A Nice Berry Pie Recipe

My go-to berry pie recipe - a rye flour crust and mixed berry filling seasoned with fresh thyme leaves. It's the pie I bake most often.

A Nice Berry Pie

I'm sitting here in my neighborhood coffee shop attempting to write about pie. To be more specific, berry pie. I'm easily distracted and a bit of a daydreamer, so we'll see how this goes. I suspect it could be one of those scenarios where it takes me the better part of an hour to craft a sentiment that basically communicates the following. This is the pie I bake most often. It's made with the crust I love most. And it's a stand-up way to use good berries as well as berries that aren't quite perfect. It's made with a rye flour crust that I pair with a simple mixed berry filling seasoned with a sprinkle of fresh thyme leaves.

Berry Pie Recipe

But lets circle back a bit. How about I tell you what I like in a berry pie? I suspect not all of you will agree with me, but let me put it out there. I like a flaky-yet-substantial all-butter crust. I like that crust baked just this side of too dark. But not so dark that it gets overly dry. I also appreciate a slice of pie that (generally speaking) maintains its wedge shape. I like a filling that tastes like fruit, not sugar. And I'm sure there are a number of other things - if they come to mind later, I'll tack them on to the end of this list.

Berry Pie Recipe

As far as pulling this pie together is concerned, the filling is straight forward. It's the homemade crust that sends everyone into a tailspin. I try to link out to some good instructional sites within the recipe (below) for those of you who are nervous about technique, or aren't quite sure how to approach pie crusts. Lots of pictures, and a video. I might use different ratios/ingredients, but the techniques are the same. And just know, a bit of practice will have you cranking out pies in no time. This rye pie crust in particular is super adaptable - sometimes I sweetened it with a bit of sugar, or sprinkle sugar on top prior to baking. Herbs are welcome, as is citrus zest. I use it for savory pies, and for tarts too.

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A Nice Berry Pie

Berries. I tend to use whatever berries I have on hand. My very, very favorite is a version made entirely with wild huckleberries. This pie was a blend of blueberries, huckleberries, and blackberries (8oz. blackberries, 8 oz huckleberries, 1 pound blueberries) - also great. Play around! As far as the crust goes, I'll include my very favorite below, the one I use most often - it makes enough for one 9 or 10-inch double-crust pie.

Flaky Rye Pie Crust

75 g / v. scant 2/3 cup rye flour
175g / 1 1/2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon fine grain sea salt
8 oz / 1 cup salted butter
1/3 cup / 80 ml cold water or beer

You can make the crust using the quick and popular food processor technique. BUT I always make it by hand, using the above ingredients, and this technique. If you like a super-puffy crust, do the folding in Pim's instructions 4x. I usually like mine less so, and fold & roll just 2 or 3 times, depending on how the dough is feeling. The pie in the photo was 3x.

Berry Pie Filling

2/3 cup / 3.5 oz / 100g natural cane or brown sugar
1/3 cup / 1.5 oz / 45 g flour (apf or wwp)
1/4 teaspoon fine grain sea salt
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
2 sprigs thyme (prefer. lemon thyme) ~ 1/2 t.
2 pounds of berries, (see head notes)
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons butter

1 egg plus 1 tablespoon water, whisked

Large grain sugar, for sprinkling

Preheat your oven to 425F / 220C, with a rack in the bottom third. Roll out your pie crust - top and bottom - on a flour dusted counter. I tend to work the edges a bit first (particularly if I'm getting cracks) - roll and turn, roll and turn, dusting with flour when necessary. Flip once or twice. Work quickly and keep the dough moving. Place between unbleached parchment paper or Silpats, and refrigerate while you make the filling. If you're nervous about rolling out the crust, have a look at the second part of Melissa Clark's video. See how she's not super fussy? Channel some of that. If you need an extra confidence booster, read this. It's o.k. if your dough doesn't roll out into a perfect circle - you can patch and pinch later if needed. Just shoot for 11 or 12-inch inch rounds.

Make the filling by combining the sugar, flour, salt, cinnamon, and thyme in large mixing bowl. Add the berries, and toss gently until well combined. Set aside.

