Fall Favorites 2008 Recipe
A few favorite things from fall 2008.

About this time, last year, I was in Rome. My favorite time of year in one of my favorite cities. Most days, in the late afternoon, I would walk from our apartment in Trastevere, cross the Tiber at Ponte Garibaldi, and meander through the old city with no real destination in mind. That being said, many times I would find myself at the Trevi Fountain. I like to sit and watch the parade of people circulate through, public theater at its finest.
Last night, I was looking through video footage from that trip, doing a bit of arm-chair traveling of my own, and it occurred to me that some of you might enjoy a glimpse of the Trevi Fountain if you've never been - so I uploaded a bit of video. Nothing too elaborate, just a collection of video snippets. It also occurred to me that it has been quite a while since I've done a favorites list, so I'll bundle that into this post as well.
Favorite Ingredients: I get a lot of emails asking me about ingredients. Many of you want to know what's in my cupboards and refrigerator, particularly when it comes to cooking oils & fats, sweeteners, flours, grains and the like. I covered much of this (and in greater depth) in Super Natural Cooking, but I thought I'd build out an (ever-evolving) section on 101 Cookbooks highlighting ingredients that are in regular rotation in my cooking. I set up a tab in the left hand navigation called Build a Natural Foods Pantry. It is a work in progress, and I'll do my best to keep it updated. I apologize in advance for not being able to field all the individual emails about specific ingredients. Many, many times I don't use an ingredient simply because I can't explain how it is made. In this Build a Natural Foods Pantry section, I currently have pages set up and dedicated to; Cooking with Natural Foods, A Few Favorite Fats and Oils, A Few Favorite Sweeteners, A Few Favorite Grains, and More Favorite Ingredients.
Cookbooks: A bunch of my pals have books hitting stores right now. I'll likely cover some of them in more depth on the site down the line, but in the meantime here they are...Fans of the beautifully photographed delicious days food blog will want to get their hands on Nicki's first book - it should be available in english via Amazon.com soon. Bean lovers and Rancho Gordo enthusiasts have been waiting for months for Steve Sando's Heirloom Beans cookbook - well worth the wait. My girl Lily just authored The Hungry Scientist Handbook, and the subtitle says it all...Electric Birthday Cakes, Edible Origami, and Other DIY Projects for Techies, Tinkerers, and Foodies. I don't keep many cookbooks in my actual kitchen, The Flavor Bible is one of few exceptions. I've long been a fan of Karen Page and Andrew Dornenburg, and their latest release is often just what I needed to give my creative juices a jolt.
And a few miscellaneous "favorite" links:
-I bought this book to give to my sister, and then kept it for myself.
- Ann Cooper at TED: Reinventing the School Lunch
- The Classification of Animal Cookies, Animal Crackers, and Related Taxa -I meant to link this to my animal cracker cookie recipe.
- June Taylor Wild Fennel Syrup
- Noodlr.net
-My favorite bread right now
- The honey David hand delivered to me from Paris.
Our Kiva Lending Team is doing great, even in a challenging economic climate. As a group we've made 433 loans, adding up to $13,275. For anyone who missed out on the original post, I've set up 101 Cookbooks as a Kiva Lending Team and seeded our group with $1000 in loans. If you have $25 to loan you can participate - most of the loans I make are in the $25 to $100 range. As the micro-loans are being paid back to me, I can turn around and re-allocate funds to other entrepreneurs. A heartfelt thank-you to everyone who has participated.
And to wrap things up, I set up a 101 Cookbooks page on Facebook. I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do with it, but if you're on Facebook, you can add me, and it'll be easy for you to keep track of updates, events, and other stuff I'll eventually add.
