Brussels Sprout Salad Recipe

A shredded brussels sprout salad recipe, slaw-like in spirit, accompanied by lots of toasted hazelnuts, and shard after shard of aged cheese. The sprouts are tossed with a few glugs of olive oil and a big squeeze of fresh, fragrant lemon juice.

Brussels Sprout Salad

Because you've been such good sports when it comes to brussels sprouts, I thought I might attempt to take it up a notch or two. And by this I mean, I'm going to share one of my favorite ways to use raw brussels sprouts. I make a simple salad of sprouts shredded whisper thin. It is slaw-like in spirit, accompanied by lots of toasted hazelnuts and shard after shard of aged jack cheese - or whatever hard, salty cheese you have around. The dressing? A few glugs of olive oil and a big squeeze of fresh, fragrant lemon juice. It's the kind of thing you should make only when you come across perfectly fresh, tiny, bright green brussels sprouts - the ones that don't appreciate being cooked to death.

Brussels Sprouts Salad Recipe

Maybe you're not quite ready to embrace raw brussels sprouts, that's completely fine, you can try this salad with shredded romaine lettuce or cabbage instead - or even a blend if you like. If you're not sure about it as a salad, try it as a taco filling, leaving out the hazelnuts. Sometimes I top the salad with chopped leeks that have been deeply browned in a pan. I also do a version with aged cheddar, apples, pecans, and apple cider vinaigrette. Play around, the key is sourcing good sprouts, and cutting them so they're light and feathery (see photo).

For those of you who still need a bit of convincing when it comes to eating or cooking brussels sprouts, here are a couple of my favorite sprout-centric recipes: Golden-crusted Brussels Sprouts, and Shredded Brussels Sprouts and Apples.

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Brussels Sprout Salad Recipe

Shredding the sprouts on a mandoline gives them a wispiness that is harder to achieve with a knife.

1 1/2 pound brussels sprouts, freshest you can find
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
2 - 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves
1/3 cup fresh chives, minced
2-3 big pinches of salt
1 1/3 cups hazelnuts, smashed just a bit and toasted
2 ounces hard, salty, aged cheese, shaved (pecorino, dry aged jack, Parmesan, etc)

Shred the brussels sprouts whisper thin using a mandoline, or alternately, a knife. Five minutes before serving, place the shredded sprouts in a large mixing bowl and toss gently with the olive oil, lemon juice, thyme, chives, salt, and hazelnuts. Taste and adjust the seasoning, adding more lemon juice if needed, keeping in mind the cheese will bring a salty element to the salad. Add the cheese and toss once or twice to distribute it evenly throughout the salad.

Serves 4 - 6.

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This sounds like a great recipe. Have a feeling that the shredding device on a food processor is the way to go.

Roger Choate

this looks delicious! just had a wonderful salad like this but with celery root, brussels sprouts, etc. at Cookshop in manhattan and it was divine!

the purcells

I made this the other night and it was scrumptious!
I have a nut allergy, so I subtituted the hazelnuts for roasted, unsalted sunflower seeds and it was fabulous!
Thank you : )


heh, I popped the tiniest ones in my mouth raw as I was splitting them in half to make golden crusted spouts the other night and wondered if anyone ever served them raw. you’re right on time.


I’ve never tried raw brussels sprouts but am looking forward to giving this recipe a try.


This looks scrumptious to me! I’ll eat brussles sprouts any day.

Ellie from Kitchen Caravan

This looks pretty scrumptious to me! I’ll have brussles sprouts any day.


Yay! Another great brussel sprout recipe! I make your wonderful braised sprouts regularly now and have made a few sprout converts with them. So simple, lovely and delicious! Interestingly, I was ordered a root vegetable appetizer at Alison II, Chef Alson Barshak’s new restaurant outside of Philly yesterday, and it included halfed and braised sprouts with leeks and chips of smoked bacon.


I love Brussels Sprouts … but I have never imagined eating them raw. and I do not know why.
I will think on this some more; but I will try with some napa (oh yeah, now my mouth is watering). I may try to blanche them and then try this salad.
I love this site. Thanks so much for being here – and your recipes are so easy to print LOVE LOVE LOVE this site.

Melissa from Pittsburgh

Is right now the best time to find perfect brussel sprouts? I never seem to be able to find them organic, and only sometimes still on their stems. Love ’em though, and all because of you Heidi!

