Miso Vegetables & Tofu Recipe

A one-dish meal, inspired by a recipe in Harumi Kurihara's Everyday Harumi - asparagus, broccoli, and tofu tossed with a salty-sweet miso dressing.

Miso Vegetables & Tofu

My apologies in advance. It has been a bit busy on this end, and although this post will be on the short side, the recipe itself is particularly tasty. Eight ingredients and a few simple steps come together into something special. A light meal that still satisfies. The flavor profile is Japanese, and it's one of those preparations where an interesting dressing and good quality vegetables come together into something vibrant and uplifting. It's the sort of thing I like to have for lunch, but could also make a nice component in an al fresco dinner.

Miso Vegetables & Tofu

It's based loosely on a recipe I came across in Harumi Kurihara's beautiful Everyday Harumi cookbook. Harumi makes a seductively colorful side dish by dressing lightly blanched green beans, broccoli, and cauliflower in a salty-sweet miso dressing. I wanted to make a one-dish meal based on this general idea. I used in-season vegetables (the asparagus and broccoli caught my eye yesterday's market), and in addition to that, tofu I'd browned in a pan. You can certainly experiment with whatever vegetables are in season where you are.

Have a look at Everyday Harumi if you come across it, I bought a copy a few weeks ago, and there are quite a number of recipes I'm excited to try. It is beautifully produced, photographed, and designed. The recipes are completely (weekday) approachable, with plenty of inspiration for vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike.

Also, for those of you not familiar with Harumi, Julia Moskin wrote a nice profile of her a few years back for the New York Times - Empress of Domesticity Drops In.

Again, my apologies for being so short with this post - house guests, book writing, and preparing for a couple little trips - all creating the perfect storm of distraction this week!

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Miso Vegetables & Tofu

A couple notes: This recipe makes more dressing than you'll need. But the leftover will keep refrigerated for a week or two. As far as vegetables go, I used a combination of thin asparagus and broccoli florets here (in season), but Harumi uses green beans, cauliflower, and broccoli. Have fun experimenting with different in-season ingredients wherever you are.

6 oz awase miso (or blend or equal parts white & red miso)
1/4 cup sake
1/2 cup mirin
3 tablespoons sifted natural cane sugar
red pepper flakes or shichimi tōgarashi, a big pinch or two

4 cups / 12 oz / 340 g bite-sized veggies (see headnotes)

12 ounces / 340 g baked or grilled (or lightly pan-fried) firm tofu, cut into bite-sized pieces

Start the dressing first. Combine miso, sake, mirin, and sugar in a small saucepan. Bring just to a boil, dial down the heat and simmer gently for about 20 minutes, or until it thickens a bit. Toward the end, stir in the red pepper flakes, adding to taste. Remove from heat and allow to cool.

In the meantime, bring a pot of water to a boil. Salt the water and blanch the vegetables very briefly, just long enough to take the raw edge off, no more than a minute. I knew the broccoli might take 20-30 seconds longer to cook than the thin asparagus, so I added it to the pot first. Use your best judgment based on whatever vegetables you are using. Drain and immediately run under cold water to stop the cooking. Drain well, you want to try to get as much water off the vegetables as possible.

In a large serving bowl gently toss the vegetables until thoroughly coated with 1/3 cup / 80 ml of the miso dressing. Add the tofu and toss again. Taste and add more dressing if you like, just keep in mind, this particular dressing is quite strong and rich. Serve family-style or individually topped with a bit more shichimi tōgarashi or a sprinkling of red pepper flakes.

Serves 4 - 6, plus leftover dressing.

Inspired by a recipe in Harumi Kurihara's Everyday Harumi. Published by Conran, 2009.

Prep time: 10 minutes - Cook time: 20 minutes

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Just want to say what a great blog you got here!
I’ve been around for quite a lot of time, but finally decided to show my appreciation of your work!
Thumbs up, and keep it going!
Christian, iwspo.net


My husband and I love your recipes! Thank you for the inspiration 🙂 This one in particular is a familiar recipe for me, as I am Japanese. Awase miso really goes with any veggies as you say. My favorite is with eggplant and green pepper. Goes wonderfully with rice. Kind of a classic Japanese dish, but I always use Chinese or Japanese eggplant.
I like Harumi’s book too!