Line a 9 or 10-inch pie plate with the bottom piece of pie dough. Guide it into place without stretching. You want about an inch of dough extending past the rim of the pie plate, trim a bit with scissors or a sharp knife if needed.

Fill the crust with the berries, drizzle with lemon juice, and dot with the butter. Brush the rim of the bottom crust with a bit of egg wash, then top with the other piece of pie crust. Trim the top crust a bit if needed, then press the top and bottom crusts together at the edges. Working around the rim, tuck the overhanging dough under itself, and crimp with a fork or flute using your fingers (see picture up above). Brush the crust with more of the egg wash, cut a few slits into the top, and place in the oven for about 45 minutes - until the crust is deeply golden. Check your pie regularly after 25 minutes. If you need to foil the edges of the pie - pull it out and do so - this way the edges wont get too dark and dry. I don't have to foil in my oven for this pie, even at this temp, but your oven might be a bit different. I also sprinkle with large-grain sugar about 25 minutes in - for a little extra crunch and sweetness. Let cool a bit, slice and serve.

Serves 8.

Prep time: 90 minutes - Cook time: 45 minutes

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Looks like the Ultimate American Pie! Yum to bad the rubarb season is over because that would have been a great ingredient to add!
Please continue doing what you’re doing :)!

Fleur Englina Julietta Feijen

Hi Heidi! I love this recipe with rye flour! Berries are my favourite fruit and thyme gives an extra boost to the pie filling! Gonna make it soon. Grazie!


can’t sleep, so sharing this recipe with you, looks great. After WE get moved I am going to per-fect a pie crust. Love!!!

Amy Gwartney

I just made a pie crust for the first time. I followed smitten kitchen and joy the baker. I just saw this and i love that you used rye. Makes me want to experiment with flour butter and ice cold water all the time. The process was so cathartic. I was so excited to make pie and can see you enjoyed it to. It was homey and warm all the things I love about being in fall in the kitchen. I used plums as filling and spiced with cardomom. I also love that you used thyme Typically savory herbs and sweet things make my heart sing I am excited to try the rye recipe, next time(which won’t be long) thanks Heidi.


Wow, this looks so good!

Denise | Chez Danisse

Some of my favorite memories are of huckleberry picking with my grandfather. Wandering through the woods with a coffee can and the pie that came later. Still my favorite pie. Maybe will have to make one soon. Thanks for the reminder.


So I made A Nice Berry Pie this weekend – in spite of my mother insisting that rye would taste off in a pie crust. I used blackberries and raspberries, lemon thyme, and followed the recipe to a T. I LOVED the crust, I really enjoyed that it was different, but not so much so that it detracted from the experience. The filling was a little watery at first (I was antsy to try it and sliced into it a little too warm) – over all, incredible and special. I had a bit of trouble with the crust, but it still turned out nicely. I plan to use this crust again and again. Thanks for sharing!


Absolutely perfect!

Katie @ BloomEveryday

This recipe is a success! I made a tart with your pie crust and filling recipe. I brought it into work today, and my coworkers love it! I liked that the dough wasn’t sweet — definitely made the filling stand out. The dough also had a nice, flakey texture. I read the ChezPim article and used the technique — it was fun to make, and it worked!
HS: So happy it worked out Anna. 🙂


I tried out the recipe (but I put crumble on top instead of pie dough), they turned out nice. My D&D-players loved them 🙂
Pics: http://wp.me/pRAvD-77
Thank you for posting!
HS: Love the crumble top ijinx.


Hi, I had a pie that looked exactly like your a week ago and it was great. Unfortunately I didn’t make it myself. I am going to try. Regards.


I just made this pie, and it’s good! Not too sweet, crust holds together … all the intense crust-making tutorials certainly helped. That tip to leave the fat in lima bean-sized chunks is priceless. And oh, soooo much fat goes into this recipe. But at my rate of baking one pie every five years, it should be alright….
My changes: I used a hard apple cider in the pie dough, and replaced the lemon juice with lime. I grated the lime rind into the fruit as well.
i am really pleased to find a recipe for a wholesome pie crust that lives up to its expectations in every way.

Primordial Soup

I made this pie last week with strawberries, raspberries and blackberries. It was delicious! Not overly sweet, crispy crust, yum! My first pie! I did use coconut sugar and dried thyme as I did not have fresh. Making again this weekend. Thank you!


