Lasagna Tart Recipe

My mom's friends hosted a shower for my sister and served something similar to this. A noodle-free lasagna baked in a pie crust - layers of zucchini, ricotta, and tomato sauce.

Lasagna Tart

My mom's friends hosted a shower for my sister months ago - not long after she had Jack. Many of them have known my mom longer than Heather and I have been alive, so it seemed fitting to share the new addition to the family with them. I have to tell you, one of the things you immediately notice when these ladies congregate is how tiny they are - a tribe of feisty five-footers. And they are organized. Like a small colony of bees - on the day of the shower everyone had an important job to do. I snuck into the kitchen just before lunch was served and saw a huge green salad. Next to it were three deliciously rustic savory pies. As one was being cut and plated, I started asking questions. As it turns out, I was looking a noodle-free lasagna baked in a pie crust - layers of zucchini, ricotta, and tomato sauce. And lots of cheese. I've been meaning to do my own version ever since.

Lasagna Tart Recipe

When I finally got around to putting this idea in motion, I switched things up a bit. For starters, I did a tart version instead of pie. But you could do either, really. I riffed on Clotilde's Easy Olive Oil Tart Dough for the the crust, and kept things pretty straight-forward beyond that. I scaled back on the cheese. A lot. I mean, there is plenty of ricotta in this tart, but nothing compared to the original. In addition to the cheese inside the the original, it was also topped with a thick layer of mozzarella.

Lasagna Tart Recipe

I think the source of the original recipe might have been a vintage Junior League cookbook, but I'm not positive. You can certainly experiment depending on the season and what ingredients you have on hand. Just keep in mind that you are going to want to keep the ingredients relatively simple, not too wet (there is lots of moisture in the ricotta and sauce), and quick-cooking. You could put chopped herbs, or a spice blend in the crust - lots of different directions to take this.

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Lasagna Tart Recipe

You can do this with any par-baked pie or tart shell you like. Next time around I might experiment with a Parmesan tart crust like this one, or add some herbs to this version.

2 medium zucchini, sliced into very very thin coins
scant 1 teaspoon fine grain sea salt

Tart Crust
2 cups whole wheat pastry flour (or spelt flour)
1 teaspoon fine grain sea salt
zest of one lemon
1/4 cup olive oil
scant 1/2 cup cold water

Tomato Sauce
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
scant 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes
pinch of salt
1 14-ounce can crushed tomatoes

1 1/2 cups ricotta cheese

Preheat your oven to 375F degrees, and place a rack in the middle. Oil a 10-inch tart pan and set aside.

Start by tossing the sliced zucchini with the salt in a medium bowl. Transfer the zucchini to a colander and let it drain while you make the tart shell and tomato sauce.

To make the tart shell combine the flour, salt, and lemon zest in a large mixing bowl. Drizzle the olive oil over the flour and stir that in as well. Drizzle the cold water over the flour and mix with a fork just until it is absorbed. Knead one or twice - just until the dough comes together into a ball. On a lightly floured surface use a rolling pin to roll the dough into a circle roughly 13-inches across. Ease the pastry into your tart pan and press it into the corners and up the sides without stretching the dough. Trim away any excess dough, and place the pan in the refrigerator for at least thirty minutes. When the dough is done resting, prick the crust with a fork a few times. Now line the pastry with parchment paper and fill the tart with pie weights. Bake for 15 minutes. Carefully remove the paper and pie weights, then toast the tart crust in the oven for another five minutes or so before transferring it to a rack to cool. Leave the oven on, but dial it down to 350F.

In the meantime, you can make the sauce. Stir the garlic, olive oil, red pepper flakes, and salt together in a small, cold saucepan. Turn the heat to medium-high and cook until the garlic starts to sizzle just a bit. Stir in the crushed tomatoes, bring to a simmer, cook the sauce down a bit, 10 minutes or so, then remove from heat.

When you are ready to assemble the tart, use a spatula to spread half of the ricotta cheese across the base of the tart shell. Now spoon about half of the sauce over the ricotta and arrange half of the zucchini in a single layer on top of the sauce (see image). If your zucchini is still quite wet, press it into some paper towels. I use my fingers for this next part. After spooning the remaining ricotta over the zucchini, push it around a bit with your fingers so that it forms a layer. Arrange another layer of zucchini and finish with the remaining sauce. You want the filling to nearly, but not quite fill the pan.

