Farro and Millet Risotto Recipe

A few behind-the-scenes shots from the Whole Living magazine photo shoot. And a simple Farro & Millet Risotto that is easily adaptable based on what is in season.

Farro and Millet Risotto

A good number of you emailed after seeing the profile of me in the May issue of Whole Living Magazine. Crazy, right? It ended up being eight pages(!), and highlighted a bunch of recipes from Super Natural Every Day. I thought I'd tell you a bit about how it came together, and share a few behind-the-scenes shots. On the recipe front, I'm tacking on a recipe for a Farro & Millet Risotto I've been making quite a bit lately as we try to close the door on winter this year - the weather hasn't entirely cooperated. You can use whatever fresh or roasted vegetables you like - asparagus, peas, and herbs are great this time of year. But I was making it with roasted delicata or other little squashes until recently.

Farro Millet Risotto Recipe

So - Whole Living. The story was shot by John Kernick, who I've admired from a far for a long time. He shot a lot of memorable feature articles for Gourmet Magazine that I'm sure you remember.

Truth be told, I was a little nervous about hosting a seven-person crew here. As most of you know, our apartment isn't very large, and I wasn't sure about how it was going to go down. But, ever onwards. The Whole Living crew based themselves for the better part of three days here - we hung out, cooked, went on little excursions, and took pictures. They were all super mellow, funny, talented, and in the end I was genuinely sad to see them go! Wayne popped off a few photos in the midst of everything, up above. :) I'll just go on the record as saying, thank god it didn't rain. The light was nice for most of it and we were even able shoot outside - mid-January. As far as the food was concerned, I've always appreciated the recipes featured in Whole Living - they're, so often, right up my alley. How lucky was I to have food editor Shira Bocar here for the shoot? She has a beautiful touch with food, and I loved seeing her take on my recipes. Hope we get to cook together again soon, Shira. :)

So, thank you John and Darrell, and Jamie, and lovely Lucy. And Lindsay for the article itself. And Rachel, and Maria, and Erika, and Dawn, and Sari, and Alex. Its not everyday one gets to be featured in one of their favorite magazines.

Farro Millet Risotto Recipe

Today's risotto is winter/spring adaptation, and distant cousin, of the Zucchini and Millet Risotto in the Rose Bakery cookbook - which we've been cooking from quite a bit over the past couple of months. It hadn't occurred to me to use millet in risotto until I tried it here, but it actually lends a nice creamy, porridge-like texture. I use farro or barley instead of rice as the base, and trick it out with whatever looks good at the market. You can do lots of fun things with the leftovers as well - fashion the day-after, cold risotto into arancini and pan-fry them. I even thin leftovers out with broth, add some beans and greens and make a soup of it. Give it a try!

Other news: I hope to see some of you in Portland and Seattle this weekend! It's going to be a whirlwind, and I'll be there for a handful of signings. Kim Boyce and I will be at The Cleaners @ The Ace Hotel on Friday night. I'll also be signing/selling books at The Remodelista Local Seattle Market on Saturday, April 30th, from 11am to 4pm. And later that evening alongside Lara Ferroni at Spare Room. Detailed info about each event is also here.

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Farro & Millet Risotto

HS: I used farro here, but you can certainly swap in pearl barley as an alternative.

3/4 cup / / 5 oz / 150 g uncooked millet
4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
fine grain sea salt
1/4 cup / 2 oz / 55 g unsalted butter
2 medium yellow onions, thinly sliced
1 garlic clove, smashed and chopped
2 cups / 14 oz / 400 g semi-pearled farro
roughly 7 cups / 1.6 l good-tasting vegetable broth
2 big handfuls of freshly grated Parmesan

Add-ins: When delicata squash as still in season - I cube and roast it to top this risotto. In the photo above you'll also see I used some chopped chives and a generous drizzle of curried brown butter made from simply adding a bit of curry powder to a skillet of butter I'd browned over medium heat. But now that we are smack in the middle of spring, I've been trading out the squash for chopped asparagus and whole peas - adding them to the pot in the last few minutes.