The rye crust was spectacular! I made it as suggested, and it was a welcome, hearty base for a mushroom/spinach/cheese pie I threw together for an easy weeknight dinner…and breakfast…and lunch…how I love good leftovers! Thanks for this new staple recipe!


I made a pie with plums and red pepper yesterday, and it turned out beautifully. I actually never made a pie crust before, it was quite easy, smelled and tasted wonderful, and I will keep making my own, I think. Thanks for the recipe and the encouragement!


I made a small pie yesterday, with plums and red pepper and it turned out beautifully. This was the first time I ever made a pie crust myself, it was actually quite easy and it smelled great. Thanks for the recipe and the encouragement!


I love rye! It looks just gorgeous!! I could completely relate to trying to write what you love most about a recipe and coming up with a blank and yet this article was charming to read.


I pretty much want to eat everything I’ve ever seen posted here, this lovely pie included. I have rye flour and berries on hand, this is a must try for the weekend. Thanks for such a wonderful blog.


The picture of this magnificent pie overcame my pie crust phobia–I’ve never before been successful. Tempted especially by the notion of rye flour in pie crust, I braved it and basked in the praise last night, when I served it to my dinner guests. Blackberries, raspberries and blueberries were my combination. This is a WINNER!

Karen Chalfen

What a beautiful pie! I use a pastry recipe from Mitchell Davis of the James Beard organization. It has proven to be fool-proof, but this one sure does look delicious. I too love the taste of fruit, especially berries, without overbearing sugar. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos.


This will be the Learning-how-to-make-a-Pie Year. I will learn. I will knead. I will roll. I will bake. I will taste. My kitchen will smell of autumn and rain. Thanks for help.


swoon. a hint of beer in rye pastry accompanied by a heap of our end of summer berries means that fall is going to be a season to embrace! i’m partial to white spelt flour pie crusts but this one could easily sway me.

art and lemons

When is Cook 1.0 going to be back out in print? I keep checking this one out from the library and have had it for about 4 months… I love everything in here and the gelato is heavenly! P.S. This blueberry pie looks amazing.


I love rye! Use it to make my sourdough starter and haven’t found anything rye that turns out poorly. Never tried it in a pie crust, looking forward to the attempt!

Homemade aspirations girl

Looks divine, I have always preferred apple pie over any alternative, but this looks wonderful!

This American Bite

It looks just gorgeous!! I never baked a pie before…but I think I should try yours now 🙂

El Pasticcio

This looks absolutely delicious! Can’t wait to try this out, thank you!


Hi Heidi,
Your post on pie made me think of one of my close friends (who also happens to be a big fan of yours) who recently opened a pop-up pie shop in San Francisco. Her name’s Katrina and their shop is called Three Babes Bakeshop. I thought you may like to check it out! (www.threebabesbakeshop.com)
I’m not usually a comment-board plugger but given your list of favorites and use of natural ingredients, I thought that what the “Three Babes” are doing in San Francisco would be right up your alley.
– Faithful reader, Vanessa from Boston
HS: I’m clearly meant to have a Three Babes pie – another friend was singing their praises to me over dinner last night. 🙂


Beautiful photos. I will most certainly try this pie crust. We most often use rye flour in your pancake recipe – the best pancakes I’ve ever eaten. My 8 yr. old is so in love with those pancakes she puts buttermilk into the grocery cart on each visit.
Beyond rye flour – one of the best blueberry pies I’ve ever made was based on a Cooks Illustrated recipe which used grated apple in the filling to provide a natural pectin – it really kept the filling from falling all over the place. I was wondering if you’ve ever tried adding a bit of that into your pie filling?
This recipe is on the list for the weekend. So enjoying your new cookbook and the blog.


What a great article! I could completely relate to trying to write what you love most about a recipe and coming up with a blank and yet this article was charming to read.
I was just thinking yesterday, “what am I going to bake this week” and now I’ll need to add berries to the grocery list.
Where can you get huckleberries? I don’t think I’ve ever seen them.