Place the tart on a rimmed baking sheet - in case you end up with an overflow - and bake for roughly 40 minutes or until the tart is cooked through. Remove and let cool for 10 minutes before serving. I would have dusted the top of this with a bit of Parmesan, but was out of it!

Serves 8.

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Yum!!!! Instead of zucchini, I used some chopped collard greens and spicy Italian sausage. For the crust, all I had was whole wheat flour, which seemed to come out on the tough side. Otherwise, the flavors were delicious. I look forward to further experimenting with this, such as adding anchovies to the sauce, using other veggies, etc… Thank you so much for sharing this! I love it! Very easy to assemble.


This was delicious – even the next day as leftovers! I used yellow summer squash. Will hold on to this one!


lasangna lovers paradise


Thanks for such a lovely and simple recipe! I am not much of a baker. I’m much more of a free form cook for the precision of baking to generally be a success for me… but with my garden overflowing with zucchini, this recipe looked so easy I decided to give it a go.
The results were excellent!
I’ll keep up with you on Facebook!


Mine are in the oven now (I only have a 9″ tart pan, so I was able to get a large one and a smaller one made!)…but I’m not sure I know that they’re done or not.
They look beautiful anyway and the crust came together nicely. I had to use a little white pastry flour as I had less than called for of whole wheat, and I didn’t bother with the lemon vest, I just added a dash of lemon oil to the water. I ended up with a scrap that I baked and it was delicious on its own. 🙂


I tried this without the crust (out of laziness) and used a casserole dish instead. I also added fresh basil and mint and a splash of white balsamic vinegar to the tomato sauce. It was to die for! I am one noodle-loving woman, but didn’t even miss them this time. This was a real crowd-pleaser as well. Tx for the recipe! I may try it with eggplant next time.


This looks amazing. I made a zucchini “lasagna” a while back that uses cottage cheese instead of ricotta and zucchini instead of lasagna noodles. It was very good but it came out super watery. Salting the zucchini is probably the key.


I made this a couple of days ago and added a little bit of oregano and a small onion to the tomato sauce. It was fantastic!


It seems goods, but not like a very italian lasagna…

giochi gratis

Ooh, this looks delicious! The filling reminds me of Keller’s Confit Byaldi (speaking of ratatouille), and I might just try filling it with that sometime, that sounds wonderful as a summertime dinner. Bet it’s good chilled, too.


Thanks so much for this recipe. Being vegan I changed up the ricotta for a tofu one and instead of layering I topped it off with grilled zucchini slices and roasted tomatoes. Lovely flavors. The family loved it!




Soulds really good and I plan to experiment with it 9minus the zucchini). Another alternative to play with is a quick family favorite – Pillsbury Crescent Roll Lasagna, really fun and easy to add stuff to.


This sounds just lovely. And my, aren’t tarts just so elegant!


One thing: on the hiding veggies from kids thing. I think children should be provided with veggies over and over and over again, in varying and friendly ways. My kids have always been given the same pasta we all get, usually filled with tomatoes, greens, zucchini, peppers, artichokes, whatever happens to be good. Sometimes they only eat the noodles, sometimes they eat more. I don’t complain. I make platters of cut cucumbers, peppers, etc. They take what they want.
BUT, I also think there’s a place for adding more vegetables into all of our diets wherever possible. I LOVE the idea of adding cauliflower to mac & cheese sauce to add nutrition, cut the fat, etc. I think pureeing more green vegetables (or orange, or red…) into a sauce the kids like, if it adds nutrition and flavor and just happens to be hidden is also great. My daughter eats only white beans, and won’t eat greens. So I’ll stick the stems of kale in the pot while cooking the beans so she’ll get something extra.
Don’t keep them from knowing vegetables are vegetables. Make offers and prepare healthy foods. But when you can add variety and nutrition elsewhere, do it! It’s as good for us as it is for them.