It works best to cook the millet and farro separately here. Start by adding the millet to a small thick-bottomed saucepan over medium heat. Toast it, stirring constantly, until the millet is golden and fragrant - just a few minutes. Add 1 3/4 cup / 475 ml water, 1 tablespoon of the oil, and a couple generous pinches of salt. Stir, bring to a simmer, cover, and cook for about 20 minutes, or until the grains are cooked and free of liquid. Taste, and if they need more time, cook for a few minutes more, then remove from heat, and leave covered for another 5-10 minutes. Fluff with a fork, and set aside.

In the meantime, get the farro started in a separate large pot over medium-high heat. Stir in the remaining oil, butter, onions and a big pinch of salt. Cook until the onions are soft and translucent. Stir in the garlic, and cook for a couple minutes more. Add the farro and cook for a couple minutes before adding 2 cups of the broth. Cook, stirring, until the farro has absorbed most of the liquid before adding another cup. Keep adding stock in increments like this until the farro is cooked through - it takes some time. Once it's cooked, stir in half the millet. Add more broth if needed, the risotto should be loose. Decide whether or not you want to add the remaining millet - it's a personal preference really. The millet makes the risotto take on a more porridge-like texture. Now stir in most of the Parmesan. Taste, and adjust the seasoning. Add more broth if needed - again, you want the texture to be loose and creamy. A spoon should not be able to stand up straight in the risotto.

Serve hot, in bowls topped with the remaining Parmesan, and whatever else you like. In this instance I added some leftover roasted delicata squash {not pictured), a drizzle of curried brown butter, and chopped chives. But some toasted nut oil and chopped herbs might be a nice alternative, or even a swirl of harissa and toasted almonds....

Serves 6-8.

Prep time: 5 minutes - Cook time: 30 minutes

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I too just found you in Whole Living (which I bought on a whim!)- but I don’t know how I’ve lived without you and your blog for so long. I’ve been blogging (and vegan baking + cooking) for years, and I wish I could have had 101cookbooks as inspiration. i will definitely be doing a write up soon on my little bloggy. aloha from maui, andrea

andrea devon

Also saw Heidi / her new book mentioned in a recent issue of The Week. Go Heidi! Love your recipes, pictures, etc.

Libby Webb

I’m so glad I read about you in Whole Living. Your website and recipes are great. Thank you.
Couldn’t find Farro so I used barley. Added mushrooms and peas. Yum!
I know this must sound crazy but I’ve never cooked with millet. What an amazing flavor.
I love rice risotto but would rather eat whole grains. This recipe is great!

Rebecka Lynn

Thanks Heidi! Broth is one thing I ALWAYS have in my freezer! I’ll let you know how the risotto/soup transpires…. 🙂


I went to our local healthy-food market to buy the grains for this and while the millet was very affordable, the farro was $11.99/lb – I just couldn’t do it. I bought spelt instead as it was much more reasonably priced and… it looked identical to the farro (very scientific of me, right?). Now I’m not so sure about subbing it…
I know they’re not the same, but can I sub the spelt in here or should I save it for something else and just use the barley in this risotto?
HS: Give it a try Stephanie – I suspect if it isn’t to your liking, you could thin it all out with a bunch of broth and have a nice soup on your hands.


Any suggestions for parmesan substitution to still come up with a good, creamy risotto?


Heidi, your pics are just breathtaking! I am a new blogger (started in Jan 2011) from South Africa, and still have a lot to learn from the pro’s! I am also a huge risotto fan. This dish looks just delicious. Will be following your posts from now on, can’t wait to see more!

The Food Fox - Ilse van der Merwe

I am eating this as I type… It is so yummy! I love the creamy and chewy texture. I used pearled barley, all of the millet, and topped my bowl with some slivers of fresh basil and a handful of toasted pine nuts. Simple and so satisfying. I could eat this all night long 🙂 THANK YOU for the wonderful inspiration!

