Pineapple Coconut Water

Freshly juiced pineapple is at the heart of this quencher - made with coconut water, lime, and straight ginger juice. It's invigorating, fragrant, hydrating, and a pure, intense shade of yellow that somehow tips us off to its strength and vitality before ever picking up the glass.

Pineapple Coconut Water

Once or twice a year, I buy a pineapple. It feels like a strange thing to purchase in San Francisco. Pineapples = hot tropics, beaches, bare feet, and endless summers. San Francisco = fog, wind, Victorian architecture, and year-round denim. I remember driving between San Diego and Northern California, along the Pacific coast, when I was in my early twenties, driving home from college, and coming across a small pineapple farm near Oxnard. But, aside from that, this isn't pineapple country. I never see them at the farmers' markets here, so I don't think about them much. That said, the other day I walked past a tiny pineapple display at my local grocery store, and the scent coming off these fruits was like walking into a thick, sweet wall of intoxicating, tropical brightness. It was the sort of perfume that immediately takes you someplace else, and I could imagine just how good that pineapple, the most fragrant of the lot, was going to taste.

Pineapple Coconut Water Recipe
Pineapple Coconut Water Recipe
Pineapple Coconut Water Recipe

If you've never had absolutely fresh pineapple juice, you are missing out on one of life's simple pleasures. I juiced my little pineapple, enjoyed the first glass straight, and proceeded to use the remaining in this quencher - made with coconut water, lime, and straight ginger juice. It is invigorating, fragrant, hydrating, and a pure, intense shade of yellow that somehow tips us off to its strength and vitality before ever picking up the glass. Enjoy!

Summer Drink Ideas

Juicing Recipes

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Pineapple Coconut Water

4.35 from 20 votes

 I use a juice extractor for the pineapple juice here. I suspect you could also use a blender, or Vitamix, then straining or partial straining? Although, my pal Jeffrey, in his new book - The Bar Book - recommends juicing pineapples by pulsing peeled/cored cubes in a food processor, and then spinning the puree in a double-cheesecloth lined salad spinner. :). To juice ginger, peel the ginger, grate using a microplane grater, then press through a strainer. Or, alternately, use a juicer.

  • 3/4 cup / 180 ml fresh pineapple juice
  • 1/2 cup / 120 ml pure coconut water
  • 1/2 teaspoon pure ginger juice
  • 1 teaspoon runny honey, if needed
  • 1 lime
  1. Combine the pineapple juice, coconut water, and ginger juice in a cocktail shaker or mason jar filled with ice. Shake well, taste, and if needed, add a bit of honey to sweeten. If your pineapple is sweet enough, you won't need much honey, if any.
  2. Fill small, chilled glasses with lots of ice cubes, and razor-thin slices of lime. Pour the pineapple coconut water into the prepared glasses, and finish with an extra squeeze of lime if you like.
Prep Time
5 mins
Total Time
5 mins
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4.35 from 20 votes (20 ratings without comment)

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Just made this and it’s freaking delicious! Thanks for the recipe!

Greg Edwards

Pineapples, coconut water, lime and ginger! Sounds like heaven.
Also, I know the feeling. I discovered a cart a block away from my farmer’s market where a man sells elote and mangoes, peeled and cut up with lime and spices. Now, every so often, I find myself walking away from the local produce to have myself a mango.


It looks delicious but just calling out for the addition of a slug of rum to sip on a summer’s day! Many thanks.


PINEAPPLES!!! I really do love them, but sometimes they just aren’t cold enough.
This! looks like a good fix to that though 🙂 And the color, wow! I’ll be making this as soon as I can.


Hmm… pineapple juice! Haven’t had it for far too long! You’re totally right, it tastes so tropical and sweet – always reminds me of vacation times! The pairing with coconut has left me intrigued – now I know what the next pineapple will be used for 😉 Thanks for sharing!

Sabrina - A Spoonful of Photography

I totally get it how pineapple seems so out of place where you live, it does too in Greece. But strangely I ‘ve found it in couple of places in the country (one of them a small city!) I didn’t know what to do with it so I haven’t bought one yet, but I think I ‘ll try it with the coconut (another things you really don’t find in Greece easily)…:)


OMG! it looks amazing. I like how you mix Pineapple and coconut water to make this delicious drink!