Colleen at A Curry of a Life

I have never used rye flour in pie crust — I have used whole wheat pastry flour. I might try your recipe once. I never make all-butter crusts though — too greasy and not flaky enough: I like butter and vegetable shortening in combination. For your readers who are not shuddering yet, I recently posted my mother’s recipe for pie crust on my blog “The Kale Chronicles.” It’s in the post for Gravenstein Apple Pie.
For berry pies, I love blueberry/raspberry or blueberry/blackberry raspberry combinations.

Sharyn Dimmick

Beautiful. My favourite desserts have berries in them and you just can’t beat a fantastic berry pie.
p.s. the crust looks AMAZing.


Wow, I love the idea of a rye pie crust. I feel like it just begs to be filled with cinnamon scented apples or pears, as well. I am very keen to try this.
On another note, I just recieved your latest cookbook in the mail after ordering it online – I love it! I’m trying at least three recipes a week from it, and it’s so beautifully presented and photographed.

Sarah @ studiofood

Love your crust recipe…I love berry pies and am always open to trying new crust recipes…and I like my crust just like you do! On the down side, I can NEVER find huckleberries around here and I really feel like I am missing out. Sigh…


Your pie looks gorgeous. I agree completely with what you wrote about what you look for in a pie; I hate fillings that are too sweet or pies that fall apart when cut.


A-men to pies that actually taste like fruit.


You’ve read my mind, I have been thinking often of pies. Making my own, sharing my own, eating my own. I cannot wait to get my pie-bake on. Thank you 🙂
Heidi xo

Heidi - Apples Under My Bed

so lovely Berry Pie …and tis easy to learn….love your recipes…


Perfect dessert idea! I have all of these ingredients (well, except for the rye flour, but I can probably substitute) in my kitchen and I’m excited to make those 1 week old berries (eek) into a tasty pie tomorrow.

Mich @ 6morningside

You’re right, it is so important that a pie taste of fruit and not sugar. The pie looks great, fat and plentiful. GG

Glamorous Glutton

I like your blog and your berry pie 😛


Gorgeous pics! You’re making me want to bake a pie (which I’ve never done before)


If anyone is wondering what berries to use, try half raspberries and half huckleberries. The combination of these two berries is indiscribable! I had people literally like their places clean!


How funny. i was just having a conversation with a friend about making a berry based pie and lo and behold, I come across your crumbly delicious looking pie. I loave sara’s idea of using toasted almonds.


This, is exactly what I needed to see. This, is my kind of pie. Thanks, I needed a little inspiration. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.


Wow, I just saw another fruit pie with thyme and a rye crust that another blogger posted the same day! I’m definitely inspired to try that combination. Unfortunately Portland is experiencing a heat wave and I’m just not willing to turn on the oven. Maybe a grilled galette version would be nice?


My boyfriend would just freak out if I used rye flour in a piecrust! Tee hee, makes it all the more fun!

Rocky Mountain Woman

I am going to try this pie crust out with a peach filling… since I currently have 20 pounds of peaches sitting on my counter!! Question though, could the Rye be substituted for another whole grain flour such as Kamut? And could WW pastry flour be substitued for the all purpose?


Hi. I am Alexander and I am 7. I love the looks of the berry pie! totally! I can’t wait to cook it with Melissa! I can’t wait to eat it and when I eat it it will sure be yum! That is the best blog in the whole entire world. I can’t wait to see other stuff on your blog that is cool! From Alexander


You are so clever! Even I can make this…and the taste…!!!!!!!!!!

David Crossfield

Heidi, these photos are so beautiful. You amaze me in the way you continually hone your craft. They are so much more than a mere photo of food; they are transcending.


This is gorgeous Heidi! Very rustic and pretty. You also painted such a vivid picture of you at the cafe, I could almost see you 🙂

Sneh | Cook Republic

crusts do not phase me, but berry pies that weep endlessly into their (soon) sodden crusts do. i will refer back to the thickener notes here, the next berry pie i bake.
this looks, sounds and smells (!) lovely, heidi.


I love to read your recipes.
Your pictures are beautiful.
I only wish people would prepare your recipes
1st and then comment


Pie is one of those wholesome hearth-warming things that I can never get enough off. A thin slice with coffee or tea for breakfast, topped with whipped cream after dinner or as a snack shared with friends. Pie seems to just bring people together in adoration of flaky dark crusts and fresh fillings. I have never tried rye crust and have been guilty in many occasions to buy premade dough =O. But I love pie and will try this one out. Would this crust work for apple? Berries are not a stellar favorite here, though eaten anyways. And sweet fillings take away from the pie, I think. I rather have more fruit flavor than sweet as well.