Oh, my! I used your idea to create something completely different, but couldn’t have done it without you!
The olive oil crust, with spelt flour, became a pie crust. My kitchen has been taken over by things from the parts of my house being worked on, so I didn’t have room to roll it out. The dough is very forgiving–I pressed it into the pie pan instead, and it cooked beautifully. I put some lemon balm and oregano in it (from my garden), and skipped the lemon zest.
A jar of beans we received as a gift about 6 years ago and never made has now become my jar of pie weights! They worked beautifully.
Inside, sauteed onion, garlic, spinach, chard, about 1/3 lb of feta, cracked pepper, and an egg borrowed from a neighbor. Hot paprika sprinkled on top at the table for a little heat (couldn’t decide whether to add red pepper flakes in the cooking, but this did the trick).
The olive oil crust isn’t flaky like a standard pie crust but is so light that it feels the same way. And since I can eat spelt but not wheat, it filled my spanakopita bug even without the filo dough. This will be my summer go-to for whatever comes in my CSA box. I’ll try it in the lasagna style some time…
Thank you!


I made this the other day. Added some oregano, basil, garlic and parsley to the crust. The tart came out smelling and looking beautiful. Be sure to let it set before cutting. I waited 10 mins. but it was not enough. My h/b loved it. I didn’t think it was worth all the effort. Also, I made the crust w/o pie weights -just poked lots of holes in the dough. It came out fine.


This is the first time I have made a tart and I was so surprised it turn out. (not because of the recipe but my cooking skills) It tasted delicious and looked almost like yours. Per your suggestion, I used spelt flour as could not find WW pastry flour. Although I usually don’t like zucchini, I was happy I made the recipe as written. The zucchini was very good. Thank you for the recipe and your suggestions. We loved it.

Mary Ann

what a fantastic idea! lasagna is elegant after all. i can’t wait to make this. gives me an excuse to buy more tart pans…yay!


Made this tart for dinner last night, it was lovely. I was a bit anxious that my husband would not enjoy it as much as I would (I’m a big zucchini fan!) but he absolutelety loved it (and ate a third of the whole tart!)
I loved the tomato sauce, but I have a question: “red pepper flakes” it’s not the same as chilli flakes, is it?? I used chilli flakes, but just 1 tsp and the sauce had a real kick!


Wow now that is a savory tart! Beautiful! Reminds me of one I made years ago and we all loved with a layer of caramelized onions – lots of them – instead of the zucchini. Anyway you do it, I must make this.


I make a version of this without the flour/crust. Grated zucchini (after squeezing out the water) becomes the crust with the addition of an egg or two & some seasoning. Just mix together & press into the bottom of the pan (it should be about an inch high. Bake until the egg has set (about 10 minutes), add your lasagna toppings, put back in the oven, and bake til done. The noodles are never missed!


I love this idea! It looks so healthy and fresh…perfect summertime comfort food. YUM!! 🙂


this tart is gorgeous


The CSA box had too much zucchini and this recipe showed up just in time. Thanks for the great idea. We made it exactly as written (we had everything but ricotta, and made a trip to the store to buy some, but will make our own next time) and it was very good. Thanks for the timely, in-season recipe.


I just found your blog, and it’s love at first sight! This recipe is a great twist on two classic recipes.


Leave it to those Junior Leaguers. I have “tart pan” on my kitchen wish list since my old one rusted, so this will speed its purchase. Looks delicious.

The Leftoverist

This is delicious!! I just made it. I made alterations and halved the recipe: For the crust I use a few squirts of lemon juice in place of the water and lemon zest. I used an 8 in cake pan b/c this is all I had. When I baked the crust, I just put foil over it and no weights. For the sauce, I subbed 1 8 oz can of tomato sauce and 1/2 cup of cut up cherry tomatoes, and I also added onions. For the cheese, I used a combo of shredded Mozzarella and shredded Parmesan. When assembling, I put down a skimpy layer of cheese, then sauce, the zucchini, then a thin glaze of sauce and light dusting of cheese. I baked it for about 30 minutes. Yum-yum-yum!


Oh my god, this is pure genius! GENIUS. I’ve just been thinking about how I want lasagna but not the full thing and voilà! Looks delicious.