With that color I thought you might have used a splash of coconut milk…I bought my annual pineapple last week. Funny 😉


Nothing beats a fresh pineapple! Growing up in the northern part of NSW in Australia we were always surrounded by these and SO many bananas! Delicious 🙂


I am currently in Bali where a pineapples are abundat and really sweet, not woody. i buy a similar drink every day, with pineapple and fresh coconut and lime, but the ice is blended with the indredients, to make it creamy and mind numbingly cold. They serve a sugar syrup in a little jug on the side. My favourite morning tea here.


Brings back sweet memories of my
childhood school holidays where my grand,however she usually uses the
pineapple and coconut pulp with a bit of sugar .


YUM! what a great idea.. love the flavour combination of pineapple and coconut – definitely takes me back to summer. thanks for sharing another great recipe, it’s one i will be saving!

Thalia @ butter and brioche

Woah, those look really refreshing. Thanks for sharing! Your photos look really pretty, btw!


OMG! The ingredients are all in our kitchen. Gotta try it. We have a lot of pineapples here in the Philippines but honestly, we only have a few drinks that are made with pineapples.

Mister Mischievous

We were given a juicer years ago. We didn’t use it and sold it at a garage sale. We have regretted it since (like when reading this recipe!). I have a food processor and lettuce spinner though. 😉
Interesting how the juice seems to take on an even more intense yellow than the raw fruit. Beautiful!


I just made a variation of your recipe last night, as an alternative to an alcoholic Friday night drink – Just used the VitaMix to blend 12 oz pure coconut water, 1 cup frozen pineapple, a bout 1 TBLSP peeled fresh ginger and 1TBLSP lime juice.
It made two tall glasses of cold slushies! WE loved it. Thanks for the inspiration.


I actually eat several pineapples a week as I live in Thailand, where you can pick up a full pineapple for less than a dollar or half a pineapple already peeled and chopped for less than 40 cents.
I’m never a huge fan of them when I buy them in the US, though, as they’re usually not as fresh or as delicious as they are here. Good for juice I suppose though 🙂


This would be absolutely fantastic after a nice night of mojitos possibly!? Coconut water is apparently one of the most hydrating beverages on Earth!:) Love it.
Thanks for sharing!

Victoria Ross

What a refreshing idea…wish I had a pineapple right now…happy nesting.


Gosh Heidi this looks so good! Wish I was there!


I’m with Annie. A little tipple will make this a happy hour must have. Yum.


How perfect!

Tracy Wood

Are you referring to using a fresh young coconut for the coconut water? – which is great! – and/or, do you have a favorite brand of coconut water?

HS: Hi Heather – generally speaking, I looking for pure coconut water – no sweeteners, extras, etc.


You always seem to bring such an elegance to even the simplest of recipes (like this drink). On another note, I feel fortunate to have two little pineapples growing outside in our backyard garden right now 🙂 Don’t know when to pick them, though!


I would kill for one of these this afternoon – this sounds so delicious!! This wouldn’t be nearly as healthy but a little vodka splashed in there sounds pretty good too 🙂


This juice…wow! I don’t buy pineapple often either living in Switzerland, but I’ll be tempted to this summer.

Katie @ Whole Nourishment

I use only a Vitamix and if I want a ‘juice’ I use cheese cloth and squeeze. That simple.
Made your juice minus honey, it was fantastic!! and I added a couple ice cubes to Vitamix to make it extra cold.


I too only buy pineapple a few times a year. And when I do, I buy a bunch of them, cut em up and freeze so I can enjoy the super sweet ripe pineapple for awhile and make one of my favorite all time drinks – pineapple, kale, fresh lime and coconut water. My drink never looks as beautiful as yours though…so pretty as always.