Heidi — I’m in Oakland. Is there a good source around here for huckleberries (either to go pick or to buy – probably easier to buy). Not sure if Berkeley Bowl or local farmers mkts tend to have them. I’d love to try the pie using them.
HS: Hi Barb – I typically pick mine up from Far West Funghi. Depending on the time of year they have fresh / frozen.


I made a beautiful caramel apple pie from scratch a few Thanksgivings ago. I labored in the kitchen for 5 hours, scraping vanilla bean into my homemade caramel, forming a beautiful crust, and slicing my apples to perfection. When I took a bite, I realized I had sliced my apples on a cutting board previously occupied by ONIONS!!! The whole thing tasted of onion, and I haven’t made a pie since.
Maybe it’s time to try again with this recipe?


I love berry pies, it gives me a good idea for the weekend. Yours looks delicious.


The idea of a rye crust sounds lovely with contrasting sweetish berries! I am a huge fan of using spelt flour in baking these days, but will have to give the rye crust a try VERY soon. I bet it would be great with peaches.
do you ever use kamut or buckwheat in crusts? I am totally into random flour combos lately.
also, i know your trouble with coffee shops and focus. there’s one near our house (matching half) and I constantly stare outside at the pie shop across the street! ha.
HS: Seriously!?? That’s where I was when I wrote this up! I’ll have to keep my eyes peeled for you 🙂

heather @ chiknpastry

Like you I love berry pies! I’m also giving my first pie crust demonstration at a local kitchen shop in Maine – USA!! I also don’t like “super sweet” pies. I find I usually cut the sugar in half or at least by 1/3! Like you, I like my crust flaky and a little on the golden brown side and like you, I like my pie to stay together when I cut it! I’m famous for my “Wild Maine Blueberry Pie.”
Happy baking!

Library Selkie

What do you recommend to substitute to make a nice gluten free crust?

Erin Maloney

Beautiful! I’ve been in pie making mode recently. I can’t wait to use this new pastry technique! The Cook’s Illustrated vodka one doesn’t work for me (too wet), so I’d been doing all butter ones using a pastry blender or food processor. I have good results, but I love the potential for layers with this technique! Also, I never thought of adding herbs. Good idea! Lavender leaves might work nicely, too.


I agree that not too sweet filling is delicious in pies, which is partly why homemade is so good. Looking forward to try some with your rye crust!


Can you use frozen berries?


This looks so good, I want to go home and make it right now! I would love to try it with raspberries. Add a dollop of ice cream to the side, and it seriously looks like the perfect dessert. Thanks for always having such amazing pictures with your recipes, they are really inspiring!

Not Yet A Mommy Blog

I decided to feature your website and this recipe on my blog. I hope thats Ok.

rachel Hope

Thanks so much Heidi, this looks amazing! I’m also curious about subbing beer for water in the pie crust. Is that what you did above? This is very intriguing.. can’t wait to try.

Rachel Claire

Gorgeous pie!, Heidi I love the colors of the golden crust paired with that rich purple-blue. I’ve never tried a rye crust before, but you’ve piqued my curiosity as usual!

Kathryn | Dramatic Pancake

I’m reading this early morning, it is supposed to be Spring here – but it’s cold and raining today. This pie makes me feel warm, the colours are gorgeous. I might make this for breakfast tomorrow, with a big dollop of yoghurt to serve. Thank you.


this sounds really interesting, next time I make a pie I’m going to try the rye crust, altho I’m not sure how my brothers will react, they don’t necessarily like rye. thanks for sharing.