Brooke (The Flour Sack)

I love getting Whole Living mag, and enjoyed reading your feature article – they did a great job on it. Thanks for showing the behind the scenes photos.


Oh, how wonderful! You sound so busy. It was pure coincidence that I got to see the article. A friend of mine brought his mother’s issue over to show me some recipes and as I was flipping through it I was pleasantly surprised to see you there in the middle! Congratulations, as some others have said, you definitely deserve all of this success!


You are so deserving of all this success, Heidi! I just missed your book signing while visiting my sister in SF, but she attended the one in Berkeley and you so generously signed a book for me. Thank you!! The new book is stunning. I’ve already made the quinoa patties and avocado with mustard seed. Absolutely delicious!! Thank you for all the inspiration.


Love the story behind the recipe. Looks like you guys were busy!

Tyler York

Hey Heidi! So, this is completely off topic- but I just revisited your “spring favorites” list (and found I couldn’t post a comment there) because i was just having a debate with a friend about deodorants, and remembered you had linked to your favorite one here. Then I saw that in your interaction with the Weleda PR person in the comments you mentioned that you might do an expanded post about this in the future. SO, I just wanted to voice my encouragement and interest. I’ve recently been wanting to switch to natural face/body products and cosmetics, and am feeling totally overwhelmed. I would absolutely love to hear your take on all of this. You are such an inspiration to me, on so many levels.


Curried brown butter is brilliant idea! Now I must go find the magazine.

Muffin Tin

So lucky to have achieved a dream target of publishing your own cook book. Wonderful to see the photo shoot and meet you and greet you here

Sapna Anu B.George

I Love the look of this! Delicious. Heidi I love seeing the photos of the behind the scenes…very cool insight. I have been experimenting with Farro recently making farro salads. Here in POST EARTHQUAKE Christchurch, New Zealand we are heading into a cold winter and this recipe for rissotto looks like the perfect warming winter comfort food.

Bonnie Brown

Oh my goodness, that looks so good! I was just looking up recipes for risotto a few days ago, but chickened out. Now I pop in to see what’s new on your site and there’s a beautiful risotto calling my name! I will definitely be giving this a try – sounds like a perfect way to use my asparagus!

Christie Smith

Done and done. Definitely making this. Soon. Oh man….

Mikaela Cowles

How happy I am for you especially since as of midnight, Epicurious posted on their New Recipes feed, the second recipe in a week from your new book. Yea! You deserve it. Much applause from me! And thank you for all the joy you bring to us. Yea!!!


Congrats on the spread in WLM! I HAVE to try this recipe ASAP!


This Risotto recipe looks simply amazing, Heidi. I just showed it to my husband and we’re heading out the door to buy ingredients in 3 minutes. Going to try this tomorrow!

Jen @ Shakeology

Another scrumptious recipe! And there are numerous health benefits of farro and millet – farro is high in protein, fiber, and minerals. When combined with legumes it makes a complete protein. It also has a gluten structure that is different than modern wheat so people with gluten allergies can usually eat it without any problems. http://www.holistichealthandlifestyle.com


Curried brown butter is going on the rockfish I have waiting in the fridge. Yummm! Thx!


Brilliant – well done! And I can’t wait to try a new kind of risotto!

Sweet Freak

Curried brown butter question: just brown butter and add some curry powder?
HS: exactly – just brown a bit of butter, add curry powder to your liking – maybe a pinch of salt….
Congrats on the you being featured on Whole Living magazine. I tried the baked oatmeal recipe and LOVE IT! The best I’ve tasted with very little fat and sugar.


Hi Heidi,
It was wonderful to meet you while you were in Seattle! My husband works nights so we try to make breakfast an important meal of the day for our little family.I am so excited to make some of the recipes you’ve put together in the new book! We are going to try the frittata tomorrow and I know it’s going to be delish!
Also, having had a lazy Sunday now to peruse through it… I’ve got to say I really *love* the layout and how well the photos compliment the story the book tells . It’s a very beautiful piece of work.
Thanks for traveling up our way!


