HOLY cow, the effect is incredible.
applying this same technique to breakfast cereal? love it. the toppings, too. we’ll so give this a go.
thanks, wayne!


Heidi, you are just so great. This is my first post though I have been OBSESSED with your blog and cookbook now for about a year. My husband keeps joking that he needs to write you a thank-you note for how you’ve revolutionized my cooking! This recipe looks great, breakfast foods have been on my mind lately! I just found your post for “Easy Little Bread” from Gran’s Kitchen cookbook. We’ve been craving scones lately and wonder if you have any great recipes to pass along?! Thanks for being so inspirational.

HS: HI Stephanie – thanks for the nice note. Check the archives. There are definitely some favorite scone recipes hiding in there.


This looks delicious. I have to say my favorite hot cereal is the oatmeal from Super Natural Every Day, so I am looking forward to trying more of your recommendations!


Oh yum, I’ve never used spelt or barley flakes…must find them. I wonder if toasting the flakes in coconut oil would work in lieu of butter…


Cool recipes! This must be a healthy recipe for my cooking diary. Thank you very much!

Jess Ng

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