Oh, insanely good–and I cheated on every step! I subbed water for sake, boiled the tofu with the asparagus, and skipped the broccoli. Next time I’m going to grill the asparagus and the tofu. I’m sure the dressing would be even better, as written, with sake–but the water was fine. Thanks for another new staple!


I have been looking for new things to do with asparagus this season. I’m getting an organic produce basket delivered to me every week and I’m getting LOTS of asparagus these days! I love it, but I need new recipes. I am going to try this one this week!


I have been looking for new things to do with asparagus this season. I’m getting an organic produce basket delivered to me every week and I’m getting LOTS of asparagus these days! I love it, but I need new recipes. I am going to try this one this week!


Hi my name is Ana, I come from Argentina and I am married to Sean Mullan, whom you met at a meeting in Croke Park I think? I love food and cooking, I am of italian background and argentinians just love food! I had sushi while there in a japanese restaurant, it was a joy to look at it! I will try your recipe, but I wanted to ask you where did you get the ingredients, at the Asia Market?
Thank you,

Ana Mullan

I’ve been hooked on quick pan-fried tofu and asparagus (with perhaps a few dashes each of soy sauce, mirin and sesame oil) served with a sriracha aioli the past couple of weeks, but I finally got to the asian grocery store to pick up the rest of the ingredients I was missing to make this sauce and I’m excited to try it. Thanks!


What a lovely way to flavor tofu. I usually use miso in broth and vinaigrette. I’ll try this miso sauce and see if hubby likes it. Thanks! Lovely recipe, as usual!

Jackie at PhamFatale.com

I made this tonight and it was all I could do to stop from eating the entire bowl! So yum! I first pan fried the tofu to crispy golden goodness and then used a 50/50 combo of Shiro and Aka miso and subbed in 1/4 cup of Pinot Blanc for the Sake as it’s what I had on hand.
The P.Blanc is obviously sweeter than the sake and the mirin I used was quite sweet so I think in future I would dial back the sugar some if I was using the same ingredients.
I also was skeptical about boiling miso so just brought it to a mild simmer for a few minutes before tossing it with the broccoli, asparagus and tofu and it was fine. Someone mentioned here that they thought the asparagus was too strongly flavoured for the dressing but I thought it was absolute perfection.
Great recipe. This one is sure to be a frequent repeater 🙂


I like Hrumi Kurihara, too! She has been very popular in Japan for years. I didn’t know she published in English.
I think she boils the dressing because mirin is in it. Mirin contains alcohol, and I think that’s why she boils it first to evaporate it. Just my thought.


Delicious! 🙂


This looks delicious and utilizes one of my favorite flavors-miso!

Deborah Dowd

I used Dashi miso, and added some dried shiitake mushrooms and wakame and served on brown rice. I couldn’t stop eating it!


Sounds wonderful, perfect for spring. I’ve been noshing on our Miso Cod recipe recently (and Miso Sea Bass in a local restaurant). It may be too much to pair them together, but I’m a risk-taker like that…

Feast on the Cheap

There are a lot of Asian markets on Clement Street in the Richmond District (between 3rd and 8th or so), including one or two small Japanese markets. There’s one on the south side of the street that I think is called Tokyo something or other.


Sounds Yummy


Great recipe!! I had all the ingredients except the veggies on hand. I steamed the veggies, mostly because I love steamed crimini mushrooms and it was very quick and easy.
I added some toasted sesame oil and toasted sesame seeds–it was very yummy!! Love your recipes and photos


just picked up your book “supernatural cooking” and am truly motivated to begin incorporating some of the different ingredients that you shared about into my cooking. thank you. the book is beautiful.


as always delicious.. Although I’m curious why you boil the miso.. would not a gentle simmer work as well? All of the beneficial enzymatic properties are lost when you boil miso.. just a thought.
HS: You know Derrick, I’m not entirely sure why Harumi suggests boiling the miso. I think you could take a more gentle approach as well.


All of your recipes are inviting but this one, for some reason, is especially mouth watering. The ingredients are so ‘clean’ and fresh … and love that it’s easy to put together. I can’t wait to try it! Thanks for sharing it with us!