Michelle @ What Does Your Body Good?

How pretty is this dish? The sprouts look like frise shredded lettuce! Gorgeous.
But I’d be too scared to use a mandoline due to my butter fingers and would probably end up with inch thich chunks 🙂


I really wanted to make this but didn’t have all the ingredients in to make it as stated for lunch today. So as is my tradition of never following a recipe – I tried the sprouts with feta cheese, red onions, hazelnuts and lemon/oil. It was absolutely amazing! And very nice colours. I can only imagine it to be more delicious if I added the chives and thyme. I thought the feta worked well though.


Hmm, raw brussel spouts? I love love love brussel sprouts but I’m not sure I can bring myself to eat them raw. I like them shredded then steam cooked with a blend of mild Indian spices.

nithya at hungrydesi

I’ve never tried raw brussel sprouts before. Next time I pick them up I’ll try a few this way before I blanche and\or roast them. Thanks!


Good with toasted pancetta, i.e., Pasta Pomodoro.


Two thoughts –
First, the name is Brussels’ sprouts – from Brussels, Belgium. They are very picky about this! Lazy people no longer use the possessive indicator (‘) for anything.
Second, if you raise them yourself, please don’t throw away the last of the plant when you remove them from the garden to make room for warm-weather veggies. The leaves are the best greens we have ever had!!! Yes, it took a little longer to cook them (the leaves) down, and they looked like they would be difficult to chew, but they were so tender and flavorful! They immediately became my favorite greens!!! Now I must wait ’til when the weather gets too warm for the plants in north Florida – then feast!


I love brussel sprouts,A Chef friend of mine use to call them “little balls of poision” and would always make me “deal with them” when we had to prepare them at a restaurant we worked in together.This looks amazing I love shreading them and quickley sauteing them with pancetta and lots of black pepper!


I’ve done this before with lacinato kale! But it’s much simpler: dressing is the same, same hard, aged, salty cheese (I used parmesan), throw in a few dried currants, and I guess a few nuts would compliment things nicely as well. It’s delicious.


You got me to love brussels sprouts. This is the last frontier, eating them raw. I have the hazelnuts and the pecorino. I like the whole idea of the salad.

Angela@Spinach Tiger

You are nothing short of brilliant ! Bravo.


I wanted to mention that while at Costco a couple of days ago I noticed they have bags of the greatest looking fresh brussel sprouts. I was in the walk in cooler box section.Yummie! The price way right also….


I love brussel sprouts…I have yet to have them fresh and uncooked. I’ve tried all of your recipes for them and they’ve been delicious!
Can’t wait to give this one a try…something totally new!

lisa (dandysugar)

Because of your earlier shredded brussel sprouts recipe, I have turned several haters into amazed lovers of the brussel sprout! This one looks great and I can personnaly attest that the work of shredding is totally worth the end result, especially when cooking them. They take much less time to cook and they are less chewy than biting into a big chunk of sprout.
Thanks for the newest recipe for brussel sprouts…keep them coming!


Sounds divine.


Brussels sprouts are up there in the fave veggie category. This looks like a fresh, crunchy, crispy salad!

The Duo Dishes

I do love Brussels Sprouts so I may have to work up with the courage to eat them raw…


I’m a freak for the Sprouts! Enjoyed them for my first time raw in a salad at Bottega (albeit with some crispy pancetta;-) and can’t wait to try these with hazelnuts for another version of crunchy deliciousness.


i don’t know about brussels sprouts, but you sure have inspired me to take my blog up a notch – do you still love your camera? and what is wayne, exactly, is he a web designer? i somehow ended up on a site with fish and the most amazing color blue – gorgeous!


Raw Foodies will love this…we shred lots of hard veggies and they become delicious, deep-hued salad additions.
A pseudo cheese dressing made with tahini, nutritional yeast, garlic and lemon juice will mimic the shaved cheese (almost)!


this looks awesome. i love brussels sprouts and was just looking for a way to use them raw. must be fate. thanks!


I love brussel sprouts and always have. Whenever I prepare them I always snack on at least one raw. I like to have the small ones that you get here (in Holland) on the market and I am very tempted to try this lovely salad though I fear for my fingers when using the mandolin with the tiny sprouts 🙂
Combined with apple is a extremely nice and almost classic combination.


Can’t wait to make this. I love it when i can get a yummy raw dish! Thank you?