Rachel Hope

Now that pie is very, very nice :), I could go for some right about now! Miriam@Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters

Miriam@Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters

This is brillant on so many levels. I love the technique of treating the dough like puff paste. I LOVE the idea of using rye flour. And the addition of thyme? Out of this world. Thank you!


i love pie…and that is a gross understatement. fruit, especially berry, pies are my favorite, and agree that the crust is extremely important (though i do use some shortening in mine), and that the filling shouldn’t be too sweet. showcasing the flavor and freshness of the fruit is all important. that being said, i need to try out this pie, crust included. i can’t wait to taste a crust with rye in it, and thyme sounds like a wonderful addition!

gretchen hatz

Thyme and rye. That’s so much more appealing than the sugar laden junk you can buy at the store.

Michelle @ Find Your Balance

I was wondering if anyone has attempted to use refined coconut oil in place of the butter??
We have Dairy issues at our house

Melissa Cohen

I have to say I rather like the idea of the flakey rye pastry crust and look forward to trying my hand at it.

kate Abbott

Your berry pie looks and sounds exactly like my kind of berry pie. I’ve yet to try making my own pie (made a galette the other day), but it’s about time to give it a go. Thank you for the pie making resources!

Cookie and Kate

do you ever make gluten-free pie crusts? Any hints?


Believe it or not this is just what I needed today… It is over 100 degrees and I am very grumpy… This my dear, is something I am going to do as soon as it gets warm enough to walk into my kitchen. Once again this is perfect.

Patrice Longmire

Love rye pastry! Ever since I got “Good to the Grain”, I’ve used rye flour for countless galettes. Also, your pie server/spatula thingy is lovely.


I love berry pies. This looks absolutely adorable and delicious!

Annie @ Naturally Sweet Recipes

Now *this* sounds like a crust I could love. I’m blackberry person myself, and we have several farms with rows of canes nearby. I love pairing blackberries with orange blossom water and lavender… I think I’ve just found my weekend project!


Where do you get huckleberries? I never see them in stores. I would love to make some of your recipes that call for them.


Ok………what a great surprise! Here is Eugene, Oregon where i live one of my Farmers New grain crops is Rye. Casey asked me to make something and get back with her. I was thinking of your Soda Bread that I love but Heck!……..this is even better:)
Berries you know are abundant here!
I was looking at that rolling pin……….and thought it might be from Harriot and Grace………..if it is are you liking it?
As always………thanks for the Share:)


I’ve been disappointed that I can’t get more WWP flour into my crusts without losing the flakiness, so I’m excited to try it out with rye! Seems like the flavor would go perfectly with blackberries.
But cinnamon! with berries! why!?


Is there a substitute for rye flour?


Just yesterday I waded through all manner of berry stickers to pick berries for pie. I was amazed to find another universe right here in my urban world-the universe of creatures of many legs partying it up on harvest. I soldiered on knowing that my friend in Maine must slide down a hill and risk fighting with bears to get her berries-I just saunter in and try to move aside as many spiders,etc as possible and then gently rinse the late ones out when I get home.
I prefer to use only sugar and lemon for these berries-they are so dark and dense that my grand daughter said that “the berries are so rich”

Singing Sparrow

oh, thank you for this recipe, i was looking for something like that, i have some berries in the fridge right now!!!
thank you!!!

kosenrufu mama

I recently made a blackberry apple pie with a whole wheat crust; it was so good! I think berry pies are one of may favorites too!


I’m wondering if you have ever tried this using instant tapioca instead of flour with the berries? I love the thyme in with the berries.
Did you use light or dark rye flour? I’m wondering what the crust would be like with barley flour instead of rye. I’m going to try out your recipe for the rye pie crust. It looks wonderful.
Thanks for all of your beautiful and thoughtful posts.

Terri Sandys

Heidi, I have been making pie crust for a long time (since I was a kid, actually) and I’ve tried many recipes but never seen one which calls for beer! Can you explain the advantages of using that over water?


This post reminds me that I have a pound of wild huckleberries somewhere in the back of my freezer. On the one hand, I can’t believe pie season is here. On the other, our sudden drop in temperature over the last week (40+ degrees) has left me ready for Fall cooking and baking. I’ve never made a rye flour crust before – intriguing!


What a beautiful looking pie! I might have to head to the health food store to find the rye flour and give that pastry a try.

Tanya - Three Square Meals

I need to start baking more pies, I love this one!