Summer is such a nice time to eat tomato dishes! So sweet!


nom! i’m eating the leftovers as i write. the ricotta mixture was so tasty i ate (quite a lot of) it with a spoon while waiting for the oven.
i had a tart shell pre-made, but included some of the tart stuffs elsewhere. if you use a pre-made shell, the lemon zest was really what made this so lovely, so i’d recommend putting it in with the ricotta to get it in there.
my co-op basket intendeds to make this part of my repertoire 🙂 thanks for another way to make zucchini new and tasty hs!


I made it last night. The tart was excellent, I enjoyed it more on my second piece when it had sat a bit longer and softened up the tart crust.
The zucchini is fine. Not sure why so many comments were based on subbing it out.
My two year old ate it despite the veges but that’s because he’s used to eating them I guess….
I’ve made many of the recipes off your site Heidi and I try to modify them as little as possible. They are fabulous! Keep up the good work!

Linsey Branam

I’m looking forward to trying this.
As far as pie weights go, I’ve always been happy with the little glass blobs used in crafting/floral arrangements. They’re heavy, non-leeching, and as long as they’re not freezing cold, they shouldn’t have any problems taking a spin in the oven. Plus, they’re adorable when stored in a mason jar on a windowsill.


Looks like Zachary’s deep dish pizza!
Can you skip the salting process of the zucchini? I was just thnking of cutting the rounds a little thicker and then browning it in a skillet with some salt.


Cannot wait to make this meal.


Looks great! I bet it would veganiz nicely … the rich crust would be perfect for something without a lot of cheese.


This is so inventive. I love the look of tarts and the taste of lasagna! I will have to try this for the family! Thanks for sparking some great ideas!

Ali Carter

So many wonderful recipes! I was reading this post and then saw a related recipe for Zucchini Ricotta Cheesecake. How far in advance could I make either of these? I’m wanting to prepare one to take on a trip over the 4th.
Thank you!


Ya i feel good in this site.
plz keep me sending receipy menues.


I think leaving out the zucchini would still taste just fine. It doesn’t defeat the purpose of the tart- in the South we call it tomato pie. Growing up I sure did love tomato pie in the summer! Just use sliced tomatoes instead of sauce (so it won’t fall apart on your plate.)


hello heidi
I have only recently discovered your site but am now an avid reader. I’ve tried your zucchini cheese cake and it was a smash hit (I cheated a little and added Portobello mushrooms to the recipe, but never you mind that 😉
cant wait to try this one!
greetings from Lisbon, Portugal


Looks great, what about adding a layer mustard? – surprisingly good with hot roasted tomatoes.

Just Add Maple Syrup

I was planning to have spaghetti for dinner, when this showed up in my inbox and changed my mind! I had to heavily alter it (due to ingredients on hand) but the spirit of the lazagna tart was upheld. For the crust, I didn’t have any lemon to zest, but I had lemon juice – I made it part of the water. Crust turned out beautifully. I didn’t bake with weights and cool – just pricked, baked, pressed down the middle with a spoon, and filled it hot. It wasn’t soggy.
For the filling, I didn’t have time to make the sauce (but I’ve made Heidi’s sauce before and it’s wonderful) so I used a good jar of sauce from my pantry. I didn’t have Ricotta, so I used Mozz. I didn’t have Zucchini, so I tried some well salted eggplant(which worked out beautifully) Also, we’re confirmed carnivores, so I added cooked ground beef to the sauce before layering.
The result was awesome! Other than finding out that my DH *really* doesn’t like eggplant (I hardly use it) and he would have greatly preferred the zucchini, it was a huge hit – he just pulled the eggplant out. It was nice and firm – I suspect using Mozz instead of Ricotta helped with that. I also tossed a few Italian herbs in with the cheese. Very good, this will be added to my regular rotation!


I love zucchini and so do I love cheese.
This recipe looks good .
The narration and the beautiful pictures , make it more appealing
It has Heidi’s prominent signature mark.
I will try it. Thanks

Ashish Naithani

The tart sounds even better than a pie, and I like the sound of the olive oil pastry. The busy bee women at the baby shower sound fun!

Arwen from Hoglet K

The olive oil tart crust is something I hadn’t come across before, but presents a world of opportunities. I’m equally grateful for you making use of the tart pan, a kitchen article that’s far more readily available to me than pie pans, which I didn’t make the move with me.
Some years back I had a recipe for tofu lasagne, which may sound fairly disgusting, but the tofu was mixed with ricotta, parmesan and an egg, which would make this savory dish perfect as a meal.