Small Footprints

this was a lovely meal


Can anybody recd a good japanese market in SF, that carries miso, udon noodles, pre-made dumpling wraps, etc? Some brand names (in english!) would help too so when i shop i can start with a list!
tia, foggy


I love Miso! Never had it other than in a soup, though… I can’t wait to give your recipe a try.

French Cooking for Dummies

Your blog ….. it’s amazing and soooo inspiring. Nice to find you!
A small footprint from Agneta & Sweden


I have been trying to “beef” up my tofu recipe collection. Thanks for this one! I think I will add a sprinkle of almonds!

Morgan G

I love Harumi, I have many of her books. kudos on the Harumi connection!


Emily, your Peace Corps project sounds like my dream! I commend you on your creativity in allowing the women to discover their own power to increase their health! Awesome.


I made this last night; it came together so quickly and my girlfriend loved it! For some reason I don’t normally cook with sake, miso, or mirin, and I’d never even heard of shichimi tōgarashi. It was refreshing to cook with some different ingredients.
I instinctively halved the amount of sugar, and next time I will leave it out entirely. The mirin has enough sugar in it as it is. I’d probably up the sake quantity as well. Although I love asparagus, I think its flavor overwhelmed the dressing here. Next time I will use vegetables that aren’t as strongly flavored.
For a more substantial meal (although it’s quite filling on its own), I think this would be delicious tossed with soba noodles.


I love Asian flavors, this sounds delightful! 🙂

Jenn (www.j3nn.net)

This recipe look so good! Miso is one of my favorite things ever.


i am going to make this for dinner tonight, but I am already stumped at 6oz of miso…what is that approx. equal to?
HS: 2/3 cup-ish


i love that chocolate cherry brownies


Hey Heidi,
I´m Emily, a Peace Corps volunteer in rural El Salvador. I have never cooked before, but have become addicted to your website since being here in El Salvador. My mom is a chef instructor and got me started on your website, and actually she has met you at a conference a few years ago. She suggested that I write to you because you might find it interesting what I am doing with your recipes…and to know that you are helping to change peoples’ lives in the campo of El Salvador!
I´m a health volunteer, so I give women´s healthy cooking classes where we cook healthy recipes and talk about basic health. All of the recipes are from 101cookbooks but of course there are a lot of substitutions to almost all local and inexpensive ingredients. It’s a great non formal way to talk to the women about health issues that affect them. So far we have done Nikki´s healthy cookies, Carrot Oatmeal cookies, Oatmeal and sesame seed quiche crust with the corn filling, the best pizza dough ever, zucchini bread, and carrot cake.
All the recipes are edited to the foods that can be found here in El Salvador, a lot of the specific healthy ingredients that the recipes call for can’t even be found in the capitol city, but we make do with what we have. For example, in place of the natural maple syrup used to sweeten the carrot oatmeal cookies, imitation maple syrup was used. Obviously making the recipe not as healthy, but still giving the women a taste of something new, and a little variation to their diet of fried eggs, refried beans and tortillas (which is essentially the diet of Campesinos in El Salvador, with the exception of special holidays, when tomales are made). Flaxseed is one thing that is found in abundance here and extremely cheap, so we add it to almost every recipe, ground up and whole.
I applied and received grant money for the classes from US Aid, which gave me 350 dollars, enough money for about 10 classes. The class started as a baking healthy breads class because baking is the most economic way to cook with a large group, using the outdoor adobe oven that can hold countless trays of food and cook super quick. But this week I’m going to start exploring with other recipes, like hummus and guacamole, the homemade bullion, red lentil soup, and chickpea hot pot. I like the idea of these recipes because the majority of the women’s´ only means of cooking is on an open fire, and these are things that they can do without a stove or oven.
So thank you for all the great recipes. I wish I had the time and enough grant money to try all the recipes with the women, although in this short time I know the cooking sessions have definitely impacted the woman´s lives. Besides, I’ll definitely continue cooking when I come home to the states, something I never thought I would be interested in.
Con cariño, Emily
HS: Hi Emily, thanks for the nice note, and thanks for taking the time to write in. I’m definitely interested in hearing more about what you are doing. I’d be curious to know what the health/diet related issues are in the area you’re working, and I’m also curious about what the traditional foodways are in that region – where they stand, etc. Feel free to mail me off-line Emily, -h


I made this yesterday for lunch. Since I did not have sake, I put in a bit more mirin and some water. I also added Shitake mushrooms. Very good.