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Thank you for the animal cookie link. It was delicious.
what a beautiful flower picture! reminds me so much of this polaroid: http://picturesandpancakes.blogspot.com/2008/10/scarlet-begonias.html
please remove don’t waste time of others
Hello Heidi,
Thank you very much for sharing the video. It still looks so warm in Italy at this time of year! I live in a city called Sapporo(its in the northern part of Japan), and the leaves have turned red and yellow and they are already beginning to fall. I wonder what the weather is like in SF?
HS: It has been beautiful this month!
Oh, my, goodness! I was knocked out by the crowds at the fountain! Is there ever a “down” time? I love to “people watch”, but that is ridiculous! I hope to visit one day, nonetheless!
Anyhow, thanks for the great recipes, cookbook endorsements, and travel pointers!
I’ll continue to tune in, love your blog!
101 cooks on facebook? YAY
I’ll look for you
Hey Heidi,
I check your blog for new updates and posts everytime I’m online. I’m a third year undergraduate student who’s going to go study abroad in Rome, Italy for Spring 2009 semester. Can you suggest some great places to eat and couple brands of olive oil, vinegars, and wines I can bring back home? I’d really appreciate it! Also, have you ever WWOOFed http://www.wwoof.org/ in Italy or some other country before?
We just went on a trip to Italy, and your Trevi fountain mention brought back fond memories!:)
the apples look great! I just made Spiced Apple bread and pumpkin pie last week…and thanks for the list Heidi:)
Yes, Heidi, thanks for the Ann Cooper video. I’m going to share it on the Better School Food page on Facebook. Such hugely important stuff.
This is where I have to admit that Ceaser’s Palace really isn’t better than Rome!
Love your site.
You know, I absolutely loved this post! Aaah, and it made me smile watching people throwing coins in the fountain. I did end up using my one-step ordering at Amazon.com though. Argh, that is my addiction, buying books. Oh well, it could be worse.
Loved the roses too. Just a nice post all around — a fun ramble.
I have never seen the Trevi Fountain so I was amazed at the throng of people! Thank you for sharing 🙂
Love your site. Wanted to let you know I made the Roasted Pumpkin salad with butternut and it was fabulous. Such an original combination of ingredients – I never would have thought of using the sunflower seeds and cilantro. My husband was skeptical but really liked it too. Thanks for what you do!
Funny, this time last year I was leaving for Rome myself. Rome is responsible for my roasted chestnut addiction.
Dearest Heidi, I hope you won’t mind asking what kind of camera you’ve used to capture the above shot of the roses? They look so, so gorgeous, and, looking for a camera, I want one that gives such a dreamy effect!
Did you edit the image at all, though? If you did, could you share what you did to it?
Thanks very, very much for your site, which always inspires delight. (:
Thanks so much for sharing the video. The Pantheon on Trevi Fountain are my favorite bits of Rome and it was fun to take a little vacation there today. I love your site- and all the great food that comes out of my kitchen because of it! Thanks!
I’m a huge fan of the blog. Just wanted to let you know I linked you! (http://ovenlove.blogspot.com/2008/10/my-favorites-food-blogs-and-websites.html) Keep up the lovely posts!
I love the noodlr.net website. Simple. I will definitely be visiting the site when I need a small push of inspiration.
Thanks for all the Vimeo suggestions….much, much better. I moved the video from You Tube over.
Great suggestions for the different books – I’ll have to check them out. loved the video too, isn’t people-watching the greatest!
As a nutritionist, I’ll vote for Ann Cooper to be a world spokeswoman! She is so inspiring and sadly right.
A must see video.
Thank you Heidi, for bringing up such an important issue,
They look so cute…
I can image how wonderful they smell…
Goodreads is so great. I’ve received so many fantastic book recommendations. And, I’ve found that it’s a great way to document all of the cookbooks I’ve used and whether or not I liked them. After looking through about a kajillion of them over the years, you begin to forget…
Wow – I am immediately enamored of the goodreads website. This is something that I’m going to have to set up!
Thanks for sharing!
Better quality video? Try vimeo.com
For video: http://www.vimeo.com/
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