Yum! We just had this for dinner. I used gluten-free crust (from Rebecca Reilly’s book) and added sauteed mushrooms. So good!


We just finished eating this for dinner it was fabulous! I made the parmesan crust which was also wonderful. It smelled exactly like lasagna with 1/2 the work and 1/2 the calories
I prefer this! added lots of fresh basil
thanks! I will make it again

Lori Greene

wow, what a fantastic idea! lasagna is elegant after all. i can’t wait to make this. gives me an excuse to buy more tart pans…yay!


this looks delicious!
on a completely unrelated note: i picked up some garlic scapes at the farmers market on the weekend with the idea of making a pesto with them… thought maybe you could help; searched for a mention of it and found one (! of course, you’d think of it first!), but no recipe… would you share it with me/the world? 🙂 thankyou, heidi, you are an inspiration!
HS: Hi Twila! I love garlic scape, and I love to make a soup with them. I included a recipe in my last book – but it isn’t on the site here. I bet if you poke around online you can find it.


This looks amazing! Can’t wait to make this….someday…

Lynn (The Actors Diet)

At summer’s end, I thought I’d be happy if I never saw another zucchini…now mid-winter, seeing those pretty little discs up there and that rich tomato sauce, I’m starting to crave them again.


For blind baking I use baking paper topped with dried peas or rice and it works well.No need for foil!


I love the look of this, although I might grill the zucchini rounds to boost their flavour a bit. As for hiding vegies, when my boys were little and going through the no-veg phase, I used to grow yellow zuchinni to grate over their pasta, I told them it was cheese. They are 21 & 19 now and I fessed up recently. They were both horrified at the deception and in awe of the cunning!


I love savory pies! And hey, as long as the lasagna has some carbs, it’s ok in my book. Great recipe!


What a great idea. I think I will try this soon. The crust recipe is similar to the one I usually make for savory tarts, except I’ve never used lemon –might try it.


I do most of the cooking at the Fire Station for the fellas (and gals now and then). Gonna toss this at them next shift. They require a hefty dinner meal most of the time. Along with all the other amenities for chow. This looks right down their alley. Will let you know if it passed the required test. Thanks, Gianni


This looks fabulous.
As I age, I become more and more sensitive to tomato sauce, and I wonder if there’s a white sauce (other than Alfredo) that could be used. At Papa’s M’s Pizza Take-Out, they have a creamy white garlic sauce that I just adore (and it bakes up just great) and if I could just come up with an equivalent, I’ll bet it would be great in this lasagna instead of tomato (for me).


Lasagne and tart are two words that just don’t go together…at least, until I saw this recipe! Another must try!
Thanks, Heidi!

Trish in MO

Oh so good!

The Duo Dishes

I think I know what I will do with the eggplant I bought the other day. Sauce, ricotta and some pasta or crust at the bottom.


Sounds good, but can i use a regular pie plate to bake this in?


I hate to go back to a topic that is less wonderful than this tart! but please understand that getting kids to like healthy food is a balance; I love it now, because I was allowed to discover it at my own pace, never forced. My cousins, and many friends, were given veggies and whole foods as a strict diet at home and now, in college, avoid anything like it and eat candy and fried foods constantly.
There are many ways to parent. If whipping squash in your potatoes or blending the peas into the broth work, I think parents should be commended for making peace and health equal priorities.


I have always been afraid to try a tart because I thought I couldn’t attempt the dough, but this looks surprisingly manageable! I can’t wait to try this. I think I’ll do it with a mix of summer squashes. I’m also on a bean kick right now – I think I might also try it with a layer of cannellini beans…mmmm. You could even do a layer of shredded gruyere cheese on top.


I LOVE tomatoes and am very excited to try this lovely tart!!!! However, I have never used ricotta cheese and am a bit mystified by it.
Do I buy the kind in a tub or the more firm stuff that can be crumbled? Should it be drained in cheesecloth or something so the tart won’t get soggy? Is there any brand of ricotta that is particularly good?
Sorry for all the questions–but I just have to try this and need some help!


Wow, this looks and sounds fabulous! My Italian family would love it. Can’t wait to give it a try!


