Amaretto-spiked Chocolate Mousse Recipe

Simple-yet-decadent this dairy-free chocolate mousse recipe wins over non-vegans and vegans alike.

Amaretto-spiked Chocolate Mousse

As if last weeks chocolate bender wasn't enough - here we go again. I have a couple classes coming up this fall (shockingly right around the corner), and this Amaretto-spiked chocolate mousse recipe will be pon the menu. In the Viking catalog I called it a pudding, but really - it is so rich, velvety, and decadent I think I will change my mind and call it a mousse from here on out.

Chocolate mousse reminds me of the 80s. My mom doesn't cook much, but there was an era in our household when the only recipe she would make was chocolate mousse - it was a big ordeal. Less of an ordeal than when she was going through her German Chocolate Cake period, but a monumental undertaking for her nonetheless. When she completed her mousse masterpieces they would slide into the refrigerator and chill on a tray in individual flute glasses until just the right moment. Ooohs and ahhs would fill the room when the flutes were finally permitted to make their appearance at the end of a meal. My mom would say something like "oh, those - I just threw those together, no big deal." My sister and I would snicker from the adjoining TV room.

Don't tell anybody, but this recipe is really easy to make. Oh, and it is dairy-free. Shhhh, it is also vegan, but don't tell the non-vegans. Hope you like it - let me know what you think.

Variations: If you want a more ploppy, pudding-like consistency, add another 1/4 or 1/3 cup chocolate soy milk to the recipe in the beginning. Want an even denser mousse? Start by scaling back to about 1/3 cup chocolate soy milk to start. I am spiking it with a couple layers of almond flavoring, but feel free to experiment with different infusions. Instead of almond flavors infuse the simmering milk with mint or a couple pinches of spicy chilies (strain before mixing into chips). Anything that goes well with chocolate will be a welcome infusion into this mousse.

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Amaretto-Spiked Vegan Chocolate Mousse Recipe

1/2 cup organic chocolate soy milk (for this recipe I like to use Vitasoy Rich Chocolate Soy Milk)

9 or 10 ounce bag of semisweet vegan chocolate chips (I've had good success with Tropical Source or Sunspire Brand all-natural brands, NOT carob chips)

12 ounces silken tofu

1/4 cup Amaretto or almond-flavored liquor

1/4 teaspoon natural pure almond extract (I use the Flavorganics Almond Extract for this recipe)

Pour the chocolate milk into a small pot and bring to a simmer. Remove the milk from heat and let cool a bit while you melt down the chocolate chips. You can melt the chocolate chips in a double boiler or if you are like me, and don't own a double-boiler, you can cobble one together using a tiny saucepan set under a larger mixing bowl. Fill the tiny saucepan with an inch or two of water and bring barely to a simmer - place the big mixing bowl with the chocolate chips on top of the tiny saucepan and let the heat come up and gently warm the chips while you stir occasionally until completely melted. Remove from heat.

Add the soy milk and silken tofu to the melted chocolate chips. Process with a hand or regular blender until completely smooth. Stir in the Amaretto and almond extract. Taste and adjust for flavor, adding a bit more extract if needed.

Chill in the big bowl (or in individual bowls) for at least 1 1/2 hours, the longer the better. The pudding will set up nicely as it cools.

Makes 6 decadent servings.

If you make this recipe, I'd love to see it - tag it #101cookbooks on Instagram!
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It looks delicious and I really like the sound of Amaretto & chocolate. However, Though happily eat tofu and this recipe sounds like a great and novel way of trying silken tofu. However, I don’t really like the way of soy milk – I guess I can just use normal dairy chocolate milk and non-vegan chocolate chips? Or would that seriously corrupt the flavour?


Yes, just omit the Amaretto and substitute an equal amount of the chocolate soy milk. So, you would use 3/4 cup soy milk total.
S – Search the archives for pot pies. I think I did a post on them last year. Just substitute the puff pastry top with your favorite mashed potatoes…and bake for a bit. There are a bunch of variations on the pot pies in my book.


i made this this weekend for a BBQ and it was a huge hit. it is SO decadent you can’t eat that much and no one could believe there was tofu in it. and mousse with no raw eggs. this receipe will be in my collection from now on! thanks!


Dear AK,
For the 8 year old, instead of the amaretto, I think you could use vanilla. Vanilla really compliments chocolate. One tablespoon of vanilla extract, plus enough water to make up the 1/4 c. liquid might do the trick.


This recipe sounds great, definitely a keeper. Also enjoyed the story about your Mom…reminded me of many a day in our house, growing up. My Mom didn’t like cooking much but she turned out some beautiful desserts when inspired to ‘show off’ a bit for company and entering contests at the local fair. She’s 88 now, not cooking these days so it was nice to be reminded of a happy memory.


We are having a vegan over on Sunday for dessert and I now know what we’ll be serving her. I even know where I’m going to buy some super-fresh Japanese tofu that tastes just slightly nutty.
Must go snack now! You’ve made me hungry.


Any kid-friendly suggestions for the amaretto? Or is it too much for kids as is? I’m a “chocolate mentor” for an 8-year old whose Mom won’t touch the stuff.


Thanks so much for the vegan recipe. I enjoy your site very much, but I am often thinking of how I can make what sounds so delicious into something vegan, and with this I don’t have to. I always enjoy your e-mails and your redesigned site is wonderful.

Ilene Ungerleider

Simply Delicious!


This looks divine – can’t wait to try it on my in-laws. And might I put in a request for the Chipotle-Sweet Potato Pot Pies with Goat Cheese Mashed Potato Tops recipe from teh same class?


I wanted to thank you for posting a non-dairy recipe for those of us who are lactards. I attempted to make the choco-zucchini cupcakes with subsitutes for butter and milk and (suprise!) they were not nearly as tasty as described. sigh… any advice?
[lactsard being used to describe a person who has a difficult relationship with milk and milk products.. including oreo cookies which are dairy]


I have loved reading your recipes and ckecking the images. I love the mousse is perfect.blend of old and new and the food looks divine.


Wow! That looks fantastic and so yummy! I love reading your blog, it’s really lovely…the pictures are always perfect, the dishes scrumptious-sounding, and the writing wonderful. And now a beautiful new look (and with more functios too, how great is that?)!
Thanks for allowing me a glimpse into your 101 cookbooks 🙂


I can attest there is no taste of tofu in this one at all. I think the amaretto takes care of that. And the tofu was loose/watery enough that it blended smooth – no tofu bits.


Thanks a lot! I tried to make a similar mousse a while ago, to use some silken tofu I had in the fridge but was not completely satisfied (too thick and the taste of tofu was too strong). I will certainly try your recipe. I served my mousse in glasses, on a layer of crushed meringue…very filling…


ooh more choclate! both of the recipes are fabulous, especially the second one since its so versatile. thanks for sharing!
ps. the site looks great with the new additions 🙂


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