Yum, I love using farro in risotto. Turns out just as creamy with a more exciting texture, I think. And congrats on the magazine! Love Whole Living, what a great place to feature you and your recipes!

Hannah at FleurDeLicious

Hi Heidi!
I didn’t get to make it to your seattle book signing 🙁
But I still want to let you know that I’m enjoying cooking from your new book. I’m new to being a vegetarian and your book gives such creative ideas. Thank you!


I am so happy to have met you Friday at The Cleaners! I truly hope you enjoy the Ayres Pinot Blanc. In my heart it is a great representation of a quality Oregon wine. Enjoy, and Congratulations again!
If you need some tips on Oregon Wine country send me an e-mail. I’m happy to set up some private tours for you!


Interesting RIsotto. A combo I would have never thought of.

tobias cooks!

I just learned about you and your blog from the Whole Living piece — so excited to “find” you, especially as I am just starting to look for vegetarian recipes! Gorgeous spread in the magazine, btw.


Always a day late…I will be in Seattle in two weeks…Wish I was there this weekend to actually meet you. Hope it all goes well. Saw the ad for your book in NYT’s Book Review & #10 on bestsellers!!!! Good for you.


Beautiful shots Heidi, and love the article on Whole Living as well. This looks great, creamy and filling.


Heidi, what a beautiful piece in WL! They really captured the essence of what you’re doing! Congratulations!

LInda nyc

Just wanted to say that it was a pleasure to meet you today at the Remodelista market. I made a very delish dinner with a friend tonight including your Whole Grain Rice Salad. So fantastic. Hope you enjoy your brief stay in Seattle. You should check out the biscuit bar at the Serious Pie in South Lake Union (401 Westlake Ave). Out of control buttermilk biscuit sandwiches with different breakfast fillings. Open at 9am tomorrow!


Wow, that looks great. I made your quinoa patties this week, and they were such a HUGE hit. I ate them on a salad topped with a homemade vinaigrette and feta cheese, my husband had them on a grilled cheese sandwich and my 17 month old gobbled them up with a dab of ketchup. An all around winner.
Congrats on the book, article and well deserved success!

nithya at hungrydesi

Pardon me if i am slow, but I don’t understand the directions where you start with the farro. “Get the farro started” – does that mean first start sauteeing the onions and then add the uncooked farro or should I have somehow “started” the farro using a different approach and am adding semi-cooked farro to the onions and garlic?
I really want to make this, but for some reason my brain is not connecting the steps 🙂

Alison P

Love your blog, Heidi, and your recipes. Congratulations on the book. Looking forward to getting it from Amazon.
I made the risotto last night, but didn’t have millet so used quinoa and added 10 minutes after the farro – turned out great. I’d never thought of using farro in a risotto and will do so again.
Bon appetit


The picture itself looks so delicious how much more we taste it….
thank you for sharing your recipe to us.

janice kurks

What a delicious left-of-center risotto! I can just imagine the taste with the nutty millet.


Hi, from Australia… love your new book.. could someone get hold of the Whole living magazine that features YOU and post it to me.. happy to pay costs via paypal…. would love to see the article of Heidi….


I’m up for anything that has millet in it…

Rocky Mountain Woman

How unctuous and scrummy does that look! As a cancer nutritionist who does nutrition and cooking workshops for cancer patients, I am always seeking recipes and tips for using whole grains. As always, your ideas and presentation are first-rate. Thank you for sharing this one and so glad you enjoyed your photo shoot.


I LOVE risotto! I have adapted recipes and used brown rice instead but never thought to use farro and millet. Thanks for the inspiration!

Betsy @ BMoore Healthy

A little off topic… Just wanted to mention that I’ve made the Kale Salad in your book several times and it’s seriously delicious! And so easy! I’ve followed your blog for a long time and am very happy for your success. Thanks Heidi!


this looks gorgeous and comforting. i’ve been wanting more farro in my life.

laura @ glutton for nourishment

Hey Heidi, this recipe sounds great. I have a bag of millet in my pantry that I wasn’t really sure what to do with, might give this dish a go.
I really enjoy reading your blog, it is so inspiring. Your photographs are stunning, too!
Thanks so much for sharing.