Oh that just looks so delicious!


I wish you spend a wee bit more time on the slice of life that precedes ur recipes… they are what makes your Blog so much more interesting and inspiring than the zillion other food blogs out there…” feisty five footers”
” organised”, “a colony of bees”…. why do i get the feeling you could just be referring to my dear Mom and her friends… they all seem so alike…. seasoned by life – cheerful, busy and always ready to do things for those around them…. oh Heidi, thanks for this post…. really request you to add a tad bit more to the people and life part… And tiny Jack is sooo adorable! 🙂


I love this idea. Love it. Can’t wait to give it a try.


I have made a “pizza pie” before that is similar in concept, but with mozzarella and parmesan cheeses rather than ricotta, and spinach and mushrooms instead of the zucchini. It was perfect for the winter time. But this seems more appropriate for the summer — lighter and a bit more flaky. Love the idea.


The Barefoot Contess on TV uses heavy beans in a baggy to weight down her crusts, etc.


Um, yes please: that looks super yummy!


Pamela, like Nikki does, I use parchment paper and dried beans to par cook my crusts. I have found that it works better if I give a few extra minutes since the beans don’t heat up as fast as the pie weights. You will of course want to be careful when you take them out.
I think I need to add a few ingredients to my shopping list…. Thanks Heidi!


This looks fantastic! I love the idea of using just veggies and no noodles. The tart shell is a wonderful twist on this classic. Great healthy variation of lasagna.

lisa (dandysugar)

Wow, I love tarts and I love lasagna. And it’s perfect for company because it’s Beautiful. Thanks for the great recipe…


If you want flavour, and not a mass of sog, sauté whatever vegetables you use before assembling the tart.
I agree with the weirdness of calling it “lasagne tart”, my first thought upon reading the detailed recipe was “heck, what a lot of stodge”; surely “courgette & tomato tart” would be more precise and descriptive?
An afterthought: –
What’s wrong with using eggs and cheese? – we all need a balanced diet for healthy bodies and bodies.


My mouth is watering! I can’t wait to try this out.


My Sicilian mom always made a pie crust with olive oil, so this brings me back. I think this would be great with red and green peppers (grilled and peeled) and some olives rather than zucchini (my husband hates zucchini). Or with some sauteed greens, chard or kale. I have a little tub of dried beans I use over and over for pie weights, and use parchment rather than foil. Many thanks for your excellent recipes, Heidi.


I Love your blog,!! I am wondering if you can include calories per sevring with all the recipes to help me use them more efficiently in my diet!


This looks wonderful! I have leftover grilled veggies from yesterday so I will be making this today 😉


If I added mushrooms, do you think I would need to saute them a little first, or just add them sliced and fresh? Can’t wait to try this!
HS: I would saute them first Charlene.


I’m wondering if the raw zucchini releases a lot of liquid into the tart. I usually need to roast or sauté my veggies when using in a vegetarian lasagne. Having said that, I would love to skip that step.


I love pastry, and would like to try an oil crust, especially since I’m currently out of shortening. What gives me pause is using tin foil with weights, as the aluminum transfer into the food, and thus my blood stream isn’t too attractive. I just listened to a scientist say that when we use personal care products with aluminum in them, it takes 20 seconds for it to show up in the brain. Since my mom has some kind of dementia (possibly from the heavy metals in the repeated non-organic hair dyes,) I am more careful. Shortening for clogging arteries, or aluminum doesn’t seem like great choices. Hmm. Does the pie crust bubble up, then without the foil and weights? What else could we use? Otherwise, I love the creativity and simplicity of your recipes, Heidi.
HS: You know, you’re right Pamela – I’ve been trying to use less/no aluminum. I think this was more out of habit. I’m going to make a tweak to the recipe and call for parchment paper instead – which doesn’t shape as well, but should do the job. Thx. -h


I can’t wait to try this! To make it in pie form, what changes, if any, would I make to the tart dough? Thanks!


This looks so delicious! I LOVE the tart idea and the ingredients that go into this crust. The health and yum factors are equally appealing, I’ll be making this by the week’s end… and probably trying some sliced mushrooms and tomatoes as well, just to up the veggie factor. The artichoke suggestion sounds great too. I happen to have a large block of parmesan in my fridge and am pretty excited. Thanks for posting a new take on lasagna!


