Rye Crepes Recipe

The new year is here, and so far it has been crisp air, clear skies, thickest softest sweaters, afternoon reads, and big stews. We made crepes New Years Eve, and celebrated fresh starts, optimism, and our hopes for the coming months - a simple night of sparkling wine, crepes, and a far-away view of the downtown fireworks.

Rye Crepes

The new year is here, and so far it has been crisp air, clear skies, thickest softest sweaters, afternoon reads, and big stews. We made crepes New Years Eve, and celebrated fresh starts, optimism, and our hopes for the coming months - a simple night of sparkling wine, crepes, and a far-away view of the downtown fireworks. A drive north for a quick escape over the weekend was all about big coastal vistas, antique store treasures, full moons, and sea air. I'm looking forward to more of this sort of thing in 2015 - crepes, treasures, ocean horizons, and good health for all. The crepes, they're easy with a bit of practice. Happy New Year all. xo -h

Rye Crepe RecipeRye Crepe RecipeRye Crepe RecipeRye Crepe RecipeRye Crepe RecipeRye Crepe Recipe

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Rye Crepes

This is a a double batch of the Rye Crepe batter in Super Natural Every Day. It keeps beautifully, and is a lot of fun to have on hand for a quick lunchtime crepe, special breakfast, or midnight feast.

1 1/2 cup rye flour
2 1/2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
scant 1 teaspoon fine grain sea salt
6 large eggs
4 cups water, plus more if needed
clarified butter for cooking

To make the crepe batter, combine the flours and salt in a bowl. Use a fork to stir in the eggs until the texture becomes raggedy. Gradually stir in the water. The batter may seem a bit thin, but will thicken as it rests. Remove the lumps from the batter by pushing all the batter through a not-too-fine wire mesh strainer using a wooden spoon or a rigid spatula. Rest the batter on a countertop for at least 30 minutes, then stir again before using. It should have the consistency of heavy cream. If you need to thin with more water, do do so a few tablespoons at a time.

To cook the crepes, heat an 8-inch skillet (or larger) over medium heat. Rub with a touch of butter and pour just enough batter into the pan to provide a thin coating. As you pour, rotate the pan so the batter runs to cover the entire bottom. Cook for a few minutes, until the crepe is browned, then flip with a spatula and born the second side. Rebutter the pan as needed, I find I use less and less butter after the first crepe.

If I know I'm going to be making more than a crepe or two, I tend to just go ahead and pre-make a stack. Once they come out of the pan, they're stacked. Then, just before serving, I cook them a second time, with whatever filling I prefer - in this case, a bit of gruyere cheese, slices of browned new potatoes, and a drizzle of arbor chile sauce. This allows you to prep everything in advance, for a quick finish. Any unused batter keeps in the refrigerator for nearly a week.

This is a good amount of batter - good for 20 crepes, or so.

Prep time: 35 minutes - Cook time: 20 minutes

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These were great for dinner tonight with ham, gruyere, caramelized onions and sautéed mushrooms. I lost patience with the sieve though–maybe mine was too fine–and just remixed with an electric hand mixer to get rid of the lumps. We had the leftover crepes with jam for dessert!


Heading up to the north shore (what we Minnesotans call the banks of Lake Superior) for a weekend get-away with my sweetie. Was going to make eggs in cocotte one morning and was searching for something for the second morning – this looks perfect! Wondering if you make or purchase your arbor chile sauce and if you have either a recipe or brand recommendation.


Served these delicious rye crêpes for breakfast this morning. I use a handheld emulsifier for ease of use and cleanup. I melted 2 tbsp. of butter. Poured a little in the pan for the first crêpe and then mixed the rest into the batter. I microwaved a handful of wild blueberries for 30 seconds and poured this over the crêpes before serving. If you have a sweet tooth you can add a little syrup to the blueberries or a sprinkle of sugar or icing sugar over the crêpes before serving.
With the leftover crêpes I’ll make a filling with whatever I have on hand and some Gruyère cheese – yummy. Keep this recipe in mind when it’s asparagus season. Roll a few in a crêpe leaving the tips out for visual effect, make a béchamel cheese sauce…
Excellent crêpes.


Have you ever made buckwheat crepes? I would like to replicate the Brittany buckwheat crepes, but most recipes I’ve found have too many ingredients and I’ve been told are not legit. Supposedly the batter should only be water & buckwheat flour, but I’ve clearly not figured out the technique.


Beautiful photos and a delicious recipe. Love the flavor of rye bread and the crisps look wonderful.