Erin @ she cooks, she gardens

heidi – as always such a wonderful blog – fantastic photos and an amazing wholefood recipe – it is just getting cold now (well for us in australia) and i am about to start doing private workshops – if it is okay i will share this recipe – great way to get peeps using other grains –
i am so envious that i can’t come to a book signing and meet you – i love your work – and your inspired creations


See you in Portland!


I’ve never used either farro or millet before but I’ve got a ton of homemade vegetable broth in my freezer. I was going to make soup but this sounds a thousand times better right now! Congrats on the mag spread… looks like you had a great time with it.


Millet has got to be one of my favorite ingredients – it is so versatile. I can only imagine it would make a delectable risotto. Thanks for the inspiration!

yummy supper

I was just standing in my Kitchen looking at my jar of farro and the red pepper on the counter… wondering if I could make a risotto of it! Scary.


This used to be a good site but you obviously save any good idea you have now for your cookbook money making scheme. I bet you use words like “branding” in everyday speech. Now delete this you little editor you.

Frank Rizzo

A gorgeous looking dish, Heidi, and with winter just around the corner here, it is one I’ll be filing in the memory banks for future use, thanks.


I plan on making your Little Quinoa Patties, and under the title it says “goat cheese, garlic, herbs” and I don’t see goat cheese in the ingredients list. Do I use goat cheese instead of the Parmesan listed, or is there an extra goat cheese measurement I should be adding?
Also, the Muesli recipes lists oat germ, is that the same as oat bran? I am assuming not, but I have never seen oat germ before.
Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions. I will be cooking out of your new book this week.


Congratulations on the feature in Whole Living Magazine ! That’s fantastic! Photos are amazing as usual!

Ciao Florentina

Loved the behind the scene shots and love your new font on your site! Congrats and cheers 🙂


This looks delicious – I’ve never thought to make risotto with anything except rice. I’ve only just found your blog & am loving it so far. Thanks!

Caroline @ French Ponytail

elizabeth – no–farro is not gluten-free. it is a member of the wheat family, and while some claim that it is low in gluten, it, like spelt, is not digestible by those following GF diets.
one could probably sub in rice or another GF grain, however.
how unfortunate that an ad featuring rachel ray graces this page!


Uber drool! Super photo. I guess this might work quite nicely with spelt grain as well? Congratulations on the book, a real treat.


Hmmm…I’ve been thinking of making a bacon and egg – farro risotto lately, I think I may use this delicious sounding recipe as a base. Thx – S

Oui, Chef

Hello Heidi, beautiful shots – I’m definitely going to look out for the magazine. I wanted to ask, are you using expired Polaroid film, or Impossible? I haven’t been able to get Impossible film to turn out quite so crisp, but if it’s possible, then I will keep trying!


I was drawn to your blog by the Whole Living article. My 11 year old daughter and I love the magazine. I was inspired as well. As a newbie food blogger (virtuallyhomemade.blogspot.com) it’s great to look at these established and beautiful blogs.
Is this risotto gluten free by any chance? It looks and sounds delicious.

Elizabeth Hughes

I love Whole Living and loved the article. Heidi just curious if you remember what camera John Kernick was using?

Valery Rizzo

This looks fantastic; I love the recent “risotto that isn’t quite risotto” recipes that I’ve been seeing on here. Between this and the fact that I got your cookbook last night, I’m going to be doing some experimenting with both millet and farro. Needless to say, I’m kind of excited!

Katy from DiningwithDusty

i just got your book in the mail last night from amazon, and i am so excited about it. cooking “your way” is what i have been looking for, but thought it was only attainable for people who knew all about food and was raised by a mother who was an amazing cook. i only know about foods sold in grocery stores and how many cans of things to put into a recipe. it isn’t how i have wanted to cook, but i didn’t know where else to go. until i found you!!!!! thank you!!!!