This looks great – and I have a zucchini shrimp lasagne that I haven’t made in a while that could work really well with this – it’s half goat cheese and ricotta… now I’m really inspired! Thanks Heidi!


I feel like leaving work, running home and trying this out!!!!!


I like that the crust uses whole-wheat flour and olive oil. This looks like such a fun, novel way of enjoying lasagna flavors.

Cookin' Canuck

Perhaps stumbling over the ‘lasagne’ in the name is a British thing. I like lasagne. I like tarts – why confuse the two? Having said that, it looks a simple idea well worth trying. But now I’m going to see what’s in a lasagne recipe!


Curt — a pie weight are small weights generally made from some form of metal designed to keep the bottom of the pastry crust from puffing up during baking. You can buy some at a good kitchen store but my mom used a couple of small baby food jars filled about halfway with rice. Anything that can survive the heat of the oven, not give its flavor to the crust and weigh it down can be used.
I agree with those who are down on hiding veggies from kids. As opposed to raising healthy eaters, it just seems to make them into even pickier eaters.


Great idea! Parmesan in tart crust must be really good too. It’s like the Chicago’s deep dish minus fatty meat and hundreds of calories from the meat. 😉
By the way, your nephew is so adorable!

Kitchen M

This look amazing, I love that you cut the cheese and are using a whole wheat crust too, then you can have two pieces.


This is something we would make for our Brunch table. We are always looking for something new and this looks great. Nice one. Thanks, s

s. stockwell

beautiful pictures! Loving it!
Question: I doubt I’ll be able to go get whole wheat pastry flour anytime soon (I’m baking my way through the Bread Baker’s apprentice and husband has me on strict flour rations) so is there any way I could use either regular whole wheat, white whole wheat, all purpose, or bread flour? I have plenty of all of those on hand! Thanks:)
HS: hi Jennet, I haven’t tested this particular tart dough with any other flours, but I’d be curious about the white whole wheat flour – I suspect you might need to add a bit more moisture, but I suspect it could turn out nicely. If you give it a go – please report back.


It looks simply delicious, but you can’t call it a lasagne tart, as lasagne is the name of the pasta! I’d call it a quiche myself, but then, I’m English. But it does look glorious……

Mrs Redboots

wow! this looks amazing. can’t wait to give it a try:)


Love it! There was just a recipe featured on the NY Times Well blog like this, well, not like lasagna but it had a bunch of veggies in a pie crust. And you should have seen the backlash among readers who were angry that they’d promote anything with a crust as ‘healthy’! As if veggie pie is the reason America is overweight.
Hilarious. Love this recipe. Thx 🙂

Michelle @ Find Your Balance

What a wonderful twist on a lasagna!


This looks sensational! I love the idea of making lasagna just a little different. And it’s chock full of veggies, too! Can’t wait to try this!

Poor Girl Eats Well

A tart with no eggs! How wonderful 🙂 Can’t wait to try it out! Though I’ll probably go with part-skim ricotta to cut back on a little fat…all the same, YUM!


What a fabulous idea! Thanks!

The Hungry Mouse

What a pretty little tart.


This is brilliant. I approve.

could you substitute chick-pea flour for the wheat flour?
HS: I think you might have some trouble with that – I think that it would require some experimenting and some blend of various flours/ingredients.


I like to cook, and to bake, but have not yet made the foray into baking tarts. I have to tell you, I have been very tempted to go and get a tart pan just on the basis of the recipes you post… and I think this is the one! I love lasagna as much as Garfield, and what you’ve done here is an absolutely fabulous idea. 🙂


I think you’ve outdone yourself – this looks amazing! I never would have put this combo together – that’s why you are the genius here!


I totally LOVE tarts (you can find several of my savory and sweet versions on my blog), but I’ve never seen one like this and I’ve not done a whole wheat crust before, so this is a must try for me. Thanks!