I tried this recipe last night, but in avoiding a trip to the store, I tried it with ingredients I already had on hand. It was certainly a satisfying meal, but I could tell a few things were off.
I skipped the sake all together and instead used a 1/4 cup more mirin. I also used dark red miso, which had a pretty overwhelming flavor. I imagine this would be MUCH better with a red/white miso combo that Heidi suggests, or even just the white alone.
As for the missing sake, I’m not sure if it made a huge difference or not, but it is on my shopping list for this weekend (along with white miso and sesame seeds). I want to try this recipe again, even with a botched round one:)

Anne Marie

This recipe looks so good. I must remember to make sure I have all the ingredients on hand next time I go to the store. Thank you for sharing endless pages of deliciousness!!!!


I made this last night – very good and easy! I added some toasted crumbled nori & sesame seeds. I panfried the tofu in quite a bit of oil to get it crispy…. wondering about other techniques people have used. I love the texture that frying gives it, but its not the healthiest approach.


Looks great, I’d make it for dinner if we hadn’t had tofu for lunch.


First time I’ve seen your blog. Miso veggies & tofu for breakfast is okay, isn’t it? Because it is only just after 7:00 a.m. and I’m not sure I can wait until lunch to make this. 🙂


I like it but I can assure you that it tastes even better without sugar and sweet mirin.
Many of my Japanese friends are so used to add sugar to food that they do it naturally, it is now in all standard recipes, but if they try to omit it they are surprised by the taste, which is possibly a bit more ‘ancient’? (Can’t find the right adjective).
Sorry for the comment, I hope you don’t think I am offensive or bothering you, some bloggers don’t like comments unless they are compliments…If I have offended you I am sorry I didn’t mean it 😉 your blog is great and I follow you on Twitter.


Wonderful! This recipe is definitely a keeper for me. Now if only I can refine my miso paste dissolving skills….


Yes! I bookmarked this recipe ASAP, also. Miso’s so lovely with vegetables of all stripes — I loved barely steamed bok choy with miso butter, and turnips, also. I love the idea of tossing the seared tofu right in, for a one dish, protein-packed lunch.


I found this recipe today. I have all the ingredients, and so I made it today. It is so easy. I love tofu and miso. This is a keeper recipe. I loved it.


I am Asian this is totally my type. Such a healthy food.
Love your recipe.


I like tofu and i know it has many good things about it.
I think i can try a few of the recipes now and have a few guests over!!!

Prasedes Gillett

This is great and yes, a good every day recipe. Miso is so good for you and I’ve been looking for ways to incorporate it into my diet beyond miso soup. So I really appreciate this recipe!


This looks delicious. I am a fiend for asparagus these days and this looks like a great one dish meal.
Thanks for sharing.

yummy supper

Such a sweet combination. The tofu and asparagus is kinda unique to see …. easy to prepare. You never fail!:D

The Artist Chef (Joanie)

This looks incredible, and is my top “just for me” recipe to make! I have got to find some good miso paste!

Trish in MO

Ooh nice! I’ve been on a miso dressing kick myself. Such an easy way to help digestion and eat something delicious at the same time 🙂

Michelle @ Find Your Balance

I like that though the ingredients are new to me but I’ll try it this evening for my dinner.
I like new things. Thanx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You recipes never fail to make me hungry. You are my got to site for healthy and delicious.

Casey Angelova

tried this last night. it was super yummy!
thanks for sharing!
it was easy, tasty and fabulous. i added fresh grated ginger to the sauce which blended nicely with the other ingredients.
looking forward to trying other things on your blog.


This looks delicious!


so…regarding tofu – which kind did you use? the harder stuff or the softer stuff?? I’m very new to the whole tofu scene…
HS: Hi Gaynell, I used a very firm tofu. I’ll update the recipe to reflect that.