Yes! I have to agree with Sasha re “best 8 pages yet” in WL, love the magazine since it was called Body & Soul and that is what you are offering to us every time with your talent with simple but tasty ingredients, through your lense, etc., personally you have introduced me to so many new things, like farro for example, bought it just cause you “said so” and my boys & I love it! Thank you for all that you do with love, body and soul


Happy to say I’ll be seeing you tomorrow night in Portland! Will go by Powell to get your book first. Thanks for all the lovely inspiration & intention shared so, well, naturally.


FINALLY! A recipe that will help me use up the millet sitting at the back of my kitchen cupboard.


Thanks for sharing your WL experience. I love the photos & I’m going right out to pick up a copy. I just wanted to add that I’ve had Super Natural Everyday for a little over a week now and I’ve prepared 7 tof he recipes already. It really is great, simple, everyday cooking. Thankyouthankyouthankyou!


Congrats! You deserve the recognition!


I made your last Farro recipe for a group of friends that came over to scrapbook. It was wonderful. Lots of compliments. So, I can’t wait to try this one too.


This looks scrumptious. I have made risotto with pearled spelt, butter, shallots, vegetable broth, soft goat cheese and parmesan. It was fabulous.


I was so so pscyhed to open up my copy of Whole Living and see you! Congrats! Truly awesome! One of their best 8 pages yet! Keep up the great work. Your avid reader and fan, Sasha Rose


I just recieved your cookbook in the mail from Amazon, and only 5 minutes in, I already know this will be my new go-to favorite. Thank you so much for the inspiration and for making whole, natural eating accessible, while remaining “un-preachy”!


Hey Heidi: wanted to tell you with pride that I was able to order and get cataloged 5 copies of your newest published baby-Super Natural Everyday- at my work library. The Colts Neck Public Library houses a special collection of over 4000 titles of Cooking books. It was a happy moment at work.. The next happy moment would be when you will honor our patrons and us with an author talk at the Library. Do you plan a visit to East Coast? Could you please work out something, we work on a small budget though.


I love farro and I love the Ace hotel. I used to make the former in a cold salad with scallions and diced raw vegetables and even some dried cherries.
As for the Ace…. make sure you snap some shots of yourself in the photo booth! I still smile every time I see mine.

Georgia Pellegrini

Love this post; the risotto looks fabulous, Heidi and the pictures are beautiful!

The Healthy Apple

The risotto looks so creamy and decadent. I’ll have to give it a try!
Photo shoot looks like tons of fun! 🙂 Congratulations on all the great press!

Jen @ keepitsimplefoods

So simple, but the photo is divine. Elegant simplicity!

Michelle @ Find Your Balance

This looks iike something that I’d love. On Foodbuzz, I saw oatmeal with olive oil. It reminds me of that!

A Teenage Gourmet

Sounds like a fantastic few days! You totally deserve the number of pages they gave you!
Risotto I haven’t had in a while, so it’s definitely bookmarked!


My two FAVORITE grains. This is outstanding. I love how rich + creamy it looks. Amazing! 🙂


ooooh, the drizzle of brown butter does it for me! I was actually looking at your barley risotto all day and then this popped up! I’ve got all 3 grains on hand so maybe this weekend I’ll try a version or two. This one does look delicious. And if you make it 2 hours north to Vancouver, please let us Canadians know!


You’re on such a fun journey. Squash in risotto gives me so many ideas. Congratulations on your Whole Living debut – very cool!

Niki (of SI)

Heidi – thanks for sharing a little backstory and behind the scenes photos from the “Whole Living” event. This was almost as much fun as viewing the article!


I love delicata squash but I have never seen it at market. I am growing it myself this year:)

Honestly Good Food

I really enjoyed the feature on you in Whole Living Magazine- it does seem like the perfect place to find you! So excited to see this recipe because I’ve devoted the whole week to FARRO at my blog!