Thanks for the new recipe. I have found that even when cooking brussels sprouts, shredding them is the way to go. I use a food processor with the slicing blade (a technique I learned watching Jacques Pepin), which eliminates the chance of sliced fingers. I will try this salad!

Greg Fountain

hmm…I have never tried brussel sprouts before..but, this salad recipe might entice me to try them. will let you know, how it goes…


yum yum yum yum yum. Have always loved brussels sprouts (didn’t grow up with them because both my parents hate them) and often pop whole raw ones into my mouth when slicing for other recipes. Naughty, I know… Any tips on how to shred them sans mandoline (still have not added that to my poor student kitchen supply)? Maybe a the largest slits on a grater? Would that work?


I’m going to try brussels with hazelnuts, that sounds very interesting. For my favorite brussels salade I mix 1 or 2 potatoes peeled, cut into small cubes and steamed until tender, still hot into lemon dressing (optimal with pumpkin core oil). Let it cool for a while and still warm add the brussels. Spread with toasted pumpkinseeds.


Shredding these puppies is the key, raw or cooked. I make a cooked version of this, (sans cheese) with a bit of butter and red onion, saute the shredded sprouts til browned, then simmer in some chicken broth until absorbed and tender, toss with hazelnuts and a splash of lemon. Thanks for all the great new ways to prepare this wonderfully satisfying vegetable.


Because you, Brussels sprouts are my 6-year-old twins’ favorite veg. Thanks!


What great timing. I just picked up a 2 pound bag of Hazelnuts yesterday because they were such a great deal. I had no idea what I was going to do with all of them. This salad looks fantastic!


I love your recipes. They are always so interesting, fun, and delicious. It makes me wonder why I subscribe to Vegetarian Times???


What great timing. I just picked a 2 pound bag of Hazelnuts yesterday because they were such a great deal. I had no idea what I was going to do with all of them. This salad looks fantastic!


A favourite sprout eating way of my kids is to put them in the classic “fondue bourgignon”: fried in oil in other words.


I love to cook shredded brussel sprouts, it adds a flair to the dish and makes it simple yet elegant for a dinner party. I have never made a raw salad version, and I think that it sounds excellent! I can’t wait!


Your golden crusted brussel sprouts recipe was a total revalation to me (who knew the humble sprout could be so tasty?) so I’m looking forward to giving this a go. Generally prefer my veggies raw to cooked, but it’s never struck me to try sprouts that way.


Lucky me, I have some meyer lemons in the frig and my chives are starting to sprout. Will check my assortment of nuts-I know there are no hazelnuts, but will toast some pecans maybe, slice up those brussels sprouts and have another delicious bowl of good food packed with nutrition thanks to Heidi. Made your pea dumplings for a party yesterday-they were a huge hit! Thanks for all of your inspiration.


I’m a proud member of the brussels sprouts fan club as I eat them 1-2 times per week, but didn’t start shredding them until the bs and apples post. I have some aged Robusto cheese just begging to be shaved into this recipe. Thanks Heidi, keep the brussels sprout recipes coming!! 🙂


It’s actually VERY easy to shred sprouts with a mandolin or a food processor. I love them raw, with walnuts, pecorino, and loads of black pepper. I’ll try hazelnuts next time, though.


I just made this for lunch and added some raw shredded beetroot. First time I’ve eaten brussels sprouts raw and I think the taco idea is great. I usually use cabbage for my tacos but will use raw brussels sprouts next time its taco night.


I do love my veggies raw. Not sure I can round up some good looking sprouts though. 🙁


This recipe looks wonderful. I have some great brussels sprouts recipes on my site, too, if anyone is interested.

catherine Ettlinger

Would the shred or slice attachment on a food processor be less fussy than the knife OR the mandoline?


Beautiful!!! I too am a fan of a nice, simple, clean salad. The fresher, the better. And as they say, “don’t forget the cheese”.


What a wonderful idea! It had never even occurred to me to eat sprouts raw, but I love raw cabbage, so there’s no reason not to eat raw mini-cabbeges…bet it would be nice with a warm bacon-fat dressing!


I’m a big brussel sprouts fan, but I’m not sure it’s a good idea to serve them raw.
Two questions:
– Aren’t brussel sprouts among the veggies that actually benefit nutritionally from cooking (ie. breaking down cell walls to alow the body access to nutrients)?
– Since you’re calling this slaw-like, wouldn’t the shredded sprouts benefit from some wilting in salt or acid?