Angie @ Bigbearswife

Hmmmm – I dont know that I can wrap my head around the rye . . . . .I am not a huge fan . .. . .how rye(y) for the lack of a better word is this? I have made loads of beautiful pies but do share your sentiment of a filling that has some form . . . . . Rye flour? hmmmmm Does it provide a different texture or is it a flavor thing. Perhaps I will just have to give it a spin.


I keep telling myself that I WILL make a pie this holiday season! I would have never thought to make a rye crust. Excellent idea Heidi!!

mary @ what's cookin with mary

This looks amazing! The hubby loves pie so I will have to try this out. I only wish we got fresh berries in Texas.


Yum! For those who would like to make this pie dairy-free, try palm shortening. It is non-hydrogenated and makes a perfect crust every time. Spectrum Organic is a great one. I also use it as my secret ingredient in butter cakes, replacing about half the fat, for more loft, and it’s wonderful for Jewish holiday desserts when you can’t use butter (because the dessert will be served at a meat meal) or when cooking for vegan friends.


Rye flour? Beer? Thyme? In the most beautiful berry pie I’ve ever seen? Yes, yes and yes. You outdid yourself with this one!


A rye pie crust: I can’t WAIT to try this. I was thinking about experimenting with pastry using these flours–I figure that the lower gluten content isn’t an issue in a pie crust? Anyway, thanks for the push!


This is gorgeous and I love that you used a rye crust. I can make a respectable rustic open-faced crostata, but for some reason, I am not confident about making a pie with a top! I’m going to give this a whirl, though.
Slightly tangentially (though, since you mentioned zest above, I took the opening to mention this), one of my very favorite tips I’ve learned from you is using lemon zest.I cannot thank you enough for this simple but powerful addition – I use it, as you do, in both savory and sweet applications, and I cannot believe how much it brings to many of the dishes I make. I especially love it in vinaigrette and on bread that’s been toasted and rubbed with garlic. Oh, and on eggs and pasta. The list goes on

Linda NYC

This looks gorgeous – do you use salted butter as well as salt in the crust? that threw me off a little bit – just wanted to make sure before i dive into this recipe 🙂
HS: Hi shshanka, I do add that little extra bit of salt w/ the salted butter.


You love all the same things I do, in a pie! I love the addition of fresh thyme to the pie- herbs in sweets are one of my favorite pairings.

Kristin (Cook Bake Nibble)

This sounds and looks amazing, I think I’ll have to overcome my fear and just try making a pie crust myself. I’m thinking of a plum pie… There might be one in the near future…


I love the addition of rye flour to your pie crust! I just made a plum tart with white whole wheat flour, and the whole grain crust really makes the difference.


Thanks for sharing all the techniques for mixing and rolling pie dough .

Samantha Angela @ Bikini Birthday

Thanks for sharing all the great techniques for mixing and rolling out pie dough!

Samantha @ Bikini Birthday

I am still on my journey to finding the pie crust that works for me. I’ll have to add your tips to my list and see if mine turns out as beautiful as yours!

Snippets of Thyme

i absolutely love the crust in this recipe…it looks and sounds like perfection! and the berries? forget it…i love how the juices all run together and form this amazing sauce. i can’t get enough!

Heather (Heather's Dish)

A rye crust sounds so interesting and I’m a sucker for all things berry! I love this.


Wow! that combo of berries and homemade crust looks too good to be true!

Simply Life

Impressed with the recipe and that you got the first piece out in a perfect triangle and so well in-tact. I am NOT the person for that job…at all 🙂

Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga

One reason I will always love cooking is you never stop learning. I never thought to foil the edges of the pie so they don’t get too dark – though I had that problem. Same with folding the pastry. I only ever did that with Puff pastry. Also, fruit and rye I can see will be a good combo immediately. So heartfelt thanks.

adam and theresa

Mmmm. This looks amazing! Thanks for all the links for the crust as well. I haven’t yet tried making a 2 crust pie- this just might be the recipe that motivates me to try it! If I do, I’ll let you know how well it comes out Gluten and Dairy free 🙂

Katie @ katiedidonline

This pie is beautiful! Great recipe.


What a perfect pie!


That is one very good looking pie!


Going to go for the last blackberry foraging expedition of the summer this weekend. Now I know what I will do with what I find.