It’s so nice to see that risotto can be made sumptuous and luxuriously rich with all vegetarian ingredients. I love the idea of a curry-spiked brown butter on top, so clever!

Coco @ Opera Girl Cooks

Congratulations on Saveur Magazine’s nominee for Best Food Blog! How exciting but I see you are also doing fabulous things with this magazine. The risotto looks so delicious and healthy. Wonderful work and an inspiration to all of bloggers out here!

Snippets of Thyme

Very nice pictures! The risotto looks delicious!


I really need to get into millet – I’ve never cooked with it before. This medley of grains looks lovely. As does the shoot! Sounds like a real dream.
Heidi xo

Heidi - Apples under my bed

So exciting! Congrats! And I love this recipe. Looking forward to changing up the usual risotto recipe.


Beautiful blog post…. beautiful pictures…. fantastic recipe…. makes me want to ask a question…..What is your ‘curried brown butter?’ I want to know more about that cuz it sounds great.

Tracy Wood

Those pictures are so beautiful! Congrats 🙂
The risotto sounds delicious.

Jenn (Jenn's Menu and Lifestyle Blog)

Do you use an SX-70 on a regular basis?
Congrats on the book and article!

Justin Ide

Heidi, the risotto looks so inviting! Spring has been reluctant to stay for good in Chicago, too. This risotto might be just the thing for one of these cold, drizzly nights. My favourite risotto is pretty simple–it’s just seasoned with thyme and a generous heap of lemon zest. I think it’ll adapt nicely with the farro and millet.
Congratulations on the feature in Whole Living. I’ll have to look for the issue–it’s not a magazine I’m familiar with.


This is the kind of recipe I love. I am a bit of a nut for grains.
Looks like you are having a lot of fun with your new book and everything that comes with it. Congratulations.

Laura @ SweetSavoryPlanet

Oh the brown butter sounds like such a wonderful addition to this. Another wonderful recipe, Heidi!

Brian @ A Thought For Food

I can’t wait to try the chanterelle tacos featured in WL. And I love the pictures of people taking pictures of people taking pictures… must have been very fun indeed.


The recipe is wonderful and i LOVE the behind the scenes talk and info…that is just great! I always wonder so much about how people pull off the photo shoots they do…and so I loved all that info!

Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga)

Today I thought this about you and your success: You are truly timeless. Your beauty is effortless. Yeah for Seattle! See you there!


i have had an unnatural obsession with all things farro this year, and canNOT believe that i didn’t add it to a risotto every! phenomenal idea…I’m just imagining the incredible textures that has to produce.
congratulations on the feature! the photos are stunning, as are you, and i love the idea of taking Polaroids of the feast!

Heather (Heather's Dish)

Absolutely gorgeous! Congrats on the big feature! It’s well-deserved 🙂
A recent issue of Fine Cooking had a recipe for polenta made with millet and aged white cheddar. Reminds me of this.


The pictures today were really beautiful Heidi. …and this recipe sounds very much like the one I make at home. Sounds delish !!

Mary (What's Cookin' with Mary)

Oh, I was so happy to get my WL mag in the mail and see you featured in it!! So much fun when things you love collide (maybe combine is a less violent way to say that :-). Many congrats and thank you for the behind-the-scenes look too.


Winter isn’t cooperating here either, it is SO cold and wet where I live! The rissotto sounds so perfect on a day like today :). That is so great that you got 8 pages in Whole Living Magazing, you look terrific! Miriam@Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters

Miriam@Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters

I love it when good things happen to good people. Keep doing what you do so well, and so humbly, and so generously, and more and more people will take notice. Whole Living is just the tip of a very large iceberg.


Oh, and the curried browned butter that you drizzled over your bowl of risotto sounds really intriguing!


How wonderful that you’re in Whole Living Magazine! That’s so awesome!!! I’ll have to pick up a copy 😉 I loved the pictures Wayne took of you and the crew above. And I love the idea of this Farro and Millet Risotto!


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