I was just standing in front of the miso at the co-op today, wondering if I’m ready for it. Now I _have_ to go back and get it! Thanks for taking the time to post this recipe!

Anne Marie

This does look like the perfect proper light spring dinner! Thank heavens I’ve finally become confident enough with my tofu-draining technique to attempt it.

The Nervous Cook

@Peg: It is a myth that alcohol completely burns off in cooking…it depends on when it is added and how long it is cooked. People with health issues with alcohol and those who just have issues with alcohol in general may not want to chance it.
That said, sake is difficult to substitute for. It has a unique flavor that there is really no non-alcoholic replication I have found. I have used everything from rice vinegar with a little sugar to fruit juices (usually orange or pineapple) and various mixtures thereof. The flavor is not the same, but not necessarily bad.
Alcohol is one of those things that you have to accept that nothing will quite replace it, but I have usually managed to find substitutes along the way – as long as my goal is to modify the recipe to meet my needs and not duplicate the taste (which isn’t going to happen) I manage quite nicely without alcohol in my cooking.

CJ :)

I also loved the Times link.
I’ve been looking for a good Japanese cookbook, guess I’ve found one!

Rocky Mountain Woman

Thank you for linking to the Times article– it was very enjoyable to get some background on Ms. Kurihara and on current Japanese culture. This recipe also looks fabulous!
One of the reasons that I eat miso is for its probiotic benefits, so I will add the miso to the the reduced liquid by pressing it through a strainer with the back of a spoon. Unpasteurized miso should be kept below boiling temperature to avoid killing the beneficial microbes; pasteurized miso doesn’t contain the microbes, so boiling doesn’t change its properties.


Wow – here I am, contemplating an afternoon snack, and now all I want is this! Yum!


Love this plate! Gonna have it for lunch tomorrow


This recipe looks simply divine. I want to make it but does it matter what brand of miso I use? What is awase miso?


This is a great way to use miso. I love this type of easy nutritious meal that uses seasonal vegetables.

Susan Kessler

I wish this was in my lunch today. I love this kind of simple, fresh meal. And I suspect it would be equally good cold.

The Rowdy Chowgirl

Thanks! I’m always looking for a new (easy) way to use miso.

Crystal Fox

I too had heard that about miso, that it should be added after the other ingredients had boiled. My Japanese-cook mentor also told me to press it through a fine strainer to make sure there were not hard pieces in it. For what it’s worth. This practice makes it easier to mix in the miso, in any case.
As for the sake, I too don’t consume alcohol, but the alcohol surely boils off in this recipe.

Peg Lewis

I might add a little reconstituted dried arame seaweed.


This light preparation looks like the perfect way to showcase tender Spring vegetables this time of year. Some toasted sesame seeds would be a great garnish as well.

Molly @ mollys menu

How do you get tofu to brown like that? I always have difficulties getting it to brown nicely. Do you drain for a while in advance? Are there any tips you have for quick ways to dry out tofu if you forget to drain in advance?


Mmm, actually, that looks really tasty. I am always astonished at how a little marinade on cooked veggies etc. turns a ho-hum day into something special. Thanks!

Amanda at Enchanted Fig

This looks so easy and healthy and delicious. Heidi, you always know about the most interesting cookbooks! I made the Ottolenghi quinoa recipe the other day–so pretty and healthy and tasty!


Any recipe with miso is a tasty one for me…and I love how you incorporated the tofu and veggies (especially the asparagus)….thanks Heidi

The Healthy Apple

Wonderful, elemental dish. This is just what I’d like to sit down to at the end of a long day!! The miso dressing sounds fabulous; I haven’t tried awase before but will look for it. That the recipe makes extra is fine with me — I can see myself putting this on just about everything.


Looks DIVINE. I may have to splurge for asparagus at the market this week (Do you know that asparagus is a luxury vegetable here in France? They’re SO expensive, even in season! Count your blessings that you live in an asparagus-filled, wallet-friendly place! 🙂


This is perfect! I just happen to have all of these ingredients laying around and was looking for something quick. Thanks!


Great dish. I just tried making baked tofu for the first time and it was amazing.

Carrie (Love Healthy Living)

I was going to make my usual tofu and broccoli stir fry this evening, but you’ve inspired me to step out of my box and try this. I even have asparagus– all I need is to find some miso on my way home from work.