Sadly, I do not have the pleasure of knowing what a huckleberry tastes like. Your pie looks to die for. Like you, I prefer mine with an almost-too-dark crust and the ability to hold its shape. Thank you for sharing the “machine-less” crust technique from chezpim.com. I’ll try that out next time.


Having a new pie crust recipe gives me the motivation to try my hand at pastry making again. I keep trying the same universal technique (Don’t over work it! Don’t add too much water!), and I have yet to get it right. *sigh* Practice will make perfect eventually, right?
HS: Give this a try Camille – I really enjoy making crusts this way.


This (from your and Pim’s writeup) looks too easy to be believed. It will have to be tried.
I was never able to make crust worthy of the name before I discovered using frozen butter and a little vinegar. And this was in a processor, never by hand. All the instructions I have seemed unworkable/too much trouble and an almost certain waste of ingredients.
Too many filling ideas with the end of summer fruits coming in right now…

just another anonymous coward

Mmm love this pie crust with rye flour. i want to try it with apples inside.

Banana Wonder

Heidi, this just looks beautiful! My husband came home today with a flat of fresh Oregon blackberries and raspberries from the farmer’s market, and you just gave me the inspiration I needed.
I love your cookbooks and have been a fan for a long time – thank you for your healthy and natural take on fantastic food! ~Jill

Jill @ 42potatoes

hi heidi,
after blog stalking you for ages and recommending your site to more people than i know, i am finally leaving a comment. thanks so much for this recipe! i almost threw away a bit of rye flour leftover from experiments with different flours because it seemed so dense in other things i’ve worked it into, but this seems great. do you every use it in cookies or scones?
also–i’ve made the lillet shakes several times, topped with toasted almonds and lavendar. perfect.
HS: Hi Sara 🙂 I love the idea of adding toasted almonds. Good call. And yes, i do use rye flour quite a lot – in soda bread, biscuits, scones, crepes all sorts of things.

sara g

i’ve never heard of rye flour or rye crust – thinking it would make a delicious savory pie stuffed with corned beef and cheese!

lynn @ the actor's diet

Where I come from we don’t really eat pies. But this looks too delicious not to try!

Inki (fresh: a food blog)

Looks simply perfect. Love the idea of a savory sweet berry pie with that touch of rye flavor!

The Healthy Hipster

My husband and I labored for hours picking wild huckleberries yesterday! We had been searching for the perfect pie recipe… your timing is impeccable. I cannot wait to try yours!


That piecrust technique is a new one for me. I can’t wait to try it. I love the addition of rye flour. Is there a particular reason you chose AP flour instead of whole wheat pastry?


The pie is beautiful. I love making berry pies.So many combinations of various berries to put together, always a new experience.
Over the years I perfected my pastry after many failures (“less than perfect”). Only to then find I have a wheat intolerance/allergy. I can use rye, barley, etc.as gluten is not a problem. Do you have a similar recipe using the rye without the wheat? Or suggest a substitution that would go with the rye? I am game to try!
Congratulations on creating a thing of beauty. And taste. That is what I love about baking. A unique creation of art, to be enjoyed in so many ways, using all our senses.
Thank you.


The color of the berry filling is such a beautiful hue of blue + purple. Not to mention, the pie sounds downright delicious.


All butter crust with berry filling! I am down. rye in the crust is new but I love working with new grain combinations in traditional recipes. Can’t wait to try it!

Laura @ SweetSavoryPlanet

This may just be what I use my small crop of blueberries in (they’re in the freezer right now). I sure hope I have enough, because that berry pie is calling me (and so is that rye-butter crust). And… beer in the crust? Sounds interesting! I’d love to know more about that…


What an awesome pie. This is perfect. I have tiny plums that I need to use up and I think I will try this recipe with them.

Oana from dishchronicles

Blackberries are my favorite and I love the idea of using thyme in the pie filling. The pictures are lovely too!

la domestique

A home-made pie is one thing I’ve never made but always wanted to! I have collected a couple of recipes over time, but I really like the look of this pastry – it just looks so yummy and crumbly and warm and comforting…


A) I have just fallen to my death.
B) To the most beautiful, most spectacular, nice berry pie death.
C) I’ll throw a party if you need me to.
C) I’ll invite Wilson Phillips.

Bev Weidner

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