Aria Alpert Adjani

I buy pineapple a lot – in fact almost always have some. I’ve been making a mix of shredded coconut and my own well water, pineapple, a ginger syrup I use for my own ginger soda – I add my own carbonated water for a drink – kind of an agua fresca. Or, I add some protein powder and make popsicles from the mix. Either way, it is delicious.
I do all in a Vitamix and I don’t strain it – don’t think it needs it, but that is personal preference.
HS: Thanks Liz – love the idea of the shredded coconut – I can imagine with ice – a shredded coconut slushie thing going on. Sounds good.


This juice…wow! I don’t buy pineapple often either living in Switzerland, but I’ll be tempted to this summer.

Katie @ Whole Nourishment

This sounds like the perfect summer drink, and an admirable reason to actually take the time and effort to dissect a pineapple. 🙂 So refreshing!


mmm love refreshing summer cocktails (even if Karl the Fog disagrees 😉 )


Sounds like a good for you Mai Tai! It sounds wonderful.

Marisa Franca @ All Our Way

The colour is gorgeous. I’m not really a juice person but I love coconut water and the kids enjoy pineapple. And the pineapples sold here are enormous so there is always leftovers in the fridge, now I know exactly what to do with it!


Love pineapple (a natural anti inflammatory). It’s now pineapple season, and the only time I buy it. With coconut water and ginger, sounds great as a drink. I make pineapple-mango, coconut water and honey popsicles, and they too are really good.


Heidi, looks delicious but just calling out for the addition of a slug of rum to sip on a summer’s day! It’s midwinter here in NZ and a cold July day but I will tuck this one away for Christmas holidays. Also last Dec (I think) you posted “A Winter Punch” with the rosemary syrup, ginger juice, gin and bubbles. It was made and consumed enthusiastically many times during family holidays at the beach. Many thanks.

HS: Love hearing it Annie! Hope you’re well.

Annie Martin

I love the dash of ginger you add for a nice little zing of flavor!

Amy @ Parsley In My Teeth

I’ll have to try this. I’ve been drinking homemade lemonade with plenty of ice in the morning.
This recipe looks even more refreshing and there are so many health benefits from those ingredients! Will be making it this weekend!


For the second time in two days I really wish I had a juicer.
Our kitchen is so small that the boyfriend won’t let me buy any new appliances. He’s right, we don’t have any room for that. But it’s good to have some one to blame. 🙂
I love pineapples and I think when I visit my mum the next time we’ll have to try that as it sounds wonderful for summertime, ver refreshing!

Tina | Mademoiselle Gourmande

Sounds like the perfect drink for summer! I need to try it.
Ana Leote

Ana Leote

This sounds so good!! Definitely a tropical escape drink 🙂

Katrina @ Warm Vanilla Sugar

Will make this soon in Vitamix.
I was told to keep fresh ginger covered in water in fridge. I wash it first, as I’m using the water for smoothies. It softens the skin and makes peeling easy (as is a spoon when ginger is dry). I use a good deal of it regularly and so far it’s lasted perfectly for 3 weeks.


I always feel conflicted when buying such beautiful fresh fruit. I know it would taste amazing to juice it, but I just can’t bring myself to waste any of the flesh, so I usually end up eating it…
This one, I might have to try though…


This sounds wonderfully refreshing – the perfect summer drink.


What kind of juicer do you have?

HS: Hi Kathy – I have a hand-me-down Waring Professional that my dad gave me.


I adore pineapple juice and coconut water together (and lime!), but I never even considered adding ginger—what a fabulous idea!

Rachael | Spache the Spatula

I love pineapples, and this juice just sounds so refreshing – just what I need here in 40 degree heat!

Jo from yummyvege

I am the same when it comes to pineapples, I hardly ever buy them! My local shop are selling them for cheap now though, and so within two months, I’ve bought three!
The thought of cutting off the peel, and cutting it up might seem like a great effort, which has stopped me from buying them before, but now I have realised that it is SO worth it!
Last night, I was going to make a granita with pineapple, but because I don’t have a juicer and didn’t want to discard the pulp, I made a sort of slush-sorbet instead, and it made for the perfect refreshing dessert in the Summer heat ^ ^ This sounds like such an amazing recipe, I love ginger!
x J

Jules @ WolfItDown

Oh my goodness. This looks like a delightfully refreshing summer drink. I love pineapples! :] //

~ Carmen ~

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