This looks exactly like a recipe I like that was published in Gourmet but with the addition of nuts.


I did a stirfry just after Christmas with leftover turkey and shredded brussels. I just loved the idea originally and it was truly yummy. They cook up so quickly when they’re shredded. I am going to try them this week in tacos. Great idea! I don’t eat lettuce, so this is a great substitute.


I have had many a discussion/argument about the merits of Brussels sprouts. So many people have grown up knowing them as tasteless, overboiled and soggy veg on Christmas day (in the UK anyway) – such a shame they have such a bad wrap.
Serving them raw is something i have never thought about but sounds great… gets my vote!

The Graphic Foodie

Sounds like a wonderful dish. I might try it with meyer lemon juice and walnut oil. I use this dressing for light salads, especially with shredded celery root. [I wonder if the flavor of the brussel sprouts will be too strong for this dressing.]


What a great idea! I am already a brussel sprouts fan, no convincing needed.

Alisa - Frugal Foodie

Listen to her on this one people. The raw sprout can be your friend! That recipe is what using fresh ingredients is all about. Do not fear the sprout!!


I am a brussel sprout superhero, I looooooovvve brussel sprouts and find myself having to hit my own hand from dipping into the raw ones before cooking them up. Great idea for a beautiful salad to celebrate such a great veggie!


Shredding brussels sprouts is WELL worth the effort, which isn’t really all that much effort.
Thanks for this and all the other fabulous recipes. It’s nice to have a kindred cooking spirit and such lovely inspiration.


Looks gorgeous, can’t wait to try it!


Looks so good! Happy Valentine’s Day to you!!

Tabitha (From Single to Married)

looks pretty incredible from where i stand. i wonder if blanching the sprouts, halving or quartering them, and then proceeding as the recipe specifies wouldn’t cut down on the purported fussiness that seems to be deterring some of us?


I didn’t think you *could* eat them raw!
I love Brussel Sprouts, but this recipe is a bit too high-maintenance for me.


This looks FANTASTIC. And I just happened to pick some teeney tiny sprouts earlier this week–seriously no bigger than a walnut. I also have a glut of Meyer lemons… Will the mellowness work, or does it need the bright tartness of a Eureka?


i’m so in love with brussels sprouts!!!


I love brussel sprouts and I’ve used the same ingredients in a soup with some organic chicken stock. Wonderful.


You NEVER have to try and convince me to eat brussels sprouts. Lately, I’ve been shredding them and making slaw with red cabbage, green onions and a lime vinaigrette.
…but HAZELNUTS? Parmesan? Oh boy! I need to make this!


And if you ask me.. I say that only the image, or if I saw it in restaurant I’d order it as fast as possible. Great idea, as always!


My parents don’t eat brussels sprouts so as a result they’re new to me. And I love them. And I love your recipes – esp. the ones for brussels sprouts. They’re all over the Internet for good reason! (Everybody sings your praises.)


Do not ever, ever stop with the wonderful Brussels sprouts recipes. Love them all!

Elle Kasey

How interesting!! I had something similar to this at a restaurant one time, except it had radish in it as well. It looks like a perfect spring recipe.


This sounds spectacular to me! I actually love brussels sprouts and often have them roasted in a dijon-balsamic glaze (yum), but have never tried them raw. Can’t wait!


Er – no! I love brussels sprouts, but shredding them would be impossibly fiddly and not worth the end result. Think I’ll give this one a miss.

Mrs Redboots

I have yet to use brussels sprouts in my cooking (mainly because I have a picky husband), but this looks delicious!

The Fat Dietitian

What an interesting idea! I think I need to try this out.

Dana McCauley

Yummy!!! Looks delicious 🙂 Happy Valentines Day!


Looks amazing, I love brussels sprouts and hazelnuts. The combo sounds divine 😉

Sarah Bell

I love Brussels sprouts, but never had them shredded. Love the idea of combining them with nuts and salty cheese.

Brittany (He Cooks She Cooks)

You have quickly turned Brussels sprouts into one of my favorite foods, so I know this salad will be no different. I think I am going to make this with some apples and cranberries thrown into the mix. Maybe some chickpeas? Your recipes are so wonderful to play around with. Thanks for sharing!


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