Michele Morris

Why do people hide vegetables from their kids? If you start early enough, make it clear that YOU enjoy them, and don’t treat them like something separate from the “real” meal, your kids won’t turn into picky eaters. I didn’t eat meat until I was three and have never complained about vegetables.
Parents who hide veggies from their kids are setting them up for a lifelong complex. That attitude toward veggies is why we’re in the obesity fix we’re in.
veggies rock!


oh…it just hit me–if you used sundried tomatoes you could of course use pesto or alfredo instead of marinara, and that would about solve the all-the-same-flavor dilemma.


awesome 🙂 I’m going to have company soon, and was planning on pasta of some sort, but contemplating making it all (I make my own) was daunting…this will be much easier. And I’m thinking definitely oregano and parmesan in the crust and parm on top, too. Great timing, with zucchinis in season
I suppose, to all those looking to replace the zucchini, if mushrooms, other squash, olives, and eggplant all aren’t interesting, and you really love tomatoes, some sundried tomatoes might soak up some of the moisture and give it some structure, all while hiding from kids. But it would certainly be a tomato-y pie!!


This is really lovely–I adore the combination of tomatoes and ricotta (what’s not to love?) and this looks like a less-heavy version of the classic lasagna. Perfect for summer.


This looks very tantalizing. I have to try that olive dough. Supreme presentation to boot!

Chef Fresco

I love it.
…love it!
…love it!
Looks amazing.
I can’t wait to get into the kitchen and chef this bad baby up.
Great job Heidi.

Reginald at Ceramic Canvas

Fabulous~ I love the ingredients on Your Moms Lasagna Trat. What a great gathering Dish:)
Thanks for sharing your Moms Recipe!
Have a Fabulous Monday ~


what a fantastic idea! sounds delicious, too!


This looks great! I bet the Parmesan crust would be fantastic!


What is a pie weight?


If you hide it, they will probably eat it. My mother successfully convinced my youngest brother that — just for him — she’d taken the peas out of her pea soup.
I think the zucchini would just taste like tomato sauce after it’s baked, more for texture than flavor. You might want to just try the recipe as-is and then adjust if you can’t fool them. But if you can keep them out of the kitchen, you’ll probably be fine. =)


Instead of replacing the vegetables for kids, why not hide them?
I often make a ratatouille sauce (onion, courgette (zucchini), pepper & herbs with lots of tomato sauce). My wife and I eat it as is and I liquidize a few portions for my son. It’s still full of vegetable goodness, but it tastes and looks like a creamy tomato sauce.
He is 2 and a half and also fussy about anything green, but today his school lunch was couscous with lots of lovely vegetable sauce and some sausages.


This is a great idea. Mouth-watering !


I adore this! It’s got my mind racing about other dishes to make into a tart… perhaps a gratin?
Also, I’m just under 5 foot and I loved your description of your Mum’s friends 😉

Christie @ Fig & Cherry

I adore this! It’s got my mind racing about other dishes to make into a tart… perhaps a gratin?
Also, I’m just under 5 foot and I loved your description of your Mum’s friends 😉

Christie @ Fig & Cherry

What a great idea! The recipe for the whole-wheat olive oil crust sounds great as does the filling. I admit, I’ll definitely be tempted to top it off with some freshly grated Parmesan cheese.
For those of you looking to substitute the zucchini, I would suggest cooked & squeezed (to get rid of the extra moisture) spinach.
Or maybe sliced mushrooms or artichoke hearts & olives.

Sarah (Coffee Beans and Curry Leaves)

Nice idea! we have a lot of zucchini now, an I have a delicious olive oil from “Provence”. I’ll try the crust with half buckwheat and half flour!

Dominique (de vous à moi...)

This looks like a great way to use zucchini and I am particularly in love with an olive-oil based crust, although I couldn’t care less for whole wheat flour. Will try this soon.


This looks soo good but I’m not sure if it would go so well in my house because of the younger kids and their fear of anything green.. Do you thing that replacing the zucchini layer for maybe some ground meat or, if that’s too wet, something like prosciutto would work?


Oh wow this looks great! I love the idea of savory tarts:)

Nutmeg Nanny

This is such a great idea. I love savory tarts–I’m not a huge sweet person, but I love, love, love pastry. Best of both worlds with this one!


I wonder if eggplant – salted and all, of course – would be a good substitute.


I know this nearly entirely defeats the purpose of the tart, but I like the over all idea (I’m not the biggest cheese person myself), but I”m wondering – any ideas on subs for the zucchini?


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