I actually have all of these ingredients!
I do have a question, though. Aren’t you supposed to avoid boiling miso? Or is that only when you’re making the soup?


Heidi, any post, regardless of length, is a treat (visually and literally).
Enjoy this week and all your distractions!

Emily from Philly

I bet this would make a good marinade for meat, too, especially chicken or fish. Mmm.


I know the feeling of your time being completely comsumed by other sources. Hopfeully you’ll have a respite at the end of it.
I adore Japanese flavors, and given that aspargus is in season, this is a great time to try this recipe!

Christine @ Fresh Local and Best

Thanks for this easy dinner idea and the book recommendation! Have a good week! 🙂


I enjoy your posts like this. They are a guide in a direction of flavor and texture; they are meant to inspire experimentation. I have miso waiting for this recipe.

Andrea @ Fork Fingers Chopsticks

After the tempura I cooked on sunday, which I am sharing the recipe in my blog!, this would have been a perfect match!!! 🙂

Chocolate Freckles

I love light, easy dinners- and this one looks awesome! I love miso with tofu, and of course I always love veggies! This one is on my list as well 🙂

Kristin (Cook, Bake and Nibble)

Wow this looks awfully good!
I’d love this with some udon.

Thomas (from Damascus Bakeries)

I love miso on anything – it goes especially well with pan-fried salmon (!!) It adds such a wonderful taste and smell to the whole thing…
I also love tofu as well! It’s a major source of protein in my diet and takes on flavours so well ;D
I love your blog! It’s so clean and simple. I see so many recipes I want to try but I can’t because I… well, I can’t cook! But I’m trying to learn 😉


So many ingredients in this are new to me (or my kitchen) – I’d love to try this! Thanks!

Simply Life

I have a tofu stir fry on my to make this list, this maybe a better option, sounds delish!

Christie {Honoring Health}

I loved your Coconut Cashew Curry recipe with tofu – it is really the only tofu dish that my whole family really enjoys.
I will be showing it at a cooking demo this weekend.
Hope to try this one soon also!


I’ve had miso and thought it had a great flavor. I haven’t had tofu yet. I keep thinking it won’t taste good. I should open my mind a bit more and give it a try!

Nisrine@Dinners and Dreams

this recipe looks fantastic! I can never find good ways to prepare tofu that I like so I’ll have to try this one!

tabitha (from single to married)

Like it!


Looks delicious! I went to a Japanese cooking class last week by Peter Chaplin and am now obsessed with Japanese food. Yum!

Joe @ Eden Kitchen

I love Harumi’s practical approach to Japanese cooking and this looks deliciously simple to make, perfect for warm, balmy nights.

Chris @ bonviveur

its look delicious…but i can’t use sake because its forbidden in my religion…its containing alkohol..so may i have change that?


I love Japanese food, including miso soup, but I think the miso paste I find in the store uses a lot of MSG. Is making the paste from scratch too difficult?


I completely agree with Coco that sometimes dishes with only a few simple ingredients do end up being the yummiest……I feel like I can taste that dish through the photograph…….!


this looks absolutely yummy! I guess I have to take a look at Everyday Harumi, too!


Ahhh…light and healthy and exactly what I need to be eating after pounding lasagna for 3 days in a row:) When will I learn? Thanks!

The French

Tasty and healthy! For the body and soul! Niamy!


Tofu is my favorite. It sounds like a Japanese recipe with all those Japanese ingredients. I’m so excited to try it.

Raised garden beds

Wow, this looks so nice and simple! I’ve recently rediscovered the joys of tofu, and this sounds right up my alley. Sometimes just a few ingredients can yield an incredibly satisfying result!

Coco @ Opera Girl Cooks

This looks like a delicious meal! Do you have a suggestion for a non-alcoholic substitute for the sake? Thanks!

Kathy M

I love the sound of this recipe. As I read your description, I could imagine myself sitting out on the patio and enjoying this light summery dinner!


I love your everyday/easy meals and I’m sure this one will make it into my regular rotation.
I can’t wait for Super Natural Everyday to come out. Good luck with the manuscript!


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