We ate these Saturday AND Sunday for lunch, stuffed with maple-sweetened rutabaga one day, and cabbage and leek stir fry the next. They were delicious both ways!


Cheese and caramelised onion or perhaps some cranberry sauce sprung to mind when I first saw them


Hi HS!
So I made these, as is, last night for dinner and they came out quite doughy. Now this was my first attempt at making crepes – made them in my gorgeous new copper crepe pan which was honestly exciting in itself. Anyway, wondering if you had any tips for spreading the filling around the pan or what kind of utensil is best for the batter to not create rips/holes when trying to spread. Also how much batter is best as my crepes. Thanks so much and as always for your delicious inspirations.

HS: Hi Aria – I made mine in my copper saute pan, so hopefully these suggestions will help. 🙂 A couple things to look out for – make sure your batter is thin enough to run around the pan as you tilt and swirl quickly after pouring. You want only enough batter to barely coat. When I use my electric crepe make, I use a wooden spatula to spread the batter, but swirling a pan is the way you want to go on the stovetop.Hope this helps!

Aria Alpert Adjani

I always forget about savoury crepes. This is a great idea, I think I might try rolling them with spinach and ricotta!

Stephanie @ A Magpie in the Sky

Hi Heidi! I’ve had your cookbook for awhile now and have always wanted to make this recipe-so thanks for the reminder! I’ve always been afraid to try making crepes but your directions were so good I was cranking them out in no time. Had to thin the batter with a bit of water so they could spread better, some of them were funny-shaped but still tasted delicious. For fillings I had sauteed mushrooms and old cheddar (yum), and also apple and cheddar (good). Definitely will make this for a small dinner party soon with some wine, of course. Thank you!


These look delicious, and not too difficult to make. The bread in the background is looking pretty nice – homemade or bought? Also, is it okay to use wholemeal rye, or would you need to look for a lighter flour?

HS: Hi David, thanks! The bread baked at home by a talented friend. You can use whole rye here. That’s what I used. Happy new year.

David Griffen

That sounds like a good plan for 2015. 🙂 I was making crepes often, but somehow I stopped. Will give them a new kick with this recipe. 🙂


I made these yesterday and they were great! I used some chanterelles and gruyere for the filling. I overlooked it in Super Natural Every Day so I am glad you highlighted it here.

Beth D

These incredibly good looking crepes!! I am gonna try these soon. Wish everyone all good things in 2015


2015 has started and as probably lots of other people, I have a goal this year. I think I eat a very healthy diet (mostly thanks to your recipes) but I would like to reduce the amount of carbohydrates / sugar and eat more protein and good fats without putting on weight. As I am vegetarian, I always find it difficult. Any thoughts on this? Happy New Year!


It is very nice recipe I will prepare for my breakfast every day. Wish you a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Thank you.

Than Than Zaw

Thank you thank you, I love making crepes please send more these were amazing, served at a Sunday brunch! Do you have any savory waffle recipes that you love?

HS: Hi Judith – I do! I have a favorite I’ve been working on for years now…you’ll have to wait just a little bit longer for it though. Hopefully soon.

Judith Drew

These are intriguing. This will make a fun Saturday morning breakfast project. Thanks for sharing!


I’m allergic to eggs but would love to try this recipe. Any ideas on egg substitues that might work? Thank you for your lovely recipes and blog!


That woodscape looks incredible! And it sounds like you had the perfect New Years, or Hogmanay as they say here in Scotland 🙂
I love rye, and it might be due to my Scandinavian genes, I would never have thought to use rye flour for crepes though, but now it all makes sense! What is your favourite topping for these? Cheese and caramelised onion or perhaps some cranberry sauce sprung to mind when I first saw them, mmmm ^ ^ I hope 2105 has treated you well so far Heidi xx

Jules @ WolfItDown

i lovelovelove rye! and i just clarified a pound of butter. just need some rye flower and i’m trying this!


Is it possible to mix the batter in a blender? Would that eliminate the lumps or would it change the consistency? I have three small children and would love to save the time of using a mesh strainer. Thank you! I love your books!

HS: Hi MJ – you can use a blender, but I’ve found it generally quicker to use a strainer versus cleaning the blender 😉


You had me at ‘potato.’


Dear Heidi,
I am an older Lady living in Bristol UK.
I absolutely love everything you send me.
If only I were younger I would travel to San Fransisco . In the meantime I relish your recipes, Photographs and wisdom.
May The Lord Continue Bless you.

Hazel Morgan-Davies

i love crepes – especially when they use atypical flours. thanks for this!


You have to love a simple whole-grain crepe. This makes me realizeI don’t have any rye flour in the house! That certainly needs to happen soon. 🙂


Heidi: Happy New Year to you and your family. The photos are wonderful – thank you for sharing!!! As soon as I purchase the flour, I will be very busy in my kitchen.


Can you substitute the rye flour for another flour?


Rye is such a complex grain – I love that it is becoming more popular. I tend to use my blender when it comes to crêpe batters – this way I can be sure no lumps occur, and I can add to taste any other ingredients. I’m partial to adding brown butter to crêpes with darker flours, and cooking them in a mixture of olive oil & butter.
For the Danish gal Marianne asking about using 100% rye flour – it is possible but they will be a lot more delicate and harder to flip. If I’m using flours with less or no gluten, I tend to make something more like a pancake because it’s sturdier, and easier to cook.

shuna lydon

While those crepes look delicious and I want to give them a try, I’m really dying over those vacation photos. Where were they taken?


I love the flavor of rye and just had a piece of homemade sourdough 20% rye (that I baked from Tartine 3) so now I’m going to have to give these a go. I was supposed to meet up with a friend for lunch on Friday but I think I will, instead, suggest she come here and I’ll make these. At first I thought your first photo was of crumbled cheese and sautéed mushrooms (but I now realize they are potatoes)… and now I’m craving mushrooms so I’ll likely use these for a filling. Thank you for your thoughtful inspiration of honest, delicious food.
By the way, that tree-covered hiking trail looks sublime!!! Enjoy your day. xo

Lisa Cohen // Life is in the Details

Happy new year Heidi…Great suggestion and I am excited to try this crepe recipe with spelt flour. I have a vitamix, and spelt berries on hand, but no rye berries. Your photos are calming and beautiful. A phrase comes to mind that sums you up perfectly. (ki no bi) Functional beauty. Its the way you go about life, and thanks for sharing, and I love that you take time to read in the afternoons.


Sorry, i’m french : what is an arbor chile sauce ?


The tree photo is gorgeous. Where was it taken? Thanks for the great recipe.


Where are those trees? I am making it a resolution to spend more travel time in our beautiful state this year too!

HS: Hi Julia! They’re just north of the Sea Ranch Lodge, along the beautiful bluff.


I threw together the Lacinato Kale and Pecorino Salad New Years Day, and it was a huge hit. I was able to slide raw brussel sprouts by my husband, and generally speaking I think everyone at the table felt like they were getting off to a ‘healthy’ new year. Paired it with Ottolenghi’s marinated and roasted turkey breast from cookbook #1, and your go to baked gnocchi with olive sauce. It was a beautiful dinner, and a beautiful day. Happy New Year.

Catherine Berryessa

Would it be possible to make these with straight 100% rye sour dough? I am almost completely grain-free but do cheat with rye at least once a year (Being Danish is is hard not to!). I can’t have wheat and avoid GF flours.
What are some other fillings?
The photos are spectacular – thank you.


Crepes are always so enjoyable to make and eat. Loving the arbor chili sauce you put on these. And beautiful writing and pictures, as always.

Katie @ Whole Nourishment

Sounds super yummy. I live in Geneva, and there is a flour called “spelta” which is similar to rye but probably more like “spelt” — would you recommend using that as a substitute?

HS: Hi Pindie – If it is spelt, then it should work beautifully.

Pindie Stephen

Happy New Year, lady! I hope it’s another great year for you 🙂
Of all the recipes I’ve made from your books, the crepes remain on my list to try! I think it’s time this weekend 🙂
Did you make it all the way up to Fort Bragg on your trip? gosh I love it up there.


With all the restricted diets these days, I feel like Rye is almost taboo! And it’s my all time favorite flavor ~ I absolutely love rye toast with eggs in the morning. So just the idea of rye crepes just excites me! Cannot wait to try, so unique.

Laura @ Raise Your Garden

Coming from a Russian family, we always steer towards the traditional white-flour crepes (blini) with honey drizzled on top. These provide a healthy, wholesome alternative, and I am looking forward to giving these a try in the new year. One question though – is the clumping more of a result of the rye flour? We never use a sieve in my household, so I was just wondering. Have a wonderful 2015!

HS: Hi Ksenia, it just ensures the batter is extra silky and smooth.

Ksenia @ At the Immigrant's Table

How delicious, and those trees look incredible, that energy holds so many stories..I love rye anything, but I’m wondering if the crepes are heavier then usual or if they turn out pretty light ..? They do look scrumptious !

Ciao Florentina

I think I will make crepes for lunch today